Melina's Weyr


You walk into a cluttered weyr and look around. You immediatly
notice a girl with long brown hair standing by the window looking
out. You clear your throat to catch her attention and it works.
She turns around and looks at you. Then you notice the green firelizard
perched on her shoulder with it's tail a loose necklace around her neck.
The green looks at you and chirps and Melina smiles. "Hello Travler!
I remember you! I have Impressed since you have visited me.
Would you like to see my beautiful green?" You nod and she grins.
When you reach the dragoncouch you see a green adult
just waking from a nap. "Her name is Mylonth! Isn't she beautiful?"
You nod and Mylonth cocks her head to some outside noise and
rushes to her ledge. She bugles to a passing blue and the blue
bugles back. "Mylonth quit flirting with those dragons! She is becoming
such a flirt! I learned to use a flamethrower instead of her chewing firestone,
so she could have a clutch some day.", she explains.
I Impressed her at Jerdan Weyr."  You talk with her awhile and then 
before you leave you look around her weyr. It is just as you remembered it.
A small cot lays along one wall with a chest at the end. A window
with a table underneath looks out into the Weyrbowl. A desk
with several books and papers is against the wall beside the table.
A fireplace is set into the back wall with a door that leads into the
storeroom. She takes you to the storeroom and you look around inside
and after your eyes adjust to the dimness you see shelves and pegs lining
the walls. The shelves are filled with all sorts of supplies. One shelf
holds numbweed, dragon oil and sweet sand.
Another shelf holds a pair of boots, gloves and a helmet and goggles.
The next shelf holds a thick tan riding jacket.
You look at the last shelf and see it holds a bowl of meat scraps.
She sees you looking at it and she explains. "That is Iorlas dinner."
You smile and the both of you go back out into the main weyr.
She then takes you to the dragon's quarter's. Inside the
huge cavern meant for the dragon is spotless. Every surface is cleaned.
The dragoncouch is swept and there is not a crawlerweb anywhere
to be seen. You notice the air in this part of the weyr is spicy with dragon 
scent. There is a hint of sweetsand in the air, but otherwise the air is spicy.
You look back at Melina and indicate you are ready to go back to her
quarters. She nods and you go through the doorway behind her.
"Would you like some klah? I have some freshly made."
You decline and tell her you must go for it is getting late and she
reluctantly agrees. You promise to come back soon and she
smiles as you go out the door.


Name Melina
Age 18
Rank Candidate
Mother Pari
Father Eagon
Pets Iorlas
Impressed At Jerdan Weyr


Dragon Name Mylonth
Age Adult
Rank n/a
Color Green
Sire Bronze Selith
Dam Gold Nepristh
Impressed At Jerdan Weyr


Home/Jerdan Weyr


All graphics on this page are made by the Weyrwoman of
Jerdan Weyr. Please don't take them from me. Go to Jerdan Weyr
and get your own!!!