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Downloading The Little Book On Line

The Little Book On Line citizenship guide may be downloaded, unzipped, and opened as follows:

  1. Click here to download The Little Book On Line (229 KB)

  2. Save the file to disk in a temporary directory such as C:\temp

  3. Use the program PKZIP to unzip the file.

      • If necessary, download a shareware copy of PKZIP for Windows 3.x

      • Double-click The Little Book On Line file, which was saved as C:\temp\

      • On the menu bar of the PKUnZip window that appears, click Select and choose All.

      • Next, on the PKUnZip menu bar, click Unzip and choose Extract Files.

      • Enter the name of a directory (such as C:\little) where you would like the webpages to be saved.

      • Click Extract and then click Done.

  4. Open The Little Book Table of Contents page with a web browser such as Internet
    Explorer or Netscape.
      • If necessary, download the browser of your choice.

      • On the browser's menu bar, click File and choose Open.

      • Type the Table of Contents file (C:\little\little.htm) and click OK.
Download Internet Explorer

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The Little Book On Line is protected by United States copyright law.
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Copyright ©1993, 1994, 1995, 1998 The Church of the Covenant
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Cleveland, OH 44106