Christy Mailing List General Rules

Subject Matter:

This list is for the discussion of the Christy television series and novels.


The volume of mail from the list varies a great deal. Sometimes there are only a few messages a day, sometimes there are dozens.

List Guidelines / House Rules:

Because the list is rapidly growing, there are a few rules and guidelines that I ask everyone to adhere to. If you do not follow them, most times I will warn you via private e-mail. However, if your posts are inflamatory, potentially embarassing or hurtful to other members, or if I consider them beyond acceptable taste or intended to stir up trouble, you can and will be taken off the list.

1) Treat each other, and your subject matter with respect. There is a "no flaming" policy on this list, and we do not accept attacks against other members for any reason. We also don't accept excessive vulgarity. It is fine to disagree with someone. It is also fine to not like something about Christy and to say so. It is HOW you say it that matters. Be polite and civil, and don't insult someone because their opinions are different from your own.

2) Derogatory remarks, insinuations or "jokes" that insult, demean or stereotype an individual or group will not be tolerated on this list. This includes (but is not limited to) comments about religion, race, age and sexual orientation. Anyone breaking this policy will be immediately removed from the list.

3) If you see a post come through that you feel is insulting or intended to provoke, do NOT respond to it by insulting the author or prolonging the topic on the list. In addition to repeating the offensive posts over and over, your coments may not even be seen by the intended recipient if I have already removed them from the list.

Instead, if you find a post offensive, please forward it to Adam Meath ( Chances are, I will see it on my own anyway and deal with it, but I do want to know if you feel something is out of bounds.

4) Please remember that we can not see your face or hear your tone of voice when you post. What you may think is funny or sarcastic may not be seen that way when plain text comes across someone's computer screen.

5) If your mail is bouncing/undeliverable, I will have to temporarily remove you from the list. These problems can be caused by many things, such as a problem with your e-mail account, your server, a full mail box, etc. Since the problem is that you can not get mail anyway, I can not send you any notification! When the problem is cleared up, you are welcome to re-subscribe...I know that things like server problems often happen without advance warning.

A special note to AOL subscribers: AOL's mailboxes can not hold as much un-read mail as most other providers, so at busy times, you may want to collect your mail more frequently.

6) Many of our members are willing to help out other fans in their quests for all things Christy-related! However, responses to such requests, and any subsequent correspondence should take place in private e-mail so that other people don't have to read about whatever private arrangements you make.

Please remember that if someone is making a tape or picking up a souvenir for you, they are not only being generous in offering, but they are going out of their way to do something nice for you. If you can not work out a trade, it is customary to at least provide that person with any extra costs, such as packaging and postage, blank tapes, etc.

Also keep in mind that while most of our members are honest and will follow through with their end of your agreement, the list and those who run it can not be responsible if someone "disappears."

7) Do not send pictures or attachments to the list! If you have something available, offer it on the list and ask those who want it to e-mail you privately.

8) If you disagree with any of the above guidelines and rules, I respect that, but I must ask you to abide by them anyway for the sake of everyone else on the list. It is not that I don't believe in "free speech", but this IS a private list. If you wish to insult other people or talk about things I have asked you not to, I suggest you go to an internet newsgroup or some other more open forum. We are very open-minded here, but all we ask is that people follow a few reasonable guidelines.

9) Have fun! We really hope that the list will provide you and everyone on it with an enjoyable, informative place to talk about, learn more about and share information on Christy.

Adam Meath

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