Black History as 
You have Never Experienced It Before!


From Africa To The Mountaintop

Afrikan Ed-Ventures, Inc.

P.O. box 320675 Birmingham. Alabama 35232 (205) 838-1291

FROM AFRICA TO THE MOUNTAINTOP is a new and exciting educational board game that addresses African American history from an africentric viewpoint. The game covers the African American struggle for freedom historically dating back to 1441. It begins on the shores of Africa where the Portuguese traders first ventured down the coast of west Africa to Angola and began to trade for slaves. It moves through American Slavery, Abolition, Reconstruction, the Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights/Black Power Era of the 1960's and 70's. There are over 250 actual historical incidents referred to in this game. The game highlights important events and personalities from each historical era while showing the valiant effort of African Americans throughout more than 500 years of incessant struggle for self-determination and liberation.

While this game was primarily designed for the benefit of self knowledge and history regarding African Americans, it can also be viewed as a tool to enhance the appreciation of African American culture and history by other ethnic and cultural groups. This game is a must for families, schools, churches, educational systems, and community groups concerned with the multicultural awareness that is so badly needed in American society.

"Specializing in Afro-centric Educational Concepts"

Price: $19.95 - Plus Shipping & Handling $4.50

 (No Sales Tax Outside Alabama
;Alabama Residents, Please Add 7%)

Make Cashier Check or Money Order Payable To:

Afrikan Ed-Ventures
P.O. box 320675 
Birmingham, Alabama 35232
