Ultimate Character Bio


Real name: Henry "Hank" McCoy
Occupation: Student
Identity: Secret
Legal status: Citizen of the United States record
Place of birth: Dunfee, Illinois
Group affiliation: X-Men
Base of operations: Xavier Institute for Gifted Children, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York
First appearance: ULTIMATE X-MEN #1
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

Known superhuman powers: Beast possesses superhuman strength and speed, extraordinary endurance, the agility of an ape, and the acrobatic prowess of an accomplished circus aerialist. His manual and pedal dexterity are so great he can write with both hands at once and tie knots with his toes.

History: Henry McCoy knows full well the dangers facing mutants in the new millennium. His huge hands and feet are obvious signs of his mutation, too often making him the object of fear and hate. Fleeing an abusive home, Hank made his way to New York in time to witness on television the first culling of mutants in Los Angeles.
Suspected of being Homo superior, Hank was caught in the middle of a barroom brawl. Following the altercation, he was asked at gunpoint to vacate the premises. Subsequently, Hank was invited to join Professor Charles Xavier's team of "X-Men" -- and help stop the coming war between humans and mutants.
Aside from his slightly derogatory codename, Hank has taken to the role far quicker than fellow new recruits Colossus and Storm. Bearing a cheerful attitude and genius-level intelligence that contrast with his brutish appearance, the Beast is a star pupil at the Xavier Institute.

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