***** Okay, I know that I have taken forever in getting this chapter out. I actually had writers block! *sniffles* But hopefully I'm all better now, the pills really help....really....they do! The other problem was a personal project of mine. I'm writing a story with some of my own personal characters and it has occupied a lot of my attention. *If anyone is interested in reading it, when I'm finished I intend on posting it on my own personal writing site* But anyways...there should only be about two more chapters of An Angel from Hell. On to the fic! ***** An Angel from Hell By Kayla Chavi Chapter 8 Rating: PG-13 Genre: Alternate/Romance “Hello Darien,” Beryl said as she stood up from her place at my chair. “I heard that you had a very interesting night last night,” she commented idly, as she walked up to me. I narrowed my eyes at her and set down my duster. She stopped a few feet in front of me and she continued to smirk slightly. “I’m amazed, you made Serena a very happy woman,” she taunted, “You gave her exactly what she wanted.” “And what was that?” I raised an eyebrow, deliberately misunderstanding her. “Her soul.” She lightly trailed her fingertips along my jaw and was about to run them over my lips when I grabbed her wrist to stop her. She laughed, “She forgot to mention that didn’t she? Forgot to tell you that you carry her soul?” I clenched my jaw. I didn’t know what she was trying to say, didn’t know what she was trying to tell me. “I already know about the whole soul sharing thing,” I said and shoved her away from me. Beryl laughed again, throwing her head back, “You poor blind mortal,” she said sympathetically, “I don’t mean that. I mean you carry two souls. And every time you screw her you give her that soul,” she paused, “Endymion.” I think that the name was supposed to upset me, and it did, but I didn’t show her that. She didn’t need to know that I hated the man, even though it some weird sense he was me. “Did you know that she looks for you every lifetime?” she asked idly, sitting on the edge of my desk as I just stayed silent, “Did you know that you try to kill her every lifetime? And,” she paused a triumphant smile appeared of her face as she walked over to me, her mouth right next to my ear, “Did you know that every time she kills you?” My eyes widened. I didn’t know what to think. I knew that Serena was a killer, but it never occurred to me that she would ever kill me, in whatever body I was in. “Its just something to think about the next time you ah,” she paused as if searching for the right word. Then she smiled, “exchange souls.” She slowly walked out the door. A few moments later she was gone and I breathed in deeply, unaware I had been holding my breath. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were shaking uncontrollably. I clenched them into fists and did my best not to think. Over and over I went through Beryl’s words in my mind. I just stood in my office, blankly looking at the floor. Serena killed me every time? It didn’t make sense. I would never try to kill her. At least I don’t think that I would try to. How could I kill the woman I loved? After probably hours of long and involved thinking I came to one conclusion. Serena wouldn’t kill me if I didn’t try to kill her. And besides, I couldn’t trust Beryl; she could be lying. I sighed and then went to go look for Rei. I needed to talk to her. Going into her office, I found that she wasn’t in the room. Groaning, I turned to just go out on Patrol, when the book on her desk caught my eye. It was a rather old brown leather book that’s pages looked like they would crumble to dust if it was handled the wrong way. I went over to the desk and looked at the spell that she was interested in. “Life to the Undead,” was the rough translation. I blinked several times and then looked over at the notes that Rei had made. “She’s insane.” That was on a yellow sticky that had been placed on the edge of the page. Another yellow sticky read, “She’s still insane.” I blinked several times. My curiosity was now out of control, I began to look for more yellow stickies. I found two more. One said, “It’s doable.” The other, “He’s going to kill me.” All of this was in Rei’s handwriting but it didn’t make sense. Who was the spell for? Was it for Serena? Why would she want a mortality spell? And who was this he? I sighed and tore myself away from the book. I turned to go and bumped right into Rei. She was leaning against the door frame. She raised an eyebrow and I looked down at the ground, realizing that I had been caught. “See something you like,” she commented dryly, blocking my escape. “I was looking for you,” I said defensively and then gestured to the book, “So?” “So?” she repeated and just looked at me levelly. I sighed, Rei was going to make me beg and plead. She was going to play “Twenty Questions” and I had to grovel. It’s a good thing that I’m not above groveling. “Who’s it for?” “A friend.” I rolled my eyes, “What is this friend’s name?” She sighed and looked like she was battling with herself. After a moment she walked over to her desk and sat down. “Just forget that you saw that Darien.” “Why? Who’s it for?” I pressed. Again my curiosity was getting the better of me. Rei was quiet for a long moment. “I don’t even know what she wants to do with it. All I know is that she wants to do this spell.” I froze. The way she was talking I knew exactly who wanted that spell. Serena. My Angel. Damn it all to hell. * * * I went out on patrol, taking out my new found frustration on anything I could. I kept wondering why Serena wanted that spell. It could be that she wanted to become mortal, it was possible, but to me it seemed unlikely. She was used to the Power that she had, and I don’t think that she would be able to give it up. Maybe she wanted to die. Now that one was more likely. Maybe she had gotten sick of immortality and was ready to die. But that still didn’t make sense. There was no guarantee that she would be reborn and that we would meet again. Serena was very caught up in the idea of eternal love. I’m not sure why, but if what Beryl said was true, if what that man from the ball had implied was true, and if what Jedeite had told me was true, then Serena thought that we were soul mates. Soul Mates. Is that even possible? I sighed as I came back to my apartment. I was tired and exhausted, but faintly pleased when I felt Serena’s presence. I slumped to the couch and closed my eyes. A moment I felt her cold arms encircle me and she pulled me down so that my head was resting in her lap. She lightly ran her fingers through my hair and lightly touched my face. “Was tonight that bad?” she asked gently and I just moaned into her lap. She laughed softly and held me. I couldn’t believe that barely twenty-four hours ago, I had been making love to her. It just seemed like the day had lasted forever. “Here,” she shift us so that we were lying side by side on the couch, my head cushioned by her stomach. “Tell me about your day,” she said, sounding like an attentive girlfriend, not something that feeds off the living to survive. “Long. Hard. Yellow stickies. Old Book. Rei. Patrol. Home. Girlfriend.” She laughed and I took that opportunity to breathe in the sent of her. God, she smelled wonderful. “I’m sorry you had a bad day,” she said sweetly and then shifted again so that we were both eye level with each other. “Let me make it all better,” she said innocently. I raised an eyebrow, she was being even more innocent and young than normal. I knew that it should have worried me, but at that moment I was too caught up in how blue her eyes were. I get distracted easily. She smiled and then kissed me softly. I never got the opportunity to talk to her about the spell. Suddenly I didn’t feel so tired anymore. * * * Shamefully, I fell asleep soon afterwards. We had managed to get to my bed, so I held Serena and then I was soon asleep. I think that was her intent, but I still felt ashamed. Though that night I had the strangest dream. Suddenly I had very, very long hair and was wearing something that looked like it came out of a fairy tale. I was standing in a library with a woman was resembled Beryl. I wanted to ask questions but its like I had been given a script and had to play a part. All of my lines had been chosen for me. The door to the library opened and in walked a beautiful young girl. Her hair was a dark auburn with light red highlights. Her eyes were a dark aquamarine. She paled slightly when she saw the other woman. Then it hit me. This was Serena, I recognized her from that picture. The woman was probably Beryl and I was playing the part of Endymion. Wonderful. I get to be the man I hate. Ironic I’m sure. Serena narrowed her eyes hatefully, “What is she doing here?” Beryl just smirked and didn’t say anything. Apparently I was angry about something, so I looked at Serena accusingly. She saw my look and paled. “Endy....what is she doing here?” she repeated again, looking at me worried. “She had been telling me something very interesting,” I said coldly. Beryl stood and smiled. She had done what she wanted to do. I wish the dream had started earlier so I knew what she had told me that had me so upset. “My Lord, I’ll leave you and your.....wife alone. This is obviously now a private matter.” I saw Serena narrow her eyes and then look at Beryl coldly. I saw her lips move slightly and then Beryl paled. In a blur of movement she was gone. “What did she say to you to make you hate me?” Serena asked me quietly looking down at the ground. I sighed and my anger was suddenly gone. Apparently that was something that both Endymion and I shared. We just couldn’t stay angry at her. “I don’t hate you. I’m just confused.” “About what? Maybe I can help.” She tentatively took me by the hand and drew me over to the couch. She pulled me to sit down next to her. “She told me that you......” “I what?” she asked gently. She slipped her small cold hand into mine. Her large aquamarine eyes looked up into my own. Gods, she seemed so innocent. So young. “That you were unfaithful to me,” I said and then immediately felt stupid. How could I not trust my wife? She smiled and then looked very relieved for a second. “And do you believe her?” she said and then made me look at her. “I am your wife Endymion. Yours and yours alone. I would never dishonor you. I thought you knew that.” “I do!” I said a little more forcefully and then flushed. She was right. I sighed and then hung my head, “I’m sorry I doubted you.” Serena gently made me look at her. “That’s okay. You had a reason to doubt. I just hope that next time Berylka tells you something that you’ll come to me first. Remember, she’s not exactly human. We can’t trust her.” She lightly kissed me, “Now, I know you have a meeting to go to.” I laughed and then nodded standing up. “I’m sorry.” I said again. She smiled, “I know. Now go.” I kissed her and then went to the door and down the hall. I thought the dream would end then, but it didn’t. Apparently Endymion forgot something because he went back to the small library. I stopped outside the door, hearing voices. “I’m impressed, Senna,” a deep male voice said and I was able to see him through the crack in the door. The change in Serena was amazing. She didn’t look so young anymore. Her eyes were cold. “He believes every word you say.” “Dame, please,” she whispered, “I don’t need this right now. I just want to be with him. He’s my husband. He’s my soul.” He sighed and went over to her. I felt this surge of jealousy as he lightly touched her face. “I don’t like seeing you so distressed, j’thia.” “I’m fine,” she said and then smiled, “Besides, he loves me, what more could I want?” The man sighed and then lightly kissed her forehead before taking her hand and kissing it. “You really want me to leave?” he asked and I narrowed my eyes as I saw her look up at him. He lightly bit her wrist and I heard her breathe in sharply. “Yes,” I heard her gasp and then wrench her hand away. I looked at her and paled. Gods, she was glowing. She was one of them. And then I woke up. My breathing was hard and shallow, like I couldn’t get enough air. It was like I had been scared out of my mind. I looked down to see that Serena was resting her head on my chest. I sighed and ran my fingers through her hair. Why? Why this dream? Why now? Why? * * * I bolted awake, scared out of my mind. Jedeite stirred next to me and blinked tiredly. “Reishe, what is it?” he asked quietly as I tried to get my labored breathing under control. He drew me to lay back down next to him, cradling me in his arms. “Nightmare,” I said and then sighed, “It was only a dream.” “Tell me about it,” he said gently. He lightly stroked my sweat soaked hair and I began to feel a little calmer. “I was standing as part of a triumphurate with you and Amy,” I said quietly and closed my eyes tightly. “In the center was a fire and we were whispering some incantation. We....we were interrupted,” I clutched him as I remembered, “Something went terribly wrong. Something was wrong.” “What?” he asked me gently, lightly kissing my forehead. “I don’t know,” I whimpered and buried my face into his chest. “Something terrible.” He was quiet for a long time before he hugged me to him fiercely. “It was just a dream,” he whispered, “Don’t think about it.” He was lying. I could tell. It wasn’t just a dream, it had meant something to him. “Jedeite?” I whispered and was about to ask a question when he kissed me, stopping all thoughts and words. “Don’t think,” he murmured when he let me up for air. “Just don’t think.” * * * “I think the spell is a bad idea Serena,” Jedeite said to me. I sighed and rolled onto my back. We were laying on the floor of my studio apartment. I was getting ash all over the place. I had a dream the night before and it was making me nervous and when I was nervous I smoked. Weird but true. I didn’t get a buzz or anything, but I liked blowing smoke in and out of my dead lungs. It made for a very interesting feeling. So I was lying on the floor, looking like slutty trash in tight skimpy black leather and a cigarette all because of my stupid dream. It’s not like it was an important even or anything. All that happened was Endymion confronting me about something Berylka had told him. And come to think about it, why the hell had he been listening to her anyway? I sighed, obsessing on this dream wouldn’t do me any good, so I turned my attention back to Jedeite who was now trying to get my attention by lightly tickling my stomach. “Stop,” I giggled. “I really think this is a bad idea,” he repeated. “I don’t think so,” I said lighting up another cigarette. Four empty packs laid on the floor next to me. I flicked on the lighter and watched the flame for a minute before Jedeite took it away from me. “Stop,” he said irritably, “You look like trash when you do this. What would Darien think?” “He would probably obsess on it for days wondering what it meant. Now give me my lighter.” “Serena,” his voice was warning and I laughed. “Fine,” I pouted and finished off the cigarette and dumped it on the floor with the rest of the butts. “I don’t want you to do that spell. Just kill her outright. No pomp and circumstance,” he said going back to the original topic of our pointless conversation. “This is the only way. I can’t kill her the way she is now. Damien won’t let me.” “But he’ll let you make her mortal?” Jedeite raised an eyebrow and I grinned. “Damien let’s me do what I want, with the exception of killing her outright.” He gave the equivalent of a vampire sigh and then rolled over, tackling me. “You’re going to get yourself killed. Reishe--” “Rei felt something bad happen, that’s all,” I said looking up at him. “Not all of her prophesies come true.” “But most of them do!” he nearly shouted and shook me. “Why aren’t you listening to me Serena?!” “Because you’re worried about nothing,” I said calmly. “I’m worried about you.” “I can see that, but you have nothing to worry about. I always come out on top.” I looked him over and he groaned, “Always.” He sighed again and before he could move I flipped us over so that I was on top. I straddled him and held him in place. “See.” “You’re right. You win. Now get off of me before someone sees us,” he teased and slid his hands up my legs to rest on my hips. I laughed and then leaned down and kissed him before rolling off and standing up. He stood as well and then made me look at him. “Promise me you’ll be careful.” “Jedeite....” “Promise me!” he nearly shouted. He shook me with a strength that would get him thrown in jail nowadays. I sighed, “Very well....I promise that I’ll do my best to be careful. Now I have a date, can I go?” He laughed and kissed my forehead, “I knew there was a reason you were in leather,” he teased and I giggled. “Go knock him out.” * * * I nearly passed out when I saw Serena walk into my office. Sure I had seen her in leather before, leather was her favorite type of clothing, but this time it was just..... Wow. “Now,” she said smiling, “Are we going dancing or not?” she teased. I managed to nod and before shaking my head to clear it. I finally regained my ability to speak as I was grabbing my black duster. “Where we going?” I asked somewhat calmly, shrugging on my jacket and following her out. “That new club,” she grinned, “I had fun the last time.” I groaned inwardly and then sighed, “This time, don’t hurt anyone,” I warned. She giggled and slid her hands up my chest and linked them around my neck. “You have nothing to worry about,” she teased and I sighed again, this time wrapping my arms around her waist. “Promise me,” I said seriously, looking down at her intently. Serena smiled and lightly touched my face before kissing me softly, “I promise.” “Good.” I hugged her tightly burying my face in her hair. I sniffed when I smelt something odd. “You smoke?” I looked at her confused. She laughed and then nodded. “Why?” I couldn’t understand why she would smoke. It just seemed so...so...skanky. “I’m obsessive compulsive,” she said seriously looking up at me, “So I smoke.” I looked at her surprised. She must have seen the blank look on my face because she started laughing again. “Seriously Darien, does there have to be a reason for everything? You obsess way too much.” “When you’re the vamp in question?” I raised an eyebrow, “Always.” I sighed and then grinned, kissing her softly before we went to the club. Though something didn’t seem right. Something was either different about her, or she was worried. And that worried me. Serena was never worried about anything. She was always calm and collected. Everything she did had a purpose and a reason. That’s why the smoking thing threw me. Why would she smoke unless she was nervous? However, I knew that I would never get the answer to these questions. When your girlfriend is Serena, you don’t get a lot of time to think. * * * I didn’t see Serena for almost a week after that. I was unsettled the whole time. I wasn’t aware of how much time I spent around her. I was feeling very deprived. It also seemed like the vampire and demon activity picked up. I was having to face more vampires and demons per night than I had ever had before. And that worried me. The only time that there was an increase was when a there was Unstoppable Evil rising. I didn’t want to have to stop an Unstoppable Evil again. The last time nearly killed me. I never want to see another fagar demon again. I sighed as I finished my patrol and went by my office. I didn’t expect anyone to be there. Rei had a date with Jedeite (big surprise) and Amy had managed to get a date as well. Apparently Zoisite likes blue hair, though I don’t know what possessed Ames to dye it. I was the only one without a date on a Friday night. So when I felt a vampire presence coming from my office I had a small spark of hope. Maybe it was Serena! Then I frowned. It couldn’t be her, this was a different vampire, and it sure as hell wasn’t Beryl. I readied myself before quickly opening the door. Sitting there was the man from the ball and the dream. He looked up at me from my chair, his feet on my desk, and he smiled. “I was wondering what was taking you so long,” he said and then looked at the silver katana in my hand, “You’re not going to need that,” he said simply and locked eyes with me. I just looked at him for a long time, “I’ll be the judge of that,” I said after a moment. He raised an eyebrow, surprised. I think that he had been trying to coerce me into sheathing my Blessed Sword, but either I’m immune or he’s not as good as he thinks he is. He then smiled faintly and I did my best to recall his name. Serena called him Dame in the dream but I know that wasn’t it. She said it affectionately. He slowly got his feet off of my desk and stood up from the chair. I watched him warily, the last thing I wanted was another fistful of fire aimed at me. “I’m impressed,” he said after a moment. “The last time we were like this you had just hurt Senna again and I was preparing to kill you. You looked a lot more afraid then.” I raised an eyebrow, “Considering I don’t remember the last time, I don’t have anything to be afraid of.” He looked at me for a moment before laughing. “Good point. If it weren’t for the fact that you are who you are, then I would like you Darien,” he said, “You’re a good man with just the right amount of *kagi*” “Really,” I said dryly having no idea what kagi meant and it didn’t look like he was going to explain. “What do you want?” I asked after a moment. “What I want every time Darien. I want you to not hurt Serena.” “What makes you think that I’m going too?” “Because you do every time.” I narrowed my eyes, “I’m getting sick and tired of being compared to those men in the past. I’m not them. I have no intention of hurting Serena.” “You never do.” God, this vampire was starting to get on my nerves. “Why do you worry so much?” I finally asked exasperated. His gold eyes flashed dangerously, “Because I care about her,” he said quietly, his voice bordering on dangerous. I dared to look in his eyes and my own widened considerably. I was able to see emotion in those eyes. “You love her,” I said simply, amazed. He clenched his jaw, “All of my existence I searched for a woman like Serena. When I found her I was so happy, nothing in your mortal tongue can describe how I felt. Then I found out that she was married to a bastard. A man who claimed to love her and then at the time when love mattered most he discarded her. He treated her like filth and called her worse than a whore. That man was Endymion. I hated him with every part of me, but still my angel loved him. Even making her my Consort didn’t help. So yes, Darien Kincaid, I love her. I love her more than you could ever know or understand. More than you ever could.” Silence. I didn’t know how to respond to that. We were quiet for a very long time before he sighed. “But none of that matters. Serena is going to attempt something very dangerous. I have no idea what it is and she won’t tell me. She loves you Darien. Watch out for her, because if you let something happen to her....” he looked me straight in the eye, “I will kill you and destroy your soul.” I think that I actually stopped living when he said that. It takes a great deal of Power to destroy a soul. I like mine where it is, thank you. I nodded numbly. God he loved her. He loved her more than I did. I never felt more unworthy to care about someone than I did in that instant. I was going to try to respond when he was just suddenly gone. I sighed. Damn. I still didn’t know his name. “That was interesting,” a quiet voice remarked behind me. I turned around surprised, not knowing that anyone had overheard what had been said. Standing in the doorway was Serena. She smiled and closed the door behind her and walked over to me. She was silent for a minute before leaning up and kissing me softly. She then rested her head against my chest and my arms automatically went around her holding her to me. I rested my head on top of hers. “How much did you hear?” I asked after a moment. “Pretty much all of it,” she laughed quietly, “Though Damien didn’t know that I was here. You would think that after all these years he would be able to.” “You mean he can’t feel your presence?” I looked down at her confused. Though I was happy, finally I knew this guys name! “Well, he can, but only when he’s looking for me. Dame wasn’t thinking when he told you all of that.” She hugged me tighter. “Was all of that true?” I asked after a moment, “I mean the part where Endymion rejected you.” I felt her shudder and tense slightly. “Yes,” she whispered. “God, Rena I’m so sorry,” I whispered, “He shouldn’t have done that.” She laughed ironically and this time I understood the inside joke. I sighed and then looked down at her intently. “Rena, there is something that you should know,” I pulled her back so I could look into her stunning blue eyes. “I know Darien,” she smiled, “You’ve already told me that.” “Let me say it again.” She giggled and then nodded, looking up at me with wide innocent eyes, “What is it that you want me to know?” “I love you.” I whispered. “I know that,” she interrupted. “Let me finish,” I said and she giggled again. “Very well.” I sighed and kissed her forehead. “I love you and I want you to know that I could never do what Endymion did. I don’t care if I’m him or not. I love you too much to just throw you away. I think that I would die if I couldn’t be with you, Rena.” She looked up at me sadly and then kissed me. “I know,” she whispered and I looked at her confused, but it didn’t look like she was willing to explain. That was fine with me, I wasn’t going to push anything. I hugged her to me tightly and I realized how far I had come since meeting her. I used to believe that she wanted to kill me. All she was after was a good time in bed before she drained me dry. I used to think that she was incapable of any real human emotion. I was so wrong. Now I can see how beautiful she is. How human. I can see how lost I would be without her in my life. She was mine, just as I was hers. We belonged to each other. For some reason I knew that we always had and we always will. It should have bothered me, but it didn’t. All I could think about was the angel in my arms. My Angel from Hell. * * * “I’d never thought I see the day when Darien Kincaid would be brought to his knees by a mere woman.” I glared furiously at Rei as we shopped. What were we shopping for? A Valentine’s Day gift for Serena. “Shut up already, Rei,” I nearly snarled. I was frustrated and my friend wasn’t helping. “And besides, Rena is not a mere woman.” “That’s right, she can kick your ass all the way to tomorrow,” she teased. I sighed, “Remind me why I brought you along?” She grinned, “Because I’m a woman and I’m also dating the Undead. Therefore I believe that I know more about getting a Valentine’s Day gift that you do.” “You know, there is a reason why I was always single on heart day,” I muttered and then looked over at a jewelry shop. Rei followed my gaze and began to shake her head, “Jewelry is just so...so....so...” she said looking for the right word and then her eyes opened wide, “What are *they* doing here?” she looked up at me blankly. Jedeite and Serena were looking at pieces of jewelry in the display cases. To the ordinary person they looked like a happy couple looking at engagement rings. I was just as surprised as Rei, I didn’t expect to see them here. I mean it was broad daylight outside! “Come on,” I said to Rei taking her hand and feeling like a teenager, “I want to spy.” “You know that they are going to feel us the moment we get close to them,” she said letting me drag her. “Not if I can help it,” I grinned and thought up the only spell I could perform. It was a spell that hid my presence from vampires. “You devil!” Rei teased but we both hid, listening to Serena and Jedeite’s conversation. * * * “I never thought I’d see the day when Jedeite Priest would be brought to his knees by a mere woman,” I teased Jedeite as we were shopping. We were walking through the crowded mall, his arm lightly around my waist. He shot me a deadly glare. What were we shopping for? Rei’s Valentine’s Day gift. Jedeite insisted that he was going to follow that mortal tradition. Secretly I was hoping that Darien would get me something, but I would never tell my blond companion that. “Shut up already, Sere,” he growled at me and I giggled, “Besides, Rei is hardly an ordinary woman.” I raised an eyebrow, “You can say that again.“ “Tell me again why I brought you along with me?” “Because you love me,” I said simply, “and I’m a woman and I’ve known Rei longer than you have. I know what she likes. Besides I asked Darien what she likes and he’s known her longer than both of us. So there,” I stuck my tongue out at him. He sighed and then looked down at me, “Are you done teasing me so you can help me or are you going to be annoying some more?” I sighed and looked up at him wide eyed. “I’ll be good,” I promised and he rolled his eyes. Suddenly I pulled out of his hold. “Serena!” he called after me, following me to the quaint little jewelry shop I had found. “Why do you have to be so fast?” he muttered, slipping his arm back around my waist as we looked at the jewelry. I just giggled and looked down at the rings. “There,” I pointed to a delicate gold ring that had a small ruby in the middle of it. “That’s what you should get.” He looked at me worriedly, “Rings have special meanings nowadays,” he said, “Reishe--” “Trust me Jedeite. You want to show her that you’re going to be around and that you’re not going to eat her.” He raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes, “I meant as in the food sense, not the guy-way-of-thinking-sense.” He laughed quietly and then sighed, “I do want to tell her that....but....” “But?” “Do you think she’s ready? I mean, I don’t want to have her feel trapped if she finds someone else.” I sighed and then made him look at me, “Jedeite, she’s not going to find someone else. Trust me on this one. Have I ever let you down?” He smiled, “No...” “Then what are you worried about?” I demanded. “Besides if she does fall for someone else you can just kill them.” He laughed out loud, “Thank you ever so much Serena,” he said dryly and then turned to the lady behind the counter. “I’ll get that one,” he said pointing to the ring. She smiled, “Excellent choice sir,” she said and wrapped it up. A moment later she handed the small velvet box to Jedeite. I smiled as he placed it in his pocket and then took his hand. “Now, I’ve found the perfect gift for Darien,” I said pulling him away from the jewelry counter. * * * Rei and I walked up to the counter and I looked down at her. There was this awed look on her face and she was starting to stare off into space. “I thought you didn’t go for jewelry,” I teased to get her out of it. “Shut up,” she muttered and then sighed. I saw a smile start to creep into the corners of her mouth. She suddenly threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly, laughing to herself quietly. “He loves me,” she said happily. I rolled my eyes, “I could have told you that,” I joked and she lightly punched me in the stomach. “Now,” I said and looked around, “Help?” * * * It was snowing heavily outside. Still two days until Valentine’s Day and it was snowing. It wasn’t snowing this time last year. I was pouting, I hate the snow. I hate the cold. I hate--- There was a quiet giggle at the door of my office and I looked up and smiled immediately when I saw her. “It’s snowing,” she said and walked over to me. “Tell me something I don’t know,” I muttered. She laughed again, “Let’s go play outside in it,” she said and looked up at me with her wide blue eyes. “Please Darien?” she begged slipping her arms around my neck when she saw that I didn’t look particularly pleased with the idea. “Please?” I sighed, “Rena....I--” “Please, Darien?” she whispered and began to place little butterfly kisses all along my jaw and throat. “Rena....” “Please?” I sighed and then nodded. She nearly bounced with joy, giving me only a few seconds to grab my duster and then pulled me outside. She drug me to Central Park as quick as she could without carrying me and then once there, pushed me down in the snow. I was surprised to say the least. I was even more surprised when she lobbed a snowball in my face. Serena giggled and then another snowball hit me. “That’s it!” I grabbed some snow and then threw it at her, hitting her in the stomach. She grinned and then we were locked in a snowball fight, just the two of us. An hour later I was breathless and we both were covered in snow and lying down on the ground. “Do you surrender?” I asked her, looking over at where she lay, a few feet away from me. She laughed quietly, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were even bluer than before we had started. “Never,” she grinned and then crawled over to me, “but,” she put her head on my shoulder, “I might consider a brief cease fire.” “Okay,” I said and put my arm around her shoulders. It began to snow again and Serena became entranced by it. I smiled at her expression and then kissed her temple. “It’s getting cold,” I commented after a long while. She looked up at me and smiled. “I know,” she said and then slowly sat up, pulling me with her. “You know,” she commented quietly, “It’s almost been a year.” “What?” I looked at her confused, “A year for what?” She smiled slightly, “Since we met in that alley and you killed Alan.” “Really?” I was surprised, I thought about it and then realized that it had been a year. Well, in two days it would be a year. “Would that be our anniversary then?” She looked at me surprised. I don’t think that she thought I would have thought of it that way. But it really kinda was. And besides, I’m a wannabe romantic. Valentine’s day would be the perfect day for our anniversary. Slowly Serena smiled, “Yeah, I guess it would be.” She wrapped her arms around me and we held each other for a very long time. “I love you, Darien Kincaid,” she whispered. * * * “I’ll see you later, Darien,” Rei called from her office as she was packing up her things. “Bright and Late on Monday.” “See ya,” I called back and got the rest of my desk straightened. Tomorrow was Valentine’s Day and I had my gift for Serena wrapped and ready to give her. I grabbed my black duster and was on my way out when I stopped. I felt like I was surrounded by vampires, but I couldn’t see any. I dropped the things I was holding onto the floor and drew the Blessed Sword out of the holster on my back and stood there in silence. I didn’t move and the dark office was completely silent. I was starting to get frustrated. I knew that they were here but couldn’t see them. Even though I knew the attack was going to come, it was unexpected. They came at me from all sides and held me tightly. A large one knocked my sword away from me and they pinned my arms. There was a cold laughter of a woman and I looked up. I should have expected this. Really, I should have. Beryl. She just smiled at me and slowly walked up to me. “I want you to imagine something for me,” she murmured, standing uncomfortably close. “I want you to imagine your death and rebirth. A rebirth where you call me Maker. A rebirth in which you belong to me.” “Never.” She smiled again, and I was starting to get very annoyed. I hated her smile. “Then I want you to imagine your death. In which you go to wherever it is that that dead souls go and when you’re reborn you will hurt Serena even more by your very presence.” I glared at her, struggling mightily against the vampires holding me. If only I could get my Sword, I might have a chance. “Either way, you die.” That was the last thing I remembered before I felt a searing pain in my neck and then blackness. *~*~* “Why have you brought him here?” “To let you watch him die, Father. You hate this man, it is your chance to watch him die.” “And have Serena hate me forever?” Silence. “That’s exactly what you want, isn’t it Child.” “If she hates you, then maybe you’ll realize that I should be--” “My Consort? Never. Get out of my sight, Beryl. If I see you again, it will be too soon and I will kill you.” “But--” “Leave.” There was the rustling of fabric and the closing of a door. I kept trying to open my eyes, but it was to no avail, I knew I was dying. There was nothing I could do to stop that. The only thing I was grateful for was that Beryl hadn’t decided to make me a vampire. I felt a dark shadow fall over me. “The Gods must mock me,” I heard him murmur. “They are forcing me to chose between the one I love and need and her happiness. Oh well, at least you’ll hate me and not her. Remember what I said, Endymion, I will kill you if you hurt her.” Then I felt something at my mouth. Part of my conscious mind new what was happening, the other part didn’t and accepted the cold liquid into my mouth. It slid down my throat and I swallowed. More and more came down and with it Power. And the Ecstasy. God. I was dying. I was dying. Dying. And I didn’t care.