With a movement too swift for Usagi to evade, he drew her up against him and crushed his mouth against hers. Usagi went instantly limp. she thought mutinously. Granted, it was the last thought she had. His senses were instantly flooded. Every taste, breath, touch was identical and equally as erotic. The moment his lips had touched hers he had known beyond a shadow of a doubt that his Odango was not a regular girl. His Sailor Moon was not a regular superhero. Both were Tsukino Usagi. Yet, even though he had his answer in a matter of milliseconds, he couldn't end the kiss. He didn't want to end the kiss. This time he poured into her mouth the passion he had been keeping at bay all morning, the passion he had accumulated for her since the time they had met. And the passion he held for a certain short-skirted hero. Usagi wasn't sure she was breathing any longer. She realized she didn't care. This kiss could make the one in the school seem innocent. This kiss was threatening to send the dressing room into flames. Mamoru slanted her head backwards and delved into her mouth. A tiny mewl of surprise escaped her throat before she decided to return the favor. Their mouths dueled hungrily as her fingers dug tentatively into the muscled expanse of his shoulders. If she had had any more doubts--which she didn't--she would know this instant that Mamoru was Tuxedo Mask. The smoky taste of chocolate was heavy on her tongue. Again, place and time were forgotten. A school marching band could have filed into the room and they would never have noticed. Mamoru's hand climbed unerringly to her hair, tangling behind her head and using it to guide her sideways, to hold her mouth still for further exploration. He groaned and lost himself in the sensation of kissing Odango Atama and Sailor Moon all at once. The minutes passed. Somewhere in the back of Mamoru's mind niggled the thought that the kiss had long ago surpassed the limit of what was descent. However, that thought was stomped down with vicious glee and the resounding shout of "I DON'T CARE!" The girl in his arms was like liquid sunshine, so warm and soft ...and the kiss was utterly blinding, as when you stare at the sun straight on. Her small hands had fisted around his neck to grip his hair tightly when she'd found that her feet were no longer touching the floor. During some heated moment, Mamoru had wrapped strong arms around her waist and simply hauled her up, bracing the rest of her weight against the wall. She had not minded in the least. Thus, lost in each other, they were quite surprised when they were pushed even closer together, as impossible as it seemed, and pushed hard. Mamoru jerked his mouth away with a slight hiss of pain as his bottom lip protested angrily to the sudden movement. Damn lip had been giving himmore trouble than he ever would have anticipated... He turned still-dazed eyes to see what had bumped him from behind. He was met with an array of four pairs of different-colored eyes, staring at him with undisguised curiosity. Hell, that was one heck of a kiss if he was suddenly hallucinating. Groaning softly, he let his head drop to Usagi's shoulder. She stiffened for a second at the unfamiliar feeling of having the weight of his head nestle close to her neck, but slowly relaxed and let her fingers play with gently along the hard lines of his biceps, straining as they held her off the ground. With her eyes closed, mind spinning in dizzying circles, she thought she would like to stay like this forever. Not think about what her being here, with him like this, meant; not think about what the other Senshi would say if they ever found ou--