I cannot believe that it took me the entire summer to finish one story. oy vey...so many things have happened in my life in the last few months, and I guess you could say this story gave more to think about than I had expected. Thanks to all of you who put up with me for the last few months. Now I'm the end of my first week of school (not to mention the antics of having roommates again ^_~) so who knows what will lay in store for me. Before I let you get onto the important stuff, I have to thank the group of people responsible for helping me all along the way with this: Sailor Europa and Sidnei for your late night brainstorming sessions, as well as Azurite (Andi), Mehgth and Auston. Each of them are talented writers in their own right, so I encourage all of you to read their work as well. Now, onto the good stuff! Hey, did anyone catch the cameo senshi in the last chapter? See if you can spot it in this one... *grin* You think of a disclaimer right now, I'm too busy trying to remember how to study... :P More Than Meets the Eye chapter four by Sailor Elysia [julcie@juno.com] Rating: gee golly whiz, I still think it's a G. The next few days were all a blur to Usagi. Dr. Kenko wanted Mamoru in the hospital the night before the operation so they could monitor him for every little thing. Not wanting to leave his side for a minute, Usagi followed silently behind them throughout everything, only once leaving his room that evening to talk things over with the doctor. She had heard him mention something under his breath to one of the nurses, and what she had caught of it had concerned her. As soon as they were out in the hallway, she pulled the doctor aside. "Kenko-sensei, just how serious are the consequences? Please, I need to know." Dr. Kenko glanced at Usagi, and sighed deeply as they started to walk back out to the waiting room. "Well, I wasn't going to tell you everything, what with your condition and all." Usagi's eyes widened. "What do you mean by 'everything'?" He sighed again. "In these types of cases Usagi-san, it's not the actual operation that is so risky, although there are chances the operation may not work at all. What we are worried about the most is the consequences that could happen after the operation is over. It's been sixteen years since your husband has had use of his eyes. He's grown accustomed to the blind world, and to throw him back into the world of sight like we are about to do is what we are worried about the most. The effect of regaining his sight almost immediately is something large enough to throw him into shock, maybe even cause permanent damage to the way Mamoru-san functions now." So what you're saying is that this whole operation could be enough to throw him into a deep shock, and possibly even kill him?" Usagi hoped her inhibitions were wrong. Dr. Kenko's brows furrowed, and he placed a hand on Usagi's shoulder. "Iie, I wouldn't think like that, Usagi-san. This operation has been performed over in the States a few times before, and as far as we know, they've never documented a case like that. I hate to say it, but I wouldn't rule out any possibilities until the operation is over and we're absolutely sure." The doctor looked sympathetically at her. "I suggest you get some rest, Usagi-san. We'll call you if anything comes up." ^*^*^*^*^*^ That night, Usagi couldn't sleep a wink. It was hard enough to sleep without Mamoru by her side to comfort her, but to think that he was alone in that hospital room, awaiting an operation that would decide his fate forever was too much for her to bear. The doctor's words echoed inside her mind. "'I wouldn't rule out any possibilities until the operation is over and we're absolutely sure. . .'" Gathering the thin jacket around her shivering figure, she laid quietly in the dark, slowly breathing in and out, trying to psyche herself out of the fear she felt within. Being alone caused her thoughts to start wandering again, and soon she was drifting off into a dream world unlike she had ever known. . . . . .holding a small, chubby hand in her own, she guided the happy child to the large doors of the elementary school, a pride welling up within her soul that this child, her own flesh and blood was growing up so well. As Usagi transferred the little hand into that of the cheerful teacher, she waved goodbye with a smile, and left with the sincere promise that she would return later in the day. Standing outside the entrance of the school, a sudden lurch in her heart made Usagi falter. Someone else should have been standing next to her on this day. He should have been here, watching his child enter school for the first time. And yet, he wasn't. Because of one simple and naive wish that they had both wanted so badly, he could never be. Not in this life. . . Usagi shot up from the couch she had fallen asleep on, sweat dripping down her face, matting her hair to her face and neck. A pain shot through her, and her hand stole down to her stomach, where she thought she felt something, not sure of it was the baby or her own queasiness. "My baby. . ." she whispered. "I couldn't bear to lose Mamo-chan. Not now, not when I need him so much." Her mind made up, Usagi jumped from the lumpy couch in the waiting room, and ran down the hallway to Mamoru's room. ^*^*^*^*^*^ Clutching her light jacket together, Usagi pleaded with the nurse in desperation. She glanced at the name tag on the nurse's shirt. "Please, Mizuno-san, you just have to let me see him, I have to talk with him, before tomorrow comes." Ami was about to protest again, but she saw the amount of pleading in Usagi's eyes and couldn't do it. She knew herself that if someone forbade her to see her husband that she wouldn't stand for it. She sighed in agreement. "All right, Usagi-san, but you can't keep him up all night. Mamoru-san has to be well rested for tomorrow." Usagi nodded mutely, and walked down the stark and dreadfully silent hallway to Mamoru's room. Rapping lightly on the open wooden door, Usagi glanced into the room that was lit only by the dim light from the hallway. She hated to wake him from the peaceful sleep he appeared to be in. "Mamo-chan?" she whispered softly, loud enough to get his attention if he happened to be awake, but softly enough not to bother him if he wasn't. Sure enough, he was awake, but just barely. "Usako?" he called out groggily, turning his head in the direction of the doorway. "Are you all right? What time is it? How did you get past the nurse?" he replied with a chuckle. Sighing in relief that she hadn't awakened him, Usagi rushed into the room and sat down at Mamoru's bedside. Taking his hand in hers, she clasped it tightly in her own, and sat there in silence, her emotions preventing her from saying anything more. Mamoru realized that something more was bothering his wife, more than she was leading on to. Sitting up in the bed and leaning forward to prop a pillow behind him, his other hand came up and grazed the side of Usagi's face softly. "Usako, daijobu? I sense there's something you aren't telling me." She sighed in defeat, knowing that she couldn't keep any of it hidden for long. "Mamo-chan, I'm so worried," Usagi whispered, holding her husband's hand gently between her own. "About you, about us, about the baby..." She proceeded to tell him everything that had happened to her that evening, including all the details of her dream. Usagi felt so humbled by this strong man, who went with courage in a difficult situation. He was trying to comfort her, while he himself needed to be comforted. "Mamo-chan, if something happens, I'd. . ." Usagi didn't know what else to say to comfort him. She loved him so very much. He was her other half; things were never the same when he wasn't around. Now she knew why she had felt the way she did in the days before she met him. Usagi needed Mamoru to show her the beauty of life in other ways, while she was his helping hand in a world that often shunned him for the way he was. Bringing a hand up, Mamoru caressed her face gently, and rested his hand on her cheek. "Oh, Usako. We knew what could happen when we said yes to this whole thing. And as for your dream, I promise I will be there every step of the way for you, and for our child." She kissed his hand gently, then bent over to kiss him more fully on the lips, before he drifted off into sleep again. "Aishiteru, Mamo-chan. I love you more than my own life." Taking his hand in hers, she brought it to rest on her belly. "And your baby will be so proud of you, too. You'll be able to tell him everything you went through, and he'll look at you with such love in his eyes." Mamoru nodded quietly, his eyelids drooping, fading off into sleep quickly. Usagi kissed him on the forehead, then pulled up the sheet to cover his sleeping figure. Without another word, she sat down in the hard plastic chair in the corner of the shadowed room, all of her thoughts still consuming her as she drifted off to sleep again. ^*^*^*^*^*^ Peeking through the thin cotton curtains in the hospital room, the rising sun shone into Usagi's eyes, waking her from an uncomfortable sleep. She rubbed her sore neck to rid it of the crick that remained from sleeping in the hard chair. Looking about the room, she noticed that the nurses had just left the room, taking Mamoru with them. Jumping out of the chair in shock, Usagi winced slightly as her body adjusted to its suddenly different position. Shaking off the feeling, she sprinted out of the room, and ran smack into Dr. Kenko. "Gomen nasai, Kenko-sensei, but I have to talk to Mamo-chan before he goes in. . ." The doctor looked down at Usagi's disheveled figure and shook his head. "He's already been put under the sedative, Usagi-san. You'll have to wait with the rest of us." Her lip quivered, and she hung her head. "I didn't get to tell him that I loved him again." Dr. Kenko placed a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure he knows, Usagi-san. Just pray that all will go as planned, and that will be enough." With that, he turned and followed the others down the hall, leaving Usagi alone. Slowly, she turned and returned to the waiting room for a long wait. ^*^*^*^*^*^ A soft hand on her arm jolted Usagi out of the light sleep she had fallen into. Glancing up, she looked into two familiar faces, and a smile creeped onto her lips, the first in many days. "Mama, Papa? What are you doing here?" Usagi sat up and swung her legs around on the small couch so they could sit down. "Dr. Kenko called us a few hours ago. Said he was worried that you were waiting alone," Ikuko replied, brushing stray hair from Usagi's face. "What is going on, Usagi-chan? We haven't spoken in a week or two, so you can imagine our shock when the doctor told us you and Mamoru were down here at the hospital." Usagi realized that it *had* been a while since she and her parents had last spoken. Since her marriage to Mamoru four years ago, the Tsukinos were still a little distant in their attitude, but as the years had passed, they had become much more lenient to Mamoru and finally welcomed him into the family with some reluctance. From the occasional times that Usagi and Mamoru would visit, Kenji and Ikuko could see that they had been wrong about their first assumptions of Mamoru. Kenji even learned to like Kage, though his allergies would increase ten-fold when they brought him along. Her face crumpled. "Oh, Mama, Papa, I'm so scared. The doctor said that everything will be fine, but my mind keeps wandering, and all these 'what if's' keep appearing in my head." She proceeded to relate the rest of the story to her parents to help them understand better. "And when I told him about the baby, that's what clinched the whole thing--" Usagi's mouth clamped shut when she saw their eyes widen. She had forgotten to mention that detail to them in her whole explanation. Well, nothing like the present. . . "Mama, Papa, in a few months, you're going to have a grandchild," Usagi replied, giving them her biggest smile while tears rolled down her cheeks. However, the Tsukinos didn't look too pleased. "Usagi, how can you think of bringing a child into this kind of situation? It's one thing to have to take care of Mamoru, but a baby is a completely different story!" Usagi groaned inwardly, as her parents droned on and on about the responsibility of caring for a baby. They hadn't changed, and they probably never would, but this was not what she wanted to be hearing right now. Enough was enough, and it was time to let her parents know. Standing up and taking a deep breath, Usagi replied, "Mama, Papa, we've had this talk before, but I guess you weren't listening the first time. I love Mamoru, and he loves me. We are our own family now, and we plan to welcome this baby into our lives with open arms. I respect your opinions, but you cannot tell me what to do with my life any longer." Kenji and Ikuko were stunned by her outburst. "I can't believe you, Usagi-chan," Ikuko replied bitterly, "you never acted like this at home. You must have learned to act this way from Mamoru-san." Usagi shook her head immediately. "Iie, Mama. It's just the other way around. Mamo-chan took my hand, and helped me to grow up. He showed me that that it was easier to stand up for myself than to let the whole world trod all over me. And that's what you're doing. By saying these things, you're taking away the happiness that Mamoru and I have struggled to create for ourselves." She shuddered from all the emotions she was trying so hard to hold in. "Mama, Papa, just love us, and that will be more than enough. Please." She couldn't take it anymore. The only thing she wanted at the moment was to be held in Mamoru's arms, with a promise that he would never let go. Usagi leaned over and her body began to rack with sobs as she held onto that thought, praying her heart out that all would go well. ^*^*^*^*^*^ The Tsukinos had left a few hours before, and Usagi still couldn't believe that she had blown up in their faces they way she did. But perhaps it had been for the best. By telling them what she felt, they knew that she was capable of taking care of herself and Mamoru, something they had failed to see so many times before. Tired out from all the emotional stress, she laid down and fell asleep on the couch again, nothing else for her to do anyway. If anything, it helped pass the time until she could see Mamoru again. "Usagi-san?" A deep voice brought Usagi out of her sleep again. She had grown accustomed to drifting in and out of her sleep the past few nights anyway, so this was nothing new. She cracked an eye open, and found Dr. Kenko staring down at her. "Usagi-san," he replied again, "everything is going well. He's out of surgery, and recovering quite nicely." Emotions flooded through her, relief and elation lit up her face. The first words out of her mouth were, "When can I see him?" The doctor chuckled. "He's not back in his room yet, but as soon as the heavy sedative wears off, they'll be moving him back. You'll be able to see him then." Usagi jumped up and hugged the doctor, thanking him profusely. Startled by her sudden action, Dr. Kenko laughed and said, "Don't thank me just yet, Usagi-san. That will come when we remove the bandages." She stepped away, blushing that she had acted so impulsively. "Domo arigato anyway, Kenko-sensei, for taking such good care of my husband. He trusts you so much, and so do I." He nodded. "I'll let you know when you can go in." ^*^*^*^*^*^ Usagi sat in the dimly lit corner of the hospital room wringing her hands nervously, squirming on the hard plastic seat in anticipation. With her lack of sleep, the shadows began to play tricks on her. Her eyes darted around the stark white room, and finally came to rest on Mamoru's form lying peacefully in the bed. Throughout the day and long into the night, she sat had there, mostly in silence--not daring to close her eyes to rest, for fear that she might miss the moment Mamoru first woke up. She knew that the doctor wouldn't remove the bandages from his eyes for another day or so, but she wasn't about to leave his side in the mean time. Deep down, she still feared what Mamoru's first reaction would be at his first glance of her--provided the operation was really successful. Even now, the doubts wouldn't stop coming. Though he had reassured her time and time again that he loved her for who she was, she knew that was based on everything but sight. She was so sure of her love for him, and it would be a enormous heartbreak if she were to lose his affections from all of this. ^*^*^*^*^*^ As Dr. Kenko slowly peeled the top layer of gauze away from his eyes, Mamoru tried to sense the overhead light shining through his eyelids and layers of gauze, but could not open his eyes yet. For the first time since he was seven years old, Chiba Mamoru might have the chance to see again. And though there were hundreds of thousands of things he could look at, nothing excited him more than being able to see the face of his wife, his little bunny, for the first time. "Where's Usako?" he mumbled groggily, the anesthetic still having an effect on him. "I want to see my wife," emphasizing the words. It had to have worked. He wanted everything to turn out in his favor. He tried sitting up, but Kenko-sensei gently pushed him back down onto the bed. "Now, Mamoru-san, I can't be having you strain yourself so much so soon after you've come out of the operation. I won't be removing any more of the bandages for another day or two. We have to give your eyes time to adjust. Lay back down and rest, and I'll have Mizuno-san bring your wife back in. She's been here all night and all day, the poor thing. The nurse finally had to take her back out to the waiting room, she was so exhausted." Mamoru reluctantly laid back down on the bed, waiting impatiently for the moment when he could lay eyes on the world, especially his wife. Literally. ^*^*^*^*^*^ Passing a hand over her tired eyes, Usagi was just starting to feel the effects of her sleeplessness from the last few days take over. With a hand on her back to keep her walking straight, Ami guided Usagi back to Mamoru's room. As soon as they reached the opened door however, any signs of sleepiness suddenly disappeared from Usagi's face. She rushed to where Mamoru was sitting in the hard plastic chair in the corner, Dr. Kenko at his side, readying himself to remove the remainder of the bandages. The doctor glanced in Usagi's direction with a kind smile. "Usagi-san, will you pull the blinds closed? The less light we have in here, the easier it will be on Mamoru when I remove all the gauze." She nodded and immediately pulled the drapes shut, shrouding the room in semi-darkness, but just enough light for the doctor to see what he was doing. Reaching for his hand, Usagi sat in the other chair and scooted closer to Mamoru, sending him all her strength and support. He grasped her hand tightly, just as anxious--if not more--for what was about to happen. The doctor then began to unwrap the last of the thin gauze holding the thicker gauze to his eyes. "I'm going to take the bandages off now, Mamoru-san. There's not much light in here, but I would advise you not to open them too quickly." Dr. Kenko peeled the thick cotton pads away from Mamoru's eyes at that moment, and Usagi squeezed his hand so tightly to the point that it almost hurt her to keep holding on. It had never taken Mamoru so much of his strength to open his eyes. Still a little swollen from yesterday's operation, he struggled to lift his eyelids. Slowly, ever so slowly, his eyes opened, and he was introduced to something entirely different. "Wow. . ." he murmured. The blackness that had been his world for the last sixteen years finally began to give way to a whole new feeling, one that he had not experienced since he was seven years old. His eyes began to gain their strength, and soon they were halfway open. Dr. Kenko broke the silence by asking the first question. "How do you feel, Mamoru-san?" "Good question. How am I supposed to feel?" he replied plainly. Everything was just a mass of blurred shapes and things he knew of, but couldn't describe. He turned towards where Usagi was sitting, and all he could make out was a small blurry shape with different shades and colors (what he thought were colors) sitting somewhere in front of him. "Usako? Do I look any different to you?" "Still as handsome as ever, Mamo-chan. Your eyes are still the same wonderful color of blue that they always were," she remarked with a grin. Standing up from her chair, Usagi leaned over and kissed him soundly on the cheek. He held her there, and tilted her chin so he could kiss her firmly on the lips. "Gomen, Usako, but you're just one big blur to me at the moment," he chuckled. Taking his face into her hands, she gazed at Mamoru fondly. "But the important thing is you can see, ne?" Mamoru nodded. "I think so, if this is what you call seeing." Dr. Kenko broke into their conversation at that moment. "I'd like Mamoru-san to stay here for one more night for observation, then he's free to go home with you, Usagi- san." Not even thinking it over for a moment, Usagi replied firmly, "Then I'm staying here as well. We'll go home together, and I won't take no for an answer," she finished quickly, seeing that the doctor was about to object. It was then that he realized no one should mess with Usagi, especially where Mamoru was involved. ^*^*^*^*^*^ Finally, Mamoru was released from the hospital, and Usagi gladly took him home. It was like a baby learning to walk; Mamoru had to re-learn his way around the apartment, bumping into things that he had always been able to walk around with ease. and so on. Even though his sight was very slowly and remarkably returning, it was still very blurred and not much of a help to him just yet. Other than that, Mamoru had little trouble adjusting to the new effects. Even the doctor remarked that it was incredible the way that he handled everything. It was hard for Usagi to believe that only a few days had gone by since everything had happened. Though she no longer stressed over what the results of the operation could have been, the level of stress had increased enormously. Thankfully, Usagi's morning sickness was not as bad as it could have been. With all this added stress, it was a miracle that she got through the day without having to rush to the bathroom more than two or three times in a row. Naturally, Mamoru was worried about her with the condition she was in, but there was little he could do to help her. He wished with all his might that the haziness would go away, and that he could assist her like a normal husband should. Usagi reassured him time and time again that he wasn't in the way, but Mamoru felt otherwise. ^*^*^*^*^*^ It was a quiet afternoon, nearly a week since the operation, and Usagi had laid down on the couch to catch a quick nap while Mamoru was resting in the other room. As she fell into a deep sleep, she briefly wondered what their life would be like after the baby was born. Hopefully, she thought to herself, Mamoru would had adjusted enough that he would be more of a help. With a yawn, her eyes slowly closed, and she quickly dozed off. ^*^*^*^*^*^ At the same time Usagi was falling asleep out in the living room, Mamoru was just awakening in the bedroom, feeling slightly uncomfortable without Usagi next to him. It had been torture for him to be in the hospital for so long and not be able to cuddle up next to his wife, but now it was all over. He was finally home, and things would soon be back to normal. Mamoru still couldn't make things out clearly, but anything was better than the darkness before. All he wanted now, more than anything, was to see Usagi clearly. Sitting up on the bed, and stretching, Mamoru glanced around the room and suddenly noticed that something was different. The haziness was gone, completely gone. Every object in the room was crystal clear and full of color. Turning sharply to his left, he shielded his eyes from the light as he looked to the window and watched as a small bird perched on the sill, noting that he could see the shape of it perfectly from where he sat on the bed. It was incredible. Mamoru wanted to cry out in joy, but was afraid that he would scare Usagi out in the other room. He wanted to surprise her with this instead. Getting up from the queen-sized bed, he padded softly to the door, and grasped the handle, still amazed that he could see it so clearly. Pulling the door open quietly so it wouldn't squeak, Mamoru walked out from the hallway into the living room, looking around for Usagi, but finding her nowhere in sight. As he glanced in the direction of the kitchen, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a golden ponytail hanging over the arm of the couch. Mamoru moved closer to investigate, and as he glanced over the back of the couch, he came face to face with a peacefully slumbering Usagi. Moving slowly to the front of the couch, Mamoru stared in awe at his wife, uncontrollable tears springing to his eyes and trailing down his cheeks. How could he have been so fortunate to win such a gorgeous woman as she? Kneeling down to her level, Mamoru scrubbed the tears away from his face as he continued to gaze upon Usagi's beauty, no words coming to his mind to describe what he saw before him. Moving in and out a deep sleep, Usagi shifted into another position, trying to make herself more comfortable. But something pulled her out of her nap. Feeling as if something or someone was watching, Usagi began to fell uncomfortable. Cracking an eye open, she looked around bleary-eyed, and was startled to find Mamoru sitting in front of her. Both eyes open now, she sat up in shock. "Mamo-chan? How did you get there? Did you trip over something?" Glancing closer at Mamoru, Usagi gasped. "Why are you crying, Mamo-chan?" His hand came up and stroked the side of her face gently. "Why didn't you ever tell me how beautiful you are, Usako? All this time, I had no idea that I had my very own angel in my life." Now tears were flowing from Usagi's eyes. "You mean. . . you can see? Everything?" Taking her hand in his, Mamoru brought it up to his lips and kissed it. "Everything from the dimple in your left cheek to the top of your shirt that isn't buttoned," he replied with a smile. Usagi threw herself into Mamoru's arms, and he held her in a tight embrace. "Oh, Mamo-chan, I can't believe it! I never thought this day would come." She backed away from him, still slightly worried that he might not like what he saw. "What's that look for?" "What look?" His thumb came up and wiped away a stray tear from her cheek. "The look that's on you face right now. I've never seen that look before." Usagi was still a little puzzled. "The look that's on my face now? Well, at first it was a worried look, but now it's a happy look." Mamoru got off his knees, and sat down on the couch, pulling Usagi into his lap. "I'm not sure I understand. Why was it a worried look before?" Usagi bit her lip, realizing that she had to let her secret out. She leaned her head against his chest, and looked up into his face. "Because, Mamo-chan, I've always wondered what your reaction would be if and when you could see me. I thought you wouldn't like what you saw." Chuckling, Mamoru tightened his embrace around his wife, and kissed her on the cheek again. "Oh Usako, my lovely angel, how could you ever believe that? You are the most beautiful person that I've ever laid eyes on. But I didn't fall in love with you because of your looks, you know. First it was your voice that mesmerized me, then your laughter, and most of all, your touch. I would go crazy if I could never touch you again. Seeing you all at once has only enhanced my love for you. Believe me now, Usako, if that's you had, I'd still love you the same." He finished by kissing her soundly on the lips. Usagi clung onto Mamoru, putting full force into their kiss. It was just like their first kiss had been; taking them to an entirely different level, strengthening their love even more than before. Breaking away only for a moment, Usagi whispered, "Aishiteru, Mamo-chan. Aishiteru." Hi. I came back, but only for a moment. My computer is on the verge of dying, so I have to make this fast. There will be an epilogue to this, and I hope to have it done for next week. I'm ready to see this finished as much as you are. ^_^ Again, gomen for making you wait so long to see the end. I admit to being a perfectionist, and it often leads to my undoing. *sigh* If you email me in the next few days, I'm not sure how things will be around here, but please send your comments and other notes to ely_chan@yahoo.com, that way I'll know I'll get them and I can answer them from there until I get all this worked out. Ja for now! Sailor Elysia