Tribute to JT

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In Memory of Jean Jude
Most definitely I have fond memories when I think back about Jean-Jude and the most interesting conversations - discussions we used to have.

The weird thing was with Jean-Jude he was one of those guys who you couldn't hardly fault......he also was one of those guys who seemed to have the charm and character to fit in anywhere and get on with anyone - a thing most people find hard to do. This came easily to Jean-Jude. He definitely seemed to live and had lived his life to the full a thing a lot of us perhaps don't do fully enough. I also believe as someone else mentioned Jean-Jude could certainly have done anything he had wanted to do had he wished to do it.

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A forum to talk about the good times we all had with JT.

e-mails from friends
The e-mails which were sent around the world tell us how much JT will be missed.

about this website
This website was created by suggestion, in memory of jean jude. If anyone wishs information to be removed or edited, please contact me.

A tribute to JT will replace the north end web site until november.
>> click to go to the north end web site.
>> click to go to the permenant JT website.