Pathways of Unity
Confession & Absolution

On sin, confession, and absolution . . . by Rev.Di

The word sin in the Bible's New Testament means "to miss the mark."  I believe that is telling us that what we think are dire and punishable actions are merely mistakes, easily corrected when brought to consciousness by our Higher Self or Holy Spirit.

When we confess our faults and mistakes to one another or to a priest or minister, we are merely engaging in acts of openness and honesty.  And that is good therapy for the soul.  It should never be a process that comes from~~or leads to~~or amplifies~~feelings of guilt or shame. 

Absolution is simply the affirmation that God is Love and offers us total forgiveness for our mistakes, whether intentional or unintentional, at all times, no matter what. 

So if you have come to this web site carrying any sense of guilt and shame, we extend to you (as a Ministers of Reconciliation, and simply from Children of The Universe [God] to another Child of God) the total forgiveness of all
 mistakes, both past and future.  And where your conscience tells you that you have done something less than loving, make reparations when at all possible.  Then we admonish you to find ways to extend the love and forgiveness you have received into the world around you.

There are widows, orphans, and prisoners that need some of the Love that you have received.  There are hungry, thirsty, and homeless who need tending to in body, mind, and spirit.  Go to them~~and give to them of your love and of your material substance.  Don't count on others or on government or agencies or churches to do it for you.  This world is wanting for good old basic one on one love and caring.

Mistakes are easily forgiven and easily corrected when we surrender our hearts and will to All That Is and seek to know God in the Silence, then so see Him in one another.  Then we minister to Him/Her in each other in All Ways~~always.  God is love.

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