Pathways of Unity
Counseling & Other Individual Services
Please note:  Rev. Di now resides in the Piedmont area of northcentral North Carolina, and is no longer in New Jersey.  These services are offered privately by Rev. Diana at this time, and not in conjunction with Pathways of Unity itself.
Spiritual counseling is offered to individuals, couples, and families on a free and volunteer basis by participating Pathways of Unity ministers.
Rev. Di counsels and spiritually/metaphysically treats those dealing with their own addictive and/or self-destructive behaviors, with relationship and family problems, those who are grieving for loved ones who have passed, and also those who, as we all do sometimes, feel that they are adrift in a sea of spiritual confusion or chaos and are in need of centering.
Spirit-oriented premarital and marital counseling is also offered.
Rev. Di's methods and post-session instructions are geared always to helping the client to find and bring to the fore the core of Divine Presence (the True Self) and inner Wisdom that will lead to Inner Peace. It is expected that most clients, when following suggested practices taught and outlined in the sessions, should require not more than three sessions in order to be guided to the Higher Self Within, or Holy Spirit, that will guide them the rest of the way home to Peace and Harmony. The ultimate aim is transformation and renewal of the mind and soul from a state of disunity and disharmony to a state of reconciliation and harmony by accessing True Divine Self within.
Spiritual Mind Treatment, as offered by Rev. Di, is a type of prayer or meditation wherein the practitioner enters silent meditation and contacts his or her own Divine Inner Presence. Once in this state of Spiritual Union, certain visualizations and affirmations assist the practitioner in effecting healing for self and others. Spiritual Mind Treatments may be done with the subject present or in a remote location. They are appropriate in helping people to deal with everyday problems and stress, but are especially appropriate and helpful for those who are unable for whatever reason, to understand or follow training and instructions in finding his or her own answers from the God Within. This occurs in cases of severe and terminal illness, in emotional distress, confusion, or grief, wherein the client's ability to concentrate and focus is hampered. Spiritual Mind Treatment is also appropriate for those who seek help from a practitioner and are in a location remote from the practitioner. The Love and Mind of God indwelling us knows nothing of the uniquely human concepts of time and distance. 
Guided Visualization / Guided Imagery is a type of Spiritual Mind Treatment in which, Rev. Di (or other practitioner) enters into a relaxed, transcendent state while verbally guiding the client to the same place in consciousness. This technique, combined with appropriate visualizations, statements, and affirmations has been found useful aiding clients in stress reduction, dealing with pain, in overcoming fears, and in discovery of the True Inner Self. Similar to certain other practices, such as Reiki and Thought Field Tapping, this method may occasionally may involve very light touch, but never invasive touch or manipulation.
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