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Local Services &

Upcoming Events


Children's Day      

Every year we work on having a day for children to be able to learn more about African arts, crafts, books, videos and food.   Along with that, the children are able to be involved in a diverse environment with children of all races along with parents in a fun filled but educational day.  This years dedication is reading to groups of children once a month at local bookstores.  Each month we will focus on a different theme that will involve the children and have them learn and have a good time.

       Next upcoming reading May 20, 2000 10 am Barnes and Noble

       Volunteering at 9th annual Munchkin run to benefit Child Development care April 16, 2000 at South Eugene 1-3pm.   

To get involved in our community service for children email us at skephi@gladstone.uoregon.edu                                      



International Support

The Ladies of the Sigma Delta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. are implementing the idea of small changes and big differences.  The Foci of the organization is one including a national and international service to mankind.  With this in mind, the women of both campuses are supporting the new program idea "Sponsor a Child, Tell a Friend!"  With this in mind we researched many sponsorship programs and found one that was with in the financial means of College students.  We chose the Children International program; a nonprofit, worldwide humanitarian organization since 1936.  The program helps children from the countries of, Chile, Columbia, The Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, the Philippines and the United States.  This program addresses the basic necessities needed including; health exams, vaccinations, schools supplies, uniforms and many other things.  With a donation of 12 dollars a month people are able to help a child in need.

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This program is not associated with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc or the women of Sigma Delta Chapter.  The women of this campus chose this program to sponsor a child and begin to tell family and friends in the hopes that every person they tell, one of them will sponsor a child and tell a friend about it, with this small ripple the Sigma Delta women introduced we hope will turn into a tidal wave of people helping other people.

    For information on this program you can call the toll free # 1-800-888-3089 or

search their website at www.children.org





   Fashion Show     

In remembrance of Black History Month, Alpha Kappa Alpha has its annual Fashion Show promoting African pride and dignity as the students on campus model African traditional clothing to the latest fashions.  Along with this program it is a chance for students to come together as a community involving poetry, singing and dancing.   The program has around 35 models and audience of over 200 people.  The show also helps with collecting of personal hygiene items that are donated at the door.  This year the donations were taken to Looking Glass administration office to be separated into there different programs for homeless youth or people in need.  The items included shampoo, toothpaste, soap and many other items.

If you would like to be involved in the fashion show or have more information

you can email us at skephi@gladstone.uoregon.edu  



"On Track Mentoring Program"     

We are in the beginnings of developing a mentoring program in the community involving minority children in the community area.  With the help of the Girls scouts of America,  we are going to be trained in a workshop on the proper ways to address children as a mentor, positive reinforcements and how to create a relationship with a child as a positive role model and friend.   With this certification the women of the organization will begin to develop on the foci of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. "On Track Program"  The Women of the Undergraduate Association for University of Oregon and Oregon State, want to involve ourselves in the lives of young children of color and serve as role models and resources to the children of our community because, we are aware of need of mentors that children of color need being in a community that has a very low minority population.  We realize the need that is in our community for youth, and understand that we should take each day with these kids step by step, encouraging youth to do well in school, to have a high self esteem and to enter college are our main goals and focuses for this program


  Community Service involvements               



        Sorors Tricia, Deva and Aneshka

Sorors helping out in the kitchen for the Oregon State Soul food celebration

                       Sorors helping out at the Munchkin Run!