
Lemures ( remuresu )

Name Origin - The Larvae are Roman spirits of deceased family members. These malignant spirits dwell throughout the house and frighten the inhabitants. People tried to reconcile or avert the Larvae with strange ceremonies which took place on May 9, 11, and 13; this was called the "Feast of the Lemures". The master of the house usually performed these ceremonies, either by offering black beans to the spirits or chasing them away by making a lot of noise. Their counterparts are the Lares, friendly and beneficent house spirits. - from Encyclopedia Mythica

Description - Lemures were the creatures that were called upon by the villains of the Dead Moon Circus in season four of Sailormoon. Each lemures was an individual with different strenghts, weaknesses, and yes, personalities. There were a few different types of Lemures. The first of them were called upon by the Amazon Trio. They would merely hold off the sailor soldiers while the Trio would search through dream mirrors. The second kind were called upon by the Amazones Quartetto. These were named after sounds (onomatopoeia) and would swallow the dream mirrors.


Click to see a screen shot of Karakuriko KARAKURIKO

Episode: 122
Name Translation: "Mechanism" - Karakuri is the Japanese word for mechanism. Ko means child and is an ending for a female name.
Description: This lemures was a mechanical doll who could detatch and attack her opponents with all different parts of her body.


Click to see a screen shot of Kyokuba Danko KYOKUBA DANKO

Episode: 129
Name Translation: The word Kyokuba translates to "circus; equestrian feats" and Danko means "firm, determined."
Description: This lemures was an animal trainer. She started to "train" the sailor soldiers with her whip.


Click to see a screen shot of Dokanko DO KANKO

Episode: 130
Name Translation:
Description: This one would shoot herself from canon at her enemy. The only problem she ran into is that she couldn't seem to hit moving targets.


Click to see a screen shot of Otedamako OTEDAMAKO

Episode: 131
Name Translation:
Description: This lemures was a juggler and could juggle such things as exploding balls and knives.


Click to see a screen shot of Puko PUKO

Episode: 132
Name Translation:
Description: Puko was a large inflated ball lemures. She would crash into her opponents and even try to suffocate them. She seemed to be very emotional about things ^_^;


Click to see a screen shot of Kigurumiko KIGURUMIKO

Episode: 133
Name Translation:
Description: This lemures was a boxer who dressed in a kageroo suit. It placed Artemis in its pouch and controlled him with it. When it punched he punched, when it got hit he suffered too.


Click to see a screen shot of Tenko TENKO

Episode: 134
Name Translation:
Description: Tenko was a timebomb of sorts and would attack her enemies by chaining them up and attaching a bomb.


Click to see a screen shot of Hebihanabiko HEBIHANABIKO

Episode: 135
Name Translation:
Description: This lemures would infect people's dreams and try to manipulate them. Chibi Moon was the one who was attacked here but she fought back against the lemures.


Click to see a screen shot of Mizugeiko MIZUGEIKO

Episode: 136
Name Translation:
Description: She would sit on her umbrella and shoot acid at her enemy.


Click to see a screen shot of Tsunawataro TSUNAWATARO

Episode: 137
Name Translation:
Description: A tightrope-act lemures who's balance was incredible. He even wore a blindfold. He would lift his enemy on the tightrope and shake it.


Click to see a screen shot of Buranko BURANKO

Episode: 138
Name Translation:
Description: A trapeeze expert who would put its opponents on the trappeeze and try to cut their wires while they were helplessly swinging.


Click to see a screen shot of Ayatoriko AYADORIKO

Episode: 139
Name Translation:
Description: This lemures was a spider creature who would knit webs and attack her enemy. She could do yarn tricks of many sorts but not the sixth level that Mars tried to make her do.


Click to see a screen shot of GomuMario GOMU MARIO

Episode: 140
Name Translation:
Description: GomuMario is the beachball cousin of the first ball lemures, Puko. He was much stronger than her and much faster.


no image GITTANKO

Episode: 141
Name Translation:


no image BATTONKO

Episode: 141
Name Translation:


Click to see a screen shot of Autobiko OTOBAIKO

Episode: 142
Name Translation: "Auto Bike"


Click to see a screen shot of Mawashitaro MAWASHITARO

Episode: 143
Name Translation:


Click to see a screen shot of Ponko PONKO

Episode: 144
Name Translation:


Click to see a screen shot of Kurumiwario KURUMIWARIO

Episode: 145
Name Translation:


Click to see a screen shot of Elephanko EREFANKO

Episode: 146
Name Translation: "Elephanko"


Click to see a screen shot of Shuffle Fluo SHAFFURU FURIO

Episode: 147
Name Translation: "Shuffle Furio"


Click to see a screen shot of Tobihaneru TOBIHANERU

Episode: 148
Name Translation:


Click to see a screen shot of Mr. Magic Pierrot MISUTA MAJIKKU PIERO

Episode: 149
Name Translation: "Mister Magic Perriot"
Description: This lemures was sent by the Amazones Quartet to take care of the Amazon Trio. It succeeded by was killed by Sailor Moon.


Click to see a screen shot of GaraGara Musume GARA GARA MUSUME

Episode: 150
Name Translation: GaraGara is the sound a snake makes.
Description: To go with it's name it was a snake girl who gobbled up Dream Mirrors.


Click to see a screen shot of KeroKero Musume KERO KERO MUSUME

Episode: 151
Name Translation: KeroKero is the sound a frog makes.
Description: To go with it's name it was a frog girl who gobbled up Dream Mirrors. She first appeared as a cute tad-pole ^_^


Click to see a screen shot of ManeMane Musume MANE MANE MUSUME

Episode: 152
Name Translation: ManeMane is the sounds a monkey makes.
Description: This lemures was a money type and would copy her opponents powers and other traits.


Click to see a screen shot of GariGari GARI GARI

Episode: 153
Name Translation: GariGari is the sound a drill makes.
Description: To go with it's name it was a drill girl. She looked like a tube of tooth-paste and had drills for hands. It's expression changed from annoynigly adorable to insanely evil.


Click to see a screen shot of JaraJara Jo JARA JARA JO

Episode: 154
Name Translation:
Description: JaraJara was a pachinko machine styled tulip. Strange, ne? Anyway, she would spit out pachinko balls while making the sounds, JaraJara ^_^


Click to see a screen shot of Tobikiri Yaro TOBIKIRI YARO

Episode: 155
Name Translation:
Description: To be honest, he looked like an insane flying squirl. He would fly around too quickly for the sailor soldiers to attack him.


Click to see a screen shot of TogeToge Jo TOGE TOGE JO

Episode: 156
Name Translation:
Description: TogeToge was another flower lemures created by CereCere. She did not want to eat the dream mirror of the artist because it was dirty. She also stated that she was against violence.


Click to see a screen shot of PaoPao Musume PAO PAO MUSUME

Episode: 157
Name Translation: PaoPao is the sound an elephant makes.
Description: To go with it's name it was a mamoth elephant girl who gobbled up Dream Mirrors.


Click to see a screen shot of PeroPero PERO PERO

Episode: 158
Name Translation: PeroPero is the sound of licking candy.
Description: This lemures was a blue candy buny woman (that goes on my strange list). She appeared as a ball with bunny ears at first but later formed into a woman shape.


Click to see a screen shot of PakuPaku Yaro PAKU PAKU YARO

Episode: 159
Name Translation: Paku Paku is the sounds a carp makes.
Description: This lemures was a carp creature.


Click to see a screen shot of BiriBiri Yaro BIRI BIRI YARO

Episode: 160
Name Translation:



* Episodes 161-166 did not have any droids.



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