Story:First Love part 4 Author - Razzz E-mail- THANKS SO MUCH FOR POSTING!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys!! I'm totally stoked!! I GOT INSPIRATION!! I actually wrote a ton, and was enjoying it a ton!! ADIOS to writers block!! HIP HIP HOORAY!! So, let's see, SM doesn't belong to me, but the wondrous naoko Takeuchi Sama. Sorry if there even more typos than usual, I am trying to get to bed early cause I have to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow (And it's already 10:10 at night right now) and I have to send it in tomorrow morning, if I want to make it to the archives since I'm going on two day excursion to CATALINA ISLAND!! and you know what I'm doing there? CALCULUS!! yes, its' the AP calculus retreat - don't' you wish you were me, spending two fun filled days on a secluded island doing math homework? Well, it's not that bad. So, I wrote the next part, minus maybe abut five pages, and of course, spell check, so expect it out next week. And the reason why I split up what I wrote? Well, my life is going to be very busy for the next few months. I have four AP tests to study for in Early may, so I gotta study a ton, then, in June, I have finals, and I have to get my portfolio done, and on top of all that, I just got hired at Diedrich's coffee, so I have to work as well. So, my time is really short, and I don't' know how much time I'll have to write, so I figured giving myself an extra part would give me an extra week. And you know me and time - I am always late. ONE MORE ANNOUNCEMENT!!! (I am soo self absorbed it's pathetic) I GOT INTO THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA!!! (I know, I am crowing to everyone I know, but I'm soo stoked!) so anyone from Philadelphia, watch out, cause RAZZ IS COMING TO TOWN AND THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!! (scared yet?) OK!! I wont' rant about how much I love these people, I'll just say their names, and know that they are the best people in the world. Lianne, Fushigi Kisment, Ninx, jenn Sailor Dolphin, Kelly, Tiga, Sui Mei, MJ!! Laurel Anne!! Archieve Administrators Tux Will, Sailor November, MJ!! AGAIN!! (dont' forget to send her stuff for the page so it wont' close down!!!) and of course, Luna and Artemis and Andrea Hui!!! I know soo many people and I cant' name them all, I just don't' have the time right now, and my brain is on strike, so hi and thanks to everyone else who I love, you know who you are. And one last thing!!! JOIN STAR!! JOIN STAR!!! JOIN STAR!!! JOIN STAR!!! Serena doodled aimlessly, not really paying attention to what she was supposed to be doing. Come to think of it, Serena wasn't even sure what exactly it was that she was supposed to be doing. She glanced over the work and groaned in exasperation. MATH!! AGAIN!! She closed her eyes, willing the math problems to magically do themselves. She opened one eye, peering at the page. Nope, it was still there. She sighed, chewing her pencil. Problems just didn't' fix themselves that easily. Not in math, and certainly not in her own life. She frowned now, thinking of her main problem. Tyrian. Maybe doing math wasn't' such a bad idea - there was no way she could think of him if she was doing her math. She reluctantly looked at the problem. 'The sine of 30 degrees in a 30 - 60 - 90 triangle is . . . ? Darien watched as Serena haphazardly scribbled a messy triangle on the page, chewing her pencil end again. For some reason, that small gesture made his heart soar. He grimaced at that thought. He couldn't afford to have his heart soaring. Especially not towards her. Not towards Serena of all people. He wasn't' even sure he was capable of feeling as he did, was sure he had safely locked his heart away from those emotions, to make sure he could not have it broken the way, despite his amnesia, it had felt all those years ago, made sure that those overwhelming feelings of loss that he couldn't' describe, the sadness at being so alone, so unloved, were never felt ever again. And yet, when he had first seen her, Darien knew there was something he couldn't' quite place, something special that he couldn't' resist, every day craving just one look at her, one exchange, one chance to hear her talk, or laugh, or smile and then, these last few days, being so near her, had only endeared her even more to him. She had unwittingly secured a place in his heart, and Darien didn't' seem to be able to understand why. Until now. From the grimace on her face, her tongue peeking out the corner of her lips, her eyes squinched as she concentrated, she didn't' look like the princess he envisioned. And yet, he was sure he had seen her in his dream. Sure of it! Could Serena know who he was, know why he was Tuxedo Mask. And, did she need saving? From what? He vowed that he would protect her, knew that he would die for her, even if she were not the princess. But how could he be sure! How could he know that she was the princess, that there even was a princess at all. or, if there was a princess, how did he know that Serena was her at all. Perhaps, his feelings for her had somehow slipped into his dream, placing Serena's face upon the mystery princess's visage. Perhaps, his feelings for Serena were so strong that they were causing him to loose his focus, cause him to lose sight of his goal , freeing the princess. He discreetly turned his eyes towards her, his lids lowered so as not to call attention to the sly looks he was giving her. There were similarities. But . . . could she really be her? And, why had she not revealed herself before? The more Darien thought about it, the more confused he became, unsure as to the identity of Serena and his princess, if the two were truly one and the same, or if he had merely allowed his emotions to influence his visions. Darien groaned softly in frustration. Serena looked up from her paper and looked at him, questioning the strange sound. "Are you all right?" she asked, her eyes penetrating his. He looked deeply into them, searching for some trace of the princess within them. He saw none. "Fine." he said hastily, pulling his glasses over his eyes. "let me see how your doing on that problem." he reached over and plucked the paper from her hands, despite her attempts to keep it from him. He looked over the problem, the placed her under his sternest glare. "Where did you get this number from?" he asked. Serena bowed her head. "My . . . . head?" she replied, a small, nervous smile playing across her face. "You knew this yesterday. So why don't' you know it now. Is there anything . . . the matter?" She paused before answering, causing Darien to suspect that something was not right with her. He leaned in closer. "I'm fine. Perfect. Wonderful." she said, her voice listless as she spoke, her eyes lowered. "I know you better than that Serena." he said seriously, taking her hand in his. "You've been so distracted lately. You can tell me if there is anything bothering you. I will always be there for you." She looked up at him, her blue eyes startled, confused, scared, shimmering lightly with a fine mist which she immediately blinked away. There was no way she was going to lose it there. "I know." she said, surprising herself. She knew he would be there for her, knew it in her heart, and yet, she had no idea why she knew that. It was Darien! And yet, she knew, he would never abandon her - teaser her yes, but, when she needed him, she knew that she could count on him. "It's nothing." Serena said. Darien closed his eyes. "What would 'it' be. If it's bothering you, it cant' be nothing." "Nothing is bothering me! REALLY!! jeez!" she cried in exasperation. She leaned over to look at her math paper. "So are you gonna tell me what I did wrong or do I have to guess?" Darien's eyes snapped open. "All right, now I know something is wrong! You just asked to do a math problem. So what is it! We are not going anywhere until you tell me." he said in his most demanding tone. Serena didn't' open her mouth to reply. "Is it Tyrian?" Darien asked quietly. Serena's mouth dropped for a fraction of a second before composing herself again, and she silently got up, stretching and taking a deep breath. "It's just that, it's like, have you ever been really scared because you know that you're not good enough. Like, you have something you have to do, someone you have to be, but, it's not good enough, and you aren't' special enough to be that person - and if you are that person, you let everyone down, because your best isn't' nearly enough to be what they expect? Do you know what I'm trying to say?" she asked, her arms wrapped around her waist tightly. She turned her head back to look at him, her eyes the color of the wet, rainy April sky. Darien nearly gasped aloud. 'She looks just like her!' he thought, seeing his princess in real life. The same exactly look, the same exact pose, all embodied in Serena. "I'm just not good enough to be who I'm supposed to be! I DON'T' EVEN WANT TO BE ALL THESE THINGS ANYWAYS!" she cried. Then, lowering her voice to a whisper, sounding even more desperate than she had when she had been yelling, "I didn't' ask. I never asked." "Serena-" he began, still seated on the couch. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, then went to stand by her at the window, placing a large, comforting hand on her shoulder. "Your best will always be good enough. As long as its' your best, there is not way anyone can be disappointed in you. Its' all anyone can ask for." Serena slipped out from under his hand sadly. She had hoped he would understand, didn't' know why she expected him to, but thought he would be able to. 'guess I was wrong.' she thought. "Sometimes, your best isn't' good enough., Sometimes people, a lot of people, count on you, and when your best isn't' good enough . . . Sometimes, the consequences when even your best fails . . . I cant' fail Darien. I can't. it isn't' an option, or else . . . But, I can't do it either. I cant' be who everyone wants me to be! I'm just not her." He could feel the tears running down her face as though they were running down his own, and yet, he didn't' know what to say to her, didn't' know how to assuage her self doubts. And he hated himself for not knowing what the hell he could say to her to make her feel better. He hated himself for allowing her to be so distraught over this - over anything. He was supposed to keep that from her. "But then, I realize, that I don't' have a choice, and I have to be all that I'm supposed to be, because the alternative is unacceptable. I HAVE TO do it, I have to be able to be her, no matter what, even if I don't' think I can. Even though I want to run away, even though I'm terrified that I'll let everyone down, I can't, can I. Because I have this responsibility. So, I guess I have to accept it, huh? And I have to do better than my best - I have to succeed. And I cant' run away. I have to be her, even if I don't' think I can - I cant' even think that any more, can I. I have to be her, and know I can, and then, when the time comes, do whatever it is that I'm supposed to." Serena brought a hand up to her face and rubbed at the tears, mashing them into her own skin until the wetness had gone away. "I'm sorry for acting like a total baby. You probably didn't' need to hear all that." she said. She turned around to return back tot he table, trying to mentally prepare herself for the rest of her study session, trying to forget the overwhelming pressure to be a princess that she was not that threatened to drown her. She looked up at Darien, noting the look on his face, nearly gasping. "Darien?" she asked, almost afraid. A strange expression she had never seen before on his face was there, one that was fluttering between two decisions, fear, uncertainty, sadness. She didn't' understand at all. "Darien, what's wrong?" This side of Serena had startled Darien more than he could even understand. If he had though that the carefree side of her was enchanting, this mature side of her made him weep, made her a goddess in his heart, the flash at the woman inside leaving him a trembling child before her. He could almost hear his heart pounding harder within his chest. 'She is truly my princess! It has to be her!' "I'm sorry, I shouldn't' have dumped my mind out on you." Serena said apologetically, not meeting his eyes, thought she peeked from behind her lowered lashes to watch his intense gaze. 'Why is he looking at me like that?' "I . . . Serena . . . I, I know." he finally stuttered. Serena looked at him in confusion, the sincerity of his voice, the emotions that were singing with his words comforting her. She knew he really did understand. He did know what she meant. As though their minds and hearts were one. She smiled wanly. "Thank you." she whispered, staring into his eyes, falling into them, into a blue abyss. She was dimly aware that she was reaching out towards him. "You're welcome, princess." he was drinking in her face, every curve and line, every crevice and hollow. Her arm dropped back to its side, and she blinked. "P, princess?" she asked, her voice now trembling. Darien frowned, confused. Didn't' she know that he knew? Wasn't that why she revealed herself in his dream? Or was it true that she wasn't' the dream princess at all. The look on her face, said so much, said that she was confused, almost afraid. Why would his dream princess react like that? Unless she wasn't . . . "Um, nothing. Nothing at all, Meatball head." he said, reverting to an infinitely more comfortable mode. Serena immediately seemed glad for the change in the charged atmosphere, that heavy aura of such seriousness that she couldn't' seem to free herself of. This familiar pattern was quite welcome and she eagerly countered. "YOU can't call me that, lame brain! Don't' you dare call me that you, you, OHHH!!!!" she stuck her tongue out at him, and he smiled warmly. She almost seemed to forget what she was saying and doing at that look. "You know, I think we've done enough work for today. How about a bite to eat - chocolate chip cookie dough maybe?" he offered, laughing as Serena eyes grew as big as saucers in anticipation at the treat. "You know I'm there." she said, jumping up and bolting out the door in a millisecond. "Well!! what are you waiting for!! Times' a wasting!! let's go get that ice cream!" she said impatiently, running back to Darien to start tugging on his arm. Darien, in order to rile her, dug his heels into the rug, trying to slow them both down. It seemed to have the desired effect, although, in the back of his mind, he was telling himself that the desired effect was to have her hanging onto his arm for a few extra moments. He banished it as she started whining, concentrating just on her. "WHY ARE YOU BEING DIFFICULT!! I honestly have absolutely NO idea why I even put up with you, you know that! Don't' you want ice cream? C'MON!! Daylight's burning here!! LETS GO!" Serena's coaxing could be heard all through the apartment building, singing in tune with his joyful laughter. Darien sighed as he looked inside his wallet. No, his EMPTY wallet, he amended. Five empty ice cream bowls littered the table, only one of them his own. Serena stretched out lazily in the red leather seat of their booth, a content smile on her face. "Complete yumminess!" she announced, flashing him a smile. "Thanks a ton!" "No problem, really." he said, putting away his wallet before he had time to think about the crisp new bills that now belonged to someone else. O well, it was worth it, he supposed. He knew it was worth it. if only to make Serena a bit more like her old self. Fortunately (or not, depending on how you looked at it) she was back in full force. Serena's eyes darted past Darien, and she began to beam. "GUYS!!! OVER HERE!! HEY YOU GUYS!!!!" she called, waving her arms wildly. Darien turned to see who she was waving at. Three girls had entered, one with short blue hair, one with brown tied up in a ponytail, and one with long black hair who seemed to be holding some smoldering emotion in check. "Serena!" Lita called, immediately flopping into the seat beside her friend. Ami piled in next to Lita, and Rei took the seat by Darien, giving him a disapproving look that barely masked the one of hurt. "Hey, what's up you guys?" Lita asked, surveying the destruction with a smile. "Murdering innocent ice cream bowls I see." "You bet! Darien was totally sweet too to bring me!" Serena said happily. "And just what are you two doing? Is she bothering you Darien?" Rei asked, her voice turning sickeningly sweet as she spoke to Darien, though her words were punctuated with daggers as she spoke to Serena. "Nothing! Darien is getting me a bite to eat. Have a problem?" Serena replied, readying herself for the usual verbal war that she knew they both enjoyed. "Yeah, as a matter of fact I do. Darien is MY boyfriend!" Rei said, grabbing onto Darien's arm protectively. "SO!" Serena said, laughing. "What does that have to do with me!" "Don't' you get any ideas in that meatball head of yours then!" "Like what!" Darien looked from girl to girl. "Serena, Rei, I don't;' think fighting is necessary-" "SHADDUP!" both yelled at the same time, causing poor Darien to cower in fear of the two dueling girls. "I've seen you! I mean, you FOLLOWED US!! and you know you just want to go on those study sessions cause he's soo hot! You know it's true Serena - but he's mine!" "WEll, fine, have him, cause I DON'T WANT HIM!" Serena said huffily. "I have no idea why he even puts up with you, Rei." "So, if you get desperate for a boyfriend, don't' you come sniffing around here. You cant' even land my LEFTOVERS!" "Girls, maybe I had better leave." Darien cut in, his voice timid. Both girls glared at him angrily. "NO!" they screamed. "Cant' get a boyfriend huh! O YEAH!!! WELL!! THHBBBTTT!!!!!" Serena poked her tongue out at Rei brutally. "Stick that tongue of your back in your mouth before I slice it off. Go back to your wonderful world of Singleness - it's all you'll ever know." "What are you trying to say Rei." "I'm saying that no guy would ever want you! I mean look at you! CLUTZ!! And now you're soo pathetic that you're trying to steal my guy!" "Um, I'm no one's guy really . . . " The girl ignored Darien, and he was helpless to watch the mini battle escalate. He had no idea how it had turned so serious. Serena certainly hadn't' been serious as she started out in the usual verbal play, but Rei, she had been from the very start. And he didn't' understand why. But, her fervor had influenced Serena and now, the two were locked in a heated battle that he was powerless to stop. "Pathetic!! I cant' steal something that doesn't want to be taken in the first place! Probably cause his girl friend isn't making him happy! Are you making Darien happy Rei?" "Of course!! Why wouldn't' I! You couldn't' though cause you are so sad. I mean, if your prince charming was turned into a frog, and you were the only princess in the world, he would choose to be a frog than kiss you!" "Rei, really, you're' being a bit harsh, ya know?" Lita whispered, trying to fill the uncommon silence that had fallen over the table. Serena stared at Rei, her eyes narrowed, her lips set in a hard, straight line, her eyes the only indicator that she still had emotions. Silently, Serena stood up, standing beside Rei, looking down on her. "Serena?" Darien asked, seeing how taut the muscles in her cheeks stood, how her blue eyes danced. This time, Rei had gone too far. Serena leaned over quickly, reaching past Rei, and grabbed the back of Darien's head, and pushed her lips against his, kissing him deeply, her eyes closed as tightly shut as she could. He could feel how tight her muscles seemed as she pressed against him, and thought every ounce of sense he had in him told him to break it off, his nerves were shooting fire into his system, and he couldn't' bring himself to let her go. Finally, she broke away form him, looking apologetically at him, and not even looking at Rei at all, before silently walking away, her footsteps tapping hastily as she left the parlor, leaving behind a shocked group of girls, and one dumbfounded young man, his jaw still slack, hanging open and utterly confused as his feelings buzzed around him. "WOW!" Lita said, her eyes glued to the door that Serena had just slammed behind her. Ami just nodded. Rei lifted her head form it's bowed position, to look over at Darien, scowling slightly at the look on his face. She touched his arm lightly. "WE need to talk." she said, He could only nod, Serena's lips the only sensation in his mind. Rei sat down on the other die of the booth, looking Darien straight in the face. The others had gone to try and find Serena. 'I went too far this time.' Rei said to herself unhappily, knowing the she had done something terribly wrong. And yet, she knew, that she would do it again, that she couldn't' stop herself from the intense rage that had built up inside her. 'WHY! Why was I so mean to her? Was it because of . . . ' she looked up at Darien. "I think you should apologize to her Rei." Darien said. "You were being unfair." "I," she looked down at the table in shame. "I know." she said slowly. "but, it' s just that . . . " she let her voice trail off, unsure of what she was trying to say. "I just what!' she wondered angrily. Why in the world has she started acting as childish as Serena usually did. 'JEALOUSY!' The word sprang to her mind like a burning flame. She didn't' want to admit it, but she was jealous of the meatball head. She had completely monopolized Darien. Not that it was all that terrible in itself, but she was starting to have her own suspicions. He seemed different around her. And then today, when Serena had kissed him, she knew. She reluctantly had to admit it to herself. Darien liked Serena, not her. It was so painfully obvious that it made her ache inside. "Rei? Why did you-" She cut him off with a wave of her hand, her dark eyes shining dangerously. "I don't' think that we should see each other anymore Darien. I mean, at all." God did this hurt. She really did like him. "Rei?" he asked. "What do you mean?" he asked. She smiled. Men could be so dense, but she wasn't' surprised, they usually did take forever to get the most basic ideas. "I, I don't think that 'we' are working, ya know. I mean, I like you and all, but it' s like, you're a big brother or something, you know. You should go out and find yourself a girlfriend, someone special. OK." she bit back any tears, acting with all her skill to appear nonchalant. 'some one like Serena.' she thought to herself. "Are you sure you want to . . . I mean, I-" "No, it's fine. It was just a silly crush anyways, nothing really major. Now, I'm on to the next guy! There's a whole CITY of cuties. You know. And you just need to find the right one for you too." "Rei, I don't' know what to say." "yeah, well, that's the way it is with me - I always leave them speechless." she said, flipping her hair aside bravely. "She turned from him, slipping her feet out the side of the booth. "I really should apologize to Serena. I'm gonna go look for her. I'll see ya around Darien." she said, fighting with herself to keep from sprinting to the door. Darien watched her leave, and put his head down on the table. Why did this day feel so completely out of control! and it was only half way over. "ARGH!!" he moaned aloud. "Waiter, I think I'll have another ice cream - chocolate chip cookie dough please." Princess Serenity peeked through her eye lashes to glance at him across the table, studying how he ate, how he sat, how he looked, the way his clothes hung from his body. She used to know these things, but now, they were so foreign. 'Prince Endymion has changed so much! I feel as though I don't' even know him anymore. He wont' even talk to me.' she though sadly. She felt a warm hand on her arm and looked to her side. "Princess, are you all right?" Tyrian asked. She smiled half heartedly, nodding her head before delicately grabbing her glass to drink. Tyrian smiled back at her, then turned back towards his food, noting how it faced directly across from Endymion. He narrowed his eyes at the man. He was all grown up now. And, he had arrested all of Serenity's attention. And the man had barely even spoken to her during the entire stay. Tyrian feared the worst, that he would lose her, would lose HIS princess to another man - something that had never happened before. 'And I do not intend to allow it to happen in the future!' he vowed. "Would you care to dance Serenity?" Tyrian asked, startling her from her reserved reverie. She looked up at him, confused for a moment, before accepting his hand, and stood up to begin the dance. Tyrian held his princess close to him as he wove his way around the room, but still, he could feel her eyes roving behind him, feel the inattention. That damned prince, again. All he had to do was exist and Serenity paid her fiancee no attention. He tightened his grip around her waist. "Tyrian?" she asked quietly. "Yes Princess?" "Do you think I did something wrong?" she asked. "Wrong? I think you've lost me." "Endymion. He's been so distant lately. Do you think I did something to make him angry with me?" she asked, her voice sounded sad and tired. Tyrian released a frustrated breath. "How could you have done anything wrong. You are one of the most perfect creatures I have ever encountered. Endymion is a fool for not realizing it. I don't' believe he is the kind of friend you would want if he treats you as though he could care less." Tyrian said with vehemence dripping from his voice. Serenity sighed, shaking her head. "He's my best friend. Something must have made him be like this. It's almost as though he's afraid of me. I don't' understand it at all. I just wish he would talk to me . . . THAT'S IT!" Serenity cried, stopping mid step, nearly causing Tyrian to fall. Tyrian had to practically lift her from the ground to keep her in step with him and make sure she didn't' break the rhythm. "What's it Serenity - and please, its' not proper for a princess to yell." "Endymion has retired - I saw him leave. He went for those walks he always takes! I'll bet I can figure out what's going on, or at least talk to him, if i can catch him in the garden!" "Serenity! You can't!" Tyrian cried, trying to think of a way to keep her with him instead of the prince. "It's so late, you'll catch cold. And your mother! What would she say, and your court would never allow-" "It doesn't' matter. I really don't' care what they do to me, it cant' be THAT bad. Besides, this is much more important. You won't' tell anyone I've gone, will you Tyrian?" she asked, pleading with her enormous eyes. "I wont' allow you to go Serenity. You cannot leave me alone at a royal function. I'm sorry, but your talk will have to wait until later. Right now, your place is beside me, not that prince!" Tyrian growled, anger starting to well. Serenity looked at him in confusion. "You're trying to tell me what I can or cannot do? That's ridiculous! You really are a funny character Tyrian. I'll be back soon." She said with a smile, pulling away from him. Yet, something bound her wrist, a strong hand clamped down tightly on her arm. "I already told you Serenity, you are to stay here with me." his voice took on a menacing quality. Serenity looked at him, scared and confused. "Tyrian . . . " "may I cut in?" Both Serenity and Tyrian turned to see him, their faces a mirror of guilt and shame, embarrassed to have been caught in such a situation. "Endymion!" Serenity cried happily. "No, I am dancing with MY fiancee." Tyrian said harshly. "But does Serenity want to dance with me? It is her choice you know." Endymion said, hidden laughter in his mocking voice. "I would love to, Prince Endymion." Serenity said, curtseying deeply before her friend. Endymion smiled widely, the turned a victorious smile loose upon Tyrian, a look that completely infuriated the fair haired prince. "Serenity!" Tyrian exclaimed angrily, taking hold of her arm once more. Endymion laughed, pulling Serenity closer to him, away from the offending prince, and into his arms, holding her tight against him. "Come now Tyrian, you don't' want to cause a rather embarrassing scene, now do you?" he joked, enjoying himself more than he had in a long while, the mirth shining in his eyes. Tyrian remained silent. "Thought not." Endymion said, then turned to the princess in his arms. "Care to dance, Serenity?" "Yes Endy." she replied dreamily. Endymion nodded, and dashed off with her in his arms, stepping lightly in time with the music, allowing it to control his movement, to swing and sway with the crescendo's of the violins. Serenity had danced with Endymion before, but not as she did at that moment. This Endymion was much more sure of himself, and much stronger, almost able to feel the power in his arms, hear his strength as his heart beat through the think silk of his suit. These arms were foreign to her, and yet, so familiar, still her safe haven. Suddenly, Serenity found herself in the garden, among the flowers, among the roses that Endymion had planted himself when he had first arrived on the moon. Endymion let go of her, and walked towards his flowers, eyes transfixed on the earth. Serenity was almost disappointed at the sudden loss of warmth. She quietly took her place beside him, placing her hand upon his shoulder as he watched his home. "It's really a very pretty planet." Serenity commented. Endymion nodded silently, arranging the petals on his roses. "Perhaps one day, I will get to visit it." she remarked. he looked at his flowers intently. "And hey, just for the fun of it, maybe I'll ask my mother to blow it up for me, so I can see if there really are fairies inside the earth." she said, frowning. He still didn't look up form his flowers. "And then, maybe I'll eat the pieces for breakfast. I heard that earth tastes just like chicken." she said, her voice becoming angrier and angrier. Endymion now had his back towards her. She narrowed her eyes at him, and stomped in front of him, blocking his view of everything but her gown, her hands, her hair, her face. "And maybe, just maybe, I'll get my best friend who I have been worrying about for two whole years to talk to me!" she cried in frustration. Endymion blinked, shook his head, and stood. "Don't walk away from me Endymion!" she yelled, grabbing onto his shoulder and, using all her strength, whirled him around to face her. "Even if you're a grown up now, and you don't' look like my Endy, you still are him, and I still need you. So don't' leave me Endy, please." she said, tears leaking out the corners of her eyes as she grabbed onto him tightly, as though she were afraid he would disappear. He gently pushed at her delicate shoulders. "Serenity, please, don't." he croaked, terrified of this girl who now filled his arms, terrified, because he knew that he shouldn't' want to stay in that position for the rest of his life, and knowing that if he continued to keep her there, he would never be able to let her go. "Please, let me in. Talk to me Endy. I've missed you horridly." she sobbed, burying her face into his chest. "Serenity . . .. " he looked at the earth, seeing his home planet, remembering all that he had experienced there, remembering the times he had looked upon the moon just as he was looking upon the Earth now, and how those nights, and the sights that were held in them, kept him sane. How the thought of her kept him alive when he wanted to just give it all up. "Sere . . . I've missed you too . . . I've missed you so much . . . until I almost couldn't' stand it anymore . . .I've missed you so, so much." he said, unable to hide himself from her any longer as he pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her waist, letting his hands trail along her back, his eyes, and the two tears that had escaped them, dried as he rubbed them into her hair. Tyrian glared at the two as he watched them in the garden. 'How dare he put his arms around her!' Tyrian thought angrily. The man was a threat to them, to his union with Serenity. But at the moment, what more could he do? Later though, perhaps . . . "Endy? Why are you so sad?" Serenity asked innocently, looking up into his eyes, wishing she could take the pain she saw in them away.. "What changed you so much?" "Changed?" he asked, smiling wryly. "You are soo different now." Serenity said. "I grew up." "Well!" Serenity said huffily, "I hope I never grow up!" "O really? SO you want Luna nagging you for the rest of your life?" he asked playfully, an eyebrow raised. "Well, not really, but does being a grown up make you so unhappy? Cause if it does, than I don't' want any part of it!" she cried, crossing her arms stubbornly. Endymion laughed. "I don't think you are going to have much of a choice Serenity. It's not that bad really. You'll get to do lots of things that you cant' do right now." "I guess. Like, when I'm an adult, I guess I'll have to marry Tyrian - that might be fun." she said in a detached voice, thinking about the possiblities of the future. "Yeah, you would have to marry when you become an adult." Endymion said, his voice turning unreadable, trying to mask the emotions he felt at just the thought of her being with another. "ENDY?" she cried. "WHAT!" he cried back, alarmed at the sudden change in her voice. "There you go again!!!" she said unhappily. Endymion narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Don't' yell like that Serenity - you nearly gave me a heart attack." he said in relief. "What do you mean, 'there I go again?' he asked. She sighed, closing her eyes. "You can just hear it - you get all distant on me. Like you don't' even know me." "I don't' know what you're talking about." Endymion said, surprised that she could hear such a thing in his voice. He surely hadn't' sounded as he had in his head. She couldn't' have heard the emotions he was trying so hard to hide. "Endymion, please, tell me what happened to you to make you so unhappy. I'm your friend, your best friend! I cant' stand not being able to help you, being left out. You know you can tell me anything." she said passionately. Endymion looked at her lovingly, at the fire in her eyes, the compassion in her face. "I-" she was so close to him, and yet, suddenly, the gap came crashing upon him, separating him further and further from her as he looked upon Earth. How could she understand the intricacies of war, the things he had seen, and worse still, the things he had done! How would she ever care for him knowing all that? Serenity noticed the wistful look on his face as he stared at the Earth, as though in a trance. He looked so stricken as he stood in silent thought. 'What has made you like this? what can I do to help?' she wondered. she stared at the earth, as though it would hold the answers. It looked so pretty now, from the moon, even though she knew that the war was still going on there . . . .the war! a flash sparked through her mind, as though somehow, she could see within his mind, as though their minds were joined, and she knew. "Endymion?" she asked, breaking him from his reverie. "I think I'm going to retire Princess." he said formally. Serenity grabbed onto his arm tightly. "What happened on Earth?" she said seriously. He looked at her in surprise, the mask torn from his shimmering eyes at her question. "You, you don't' want to know Serenity." he said grimly, his voice harsh, not bothering to hide the emotions now. "I DO!! i really do want to know Endymion! I want to know what has hurt you!" she protested. "Don't' hide from me Endy. You can tell me anything, I promise! I'll always be there for you! I always have and I always will!" He gripped her wrists in his own, pulling her close to him, his eyes glinting hard. "Don't ask me about that again Serenity. NEVER!" he growled, then, his eyes softened, as he realized what he had done, letting her go in shock. "I, I am sorry, princess." he muttered, turning quickly to flee from her, a silent figure in the night. Serenity watched him go, before dissolving into sobs. "Why did Rei have to do that! Why did she have to say all that! and then I, I-" Serena began to cry again, her knees pulled to her chin as she sat on the bench. She couldn't believe she had just KISSED Darien. She couldn't' even explain where it had come from! She just knew that she had to prove Rei wrong, but she didn't understand why she had to kiss Darien of all people. It just was a feeling that at the moment, overwhelmed her. And, it was a perfect way to show Rei that she wasn't as pathetic as Rei made her sound to be. But Still, she had KISSED HIM!! How would she ever face him again! her face immediately flushed at the thought, the memory of it. She did enjoy that feeling, a feeling that she had never experienced before, contentment . . . but Rei was right! She would never ever live up to being a princess. Not in a million years! Serena began to cry again, barely noticing the shadow that had fallen over her. She looked up through the watery field of her vision. "What is the matter princess!" Tyrian asked. Serena began to sob harder. "DO . . . don't call m,m, me thththtat! I'm not, not a p, p prin, princess." she said through the lumps in the throat that came with the tears. "Serena, what's wrong?" he asked, sitting down beside her and putting a comforting arm around her. He knew of course exactly what was wrong. That damn sailor scout, mars, Rei, had treated her with such harsh words, and then, then . . .she had kissed HIM!! The prince, Endymion!! Right there in plain view!! His fiancee!! The prince would pay for such a betrayal! But first to attend to the sobbing girl beside him. "They don't' understand! None of them do! I will never be a princess! never!! It's just too hard, and I'm just not good enough! Rei was right! I'm nothing, a nobody! I cant' be the princess! I'm worthless, and-" Tyrian suddenly pulled her closer to him, shaking his head. "You are not worthless Serena. You are a princess." "Btu I can't be a princess!! I'm not good enough to be a princess. I'll make the wrong decision or mess everything up and ruin everything! And the scouts don't' seem to be able to understand that!" she cried, her tears flowing in waves. "I understand, princess. I know the pressure of making a decision that will affect the lives of so many. I understand the feeling that you aren't' smart enough, or good enough, or powerful enough to do your duty, the fear that you will fail them all. I understand what you are afraid of Princess." he said. Serena stopped crying, looking at him plainly, confused and overwhelmed. He knew what she was scared of, knew how she was feeling. he truly did understand. she thought that at least Darien would, but only Tyrian knew the pain she was feeling, the feelings of inadequacy, the fear. "Tyrian?" she asked. He held her hand. "It's all right to cry now, princess. I understand." he said. Serena's eyes watered at his gesture. he understood so much, and cared about her so much. Before she knew it, the tears were streaming down her face, and his arms were around her as she cried out the tension and fear within her. Darien stopped, shocked, staring at the sight before him. Serena, in HIS arms, so, so close to him He turned around angrily, not sure why he was so angry although he had a pretty good guess. The kiss had meant nothing then, had merely been a way to show Rei. He tuned around and swiftly returned to his apartment, the anger festering, growing each time he though of the scene in the park, and thought of HIS name, an angry chant that boiled his blood. TYRIAN!!! Rei found Serena, sitting on the bench, alone. The back of her hair pricked though, a strange feeling coming over her for a moment, though she pushed it aside. She was terrified after all, of having to face Serena after the terrible, cruel, completely unfair way she had treated her. But, Rei knew she couldn't afford to not talk to Serena. She was, even if they did fight, one of her best friends, a friend she did not, could not, would not, lose. "Serena?" Rei asked uncertainly. Serena's head immediately jerked around, looking for the source of the disembodied voice, until her eyes rested upon her sometimes friend. "I don't' want to talk to you right now Rei." Serena said, sniffing, trying her hardest to sound as haughty as possible. "I'll bet. I would be pretty mad too, if I were you." "Who said I'm mad?" Serena laughed. "I just don't' feel like talking right now." Rei sat down next her on the bench. "I came to um," her voice lowered to an almost inaudible whisper. "Apologize." "What?" Serena said, bewildered. "I'm sorry" Rei whispered. Serena began to giggle, a smile creeping upon her face. "Sorry Rei, couldn't' hear ya! Could you say it again, a little louder?" "I SAID I'M SORRY YOU MEAT BALL BRAIN!! WHAT HAS THE MEATBALL SAUCE CLOGGED YOUR EARS?" Rei screamed, fuming and utterly embarrassed. Serena squealed with laughter, gripping her friend tightly around the neck. Rei slowly allowed herself to smile as well and the two eased back onto the bench in a comfortable silence. "Thanks Rei." Serena said quietly. "I shouldn't have said all that stuff back there. I guess I was just . . . mad, or angry or jealous or something." Serena looked over, a confused look on her face. "Jealous?" Serena asked, "OF what?" "Of you stupid! Jeez your soo dense!" Rei threw her hands up in frustration. Sometimes Serena just made her go CRAZY! "Why would you be jealous of me?" Serena said, her voice soft and timid. Rei looked at her friend incredulously, but Serena's blue eyes told her that the blond had no idea that she had so many good traits. "You have everything. You are pretty, and popular, and so cheerful is makes me ill, your the leader of the scouts, you have this incredible family, and, and-" "And what Rei?" "And . . . you have so so much." Rei finished, thinking of Darien. "You're jealous of that?" Serena said, laughing a little. Rei's eyes darkened, her face flashing with anger. "You have a problem with it!" "No!" Serena said, throwing her hands up defensively. "It's just funny, that's all." "And what's so funny about it!" "Well, I always wanted to be like you cause your gorgeous, and you have soo much talent, and your smart, and you always get what you say you'll do done, you never fail anyone, and you even have a boyfriend, and I'm probably never gonna get one, and just . . . you're PERFECT!" "You really don't' have anything in that head of yours, do you?" Rei said, amazed. She had no idea Serena had felt like that. "It's true! I mean, I'm never gonna be like that. Not in a million billion years! I'm just a failure at EVERYTHING!" "You're nuts Serena." Rei said. "You have no idea how much you have, and how much I would give to be like that for just one day." Serena's eyes began to water with emotion. She had such wonderful friends that it overwhelmed her. "Let's not fight anymore, OK?" Serena said, hugging Rei again. Rei nodded her agreement. "C'mon, it's getting late. Let's hurry up and head back." Rei said, standing up and heading down a path. Serena watched her for a moment, confused, before calling out to her. "Where you going?" "Home, where else? You coming?" "That's the wrong way - you're taking the long way." Serena said. pointing to another path. "This way is faster." "No it's not, this way is. So hurry up Serena, It's getting chilly." "But that isn't' the right way to go! You're taking the wrong path!" Serena said impatiently. "NO I AM NOT!" Rei yelled, feeling the frustration well inside her. "Why am I even listening to you! You get lost in your closet! Now follow me if you want to get home faster, meatball head!" "DO NOT CALL ME MEATBALL HEAD! I'M GOING THIS WAY!" Serena cried, stomping off down the path. Rei sighed, smiling, following her own path. Maybe, they never would stop fighting, but she knew they would never stop being friends. Something rustled and Rei stopped, looking at the patch of trees she had heard the noise coming from. It had already turned dark. Maybe her mind was playing ticks on her. She heard it again. Maybe her mind wasn't. "Who's there?" she said in her bravest voice. "I demand you show yourself!" The blond headed man stepped out from behind the trees. "Leave her alone Rei." he stated. Rei looked at him in confusion. "Do I know you? How do you know my name? And what are you talking about? leave who alone?" "You don't' know me in this time Mars, but I swear, if you ever hurt Serena again, you will regret it." he said, grabbing hold of her wrist. Rei's eyes clouded in fear, before giving way to rage. "How do you know who I am, and how do you know Serena!" "I know everything about you and the scouts. And I don't' want any of you to hurt the prin - hurt Serena. Am I making myself clear?" Rei narrowed her eyes. "Perfectly." she said darkly. In a quick movement, she had kicked the man hard, ripping her wrist from his hand, and grabbed her transformation pen. "MARS POWER!" Where once the girl Rei Hino had stood, the Sailor Scouts Mars now was. "If you know so much about me, than you know an angry scout is not a good thing." Mars said angrily. "NOW one more time, who are you and how do you know so much about us?" "I have warned you Mars, leave Serena alone!" the man repeated, turning to walk away. Mars shook her head. "You cant' tell me what to do!" She brought her hands up, readying for her attack. "MARS . . . " she chanted. The man turned around, staring at her in amusement. He closed his eyes, a beam of power shooting from the middle of his forehead and lightly knocking Mars down to the ground, causing her no damage. She angrily got back up to her feet. "You'll pay for that! No one messes with a scout and gets away with it!" Mars cried in defiance. The man looked at her, amused. "STOP!" Serena cried, running down the path, banging into the man. "TYRIAN! MARS! STOP THIS!" Serena pleaded. "Why are you fighting?" Mars looked from Serene, who was now being held by the man, to the man himself, who was looking at Serena with an unreadable expression. 'What is going on here?!?!' "Serena, you know this guy?" Mars asked, still watching him carefully. IF he tried anything, anything at all, made the slightest wrong move, he was toast. "Mars, he's my friend, Tyrian. Don't' hurt him, please." Serena said, her eyes shimmering, unable to understand why her two friends were fighting. "Serena, he knows! he knows who I am! " Mars said. "you didn't' tell him anything, did you?" "NO! NO WAY!!" Serena cried. "I would never do that! NEVER!" "Serena did not tell your secret. I know you all, and that is how I know who you are. I was there with you on the moon. Or do you not remember as well?" "WEll, I don't' remember that." Mars said angrily. "But knowing me, or at least thinking you do, doesn't' give you the right to threaten me!" "Threaten?" Serena asked, looking to Tyrian for answers. "You threatened her?" 'O YEAH he threatened me!" Mars said. "I was trying to defend you. She is your friend, one of your scouts. She should not have treated you the way she did. I wanted her to know that such behavior would not be tolerated towards one such as yourself." He said. "One such as 'yourself'?' " Rei asked, laughing. "Give me a break. I can say whatever I want to Serena!" "It's all right, really, it is Tyrian, even if you were trying to help me. I can take of this stuff by myself though." Serena said. Tyrian looked from the angry scout to the girl in his arms and smiled. "Very well then Prin-" "Thanks!" Serena cried, cutting him off before he could say the dreaded word. There was no way she was going to let the scouts know she was a princess. She would just fail them. She had already decided that she couldn't' let them know, because then, the scouts would truly fall apart. They counted on the princes, as the hope to bring them through every battle, the reason for fighting. And if they knew that the princess was just plain old Serena, the scouts would probably fall apart. he wouldn't' let that happen. I still want to know who the heck you are." Mars said. "Maybe we should have a scout meeting." Serena suggested. "Yeah, ask Luna if she remembers any jerk's from the moon - although, how we got to the moon is beyond me - I think you're a little wacko, personally. I think I would remember being on the moon." "Ah, so Luna still is around." Tyrian said. Serena nodded. "I think we should all meet at the temple tomorrow, about 5, K?" Serena said. Mars nodded in agreement. "And don't' forget blondie over there." Mars said, pointing disdainfully at Tyrian. "I'll be there, Rei." Tyrian said. "OK! then its' settled. Now, I think we should all go home, OK?" Serena said, peaceful smile upon her face. "Tomorrow then." Mars agreed. "I'll walk you home Serena." Tyrian offered. Mars glared at him, but said nothing as Serena accepted his offer. "I'll see ya later then Mars. BYE!" Serena called, walking down the path. Mars watched the two leave, Serena chattering amicably while he watched her, She didn't' like the guy and the fact that Serena seemed so close to him worried her. No, it downright terrified her. She knew it was tine to call the scouts. "You didn't' need to have scared her Tyrian." Serena admonished, her arm looped through his. He smiled "They have no right to treat you like that. Someone had to tell her-" Serena hook her head, silencing him. "You shouldn't' have, even if it was a nice thing to do. Its' not like I don't' appreciate you standing up for me. I think you're the only one who has." "I will always stand up for you Princess." he said seriously. Serena looked into his face, squinting her eyes. His lines were set so straight, his eyes so clouded. She couldn't tell a thing from them. But then, he smiled, and she knew she could count on him. He had already done so much for her, and he understood all of her fears. Hew as the only one who could understand. "I don't' know what I'm going to do without you." she stated sadly. He looked at her with curiosity. "No one gets how I feel about his princess stuff. Only you do. YOU CAN'T TELL THEM that I'm a princess tomorrow. They don't know anything about that, and i don't want them to. for as long as I can." "But Serena, you are-" "PLEASE!!" she cried desperately. "Please understand." "Of course. Whatever you wish. I understand. Of course, I understand. I am a prince myself Serena. We are kindred spirits. I knew that from the moment I first saw you back on the moon." "O yeah." she said, her mind far off. Why could she hardly remember the moon, only in her vague, shadowed dreams. "You really are as beautiful now as you were then." Tyrian stated, stopping mid-stride. Serena stopped, looking back at him quizzically. "Why can't I remember anything about the moon and you can. I don't' even get how I can be form the moon All my memories are from being on earth, even from when I was a little girl." "I cant' answer that princess." Tyrian said, taking her hands. "But I do know that leaving the moon, and you was the hardest thing I have ever done. I vowed to return to you, no matter what. I promised to never let you go. And when my ship . . . i came back for you Serenity." "Serena." She corrected. He lowered his eyes for a moment. "Of course, I'm sorry. I came back for you though, so we can continue where we left off. I still want to marry you." he said, closing his eyes. Serena stepped back form him, startled. 'That's right, we were supposed to be engaged!' she thought, her mind flitting like crazy. Tyrian drew her in for a tight embrace. And Serena had no idea why she was struggling. She wanted to push away, yet at the same time, being in someone's arms, knowing that someone wanted her, someone loved her, that was an inviting idea. No one cared for her like Tyrian did. No one! Not the boys at her school, not Andrew, not Darien . . . She sighed, resisting the part of herself that was screaming that this was utterly wrong. Because, being held in someone's arms, even if it did feel so awkward, was so nice, because knowing that someone, somewhere thought she was special was a dream she had never thought would happen so soon. And he seemed to care for her so much. he seemed to be able to understand. He seemed to love her. It would be so easy to just love him right back, to love and be loved . . . even if she really wanted . . . "Tyrian, I think this is where I head home alone. My dad would go completely wacko if he saw you." Serena said abruptly, ducking out of his grasp. Tyrian looked at her, his eyes flashing before the light dies out. "I am not afraid of your father -" "But you might hurt him, ya know?" she said, smiling. The trick worked and he sighed in defeat. "I will see you tomorrow, at the meeting then, my princess." he said, taking her hand and kissing it gently. Serena closed her eyes, waiting for the butterflies that she knew would come when the boy you loved kissed you so romantically. They never came. She frowned. "Is something the matter?" He asked. She shook her head. "No, Nothing's wrong at all, it's just that . . . did you hear that!?!?!" She asked. Tyrian turned his head towards the forest, straining his ears. "No. I don't' hear a thing Serena." "But I'm sure I heard something." She whined. "ARGHHHH!!!" Faintly, someone cried through the trees, the sound nearly dying and almost inaudible. "Tyrian! Do you hear?" Serena cried, in a panic. The hairs on her neck suddenly rose, the terror and doom in the pit of her stomach starting to let themselves be known. Why was she feeling such fear when she was over here, safe. She wanted to run so badly, every ounce of her willing her to run away. But something held her. "AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!" Louder this time. And Serena's mouth dropped, her eyes wide as she recognized the voice of her friend. Before she gave it another thought she was off and running towards the source of the voice, screaming. She wouldn't' let the monster, the youma, for she was sure that it was a youma, probably Zoicite's doing, hurt her friends. She cared about him too much. "DARIEN!!!!" She cried. She had no time to think, no time to be scared. She ran on pure instinct alone, the sound of his pained voice still in her head. If anything happened to him . . . She ran faster, not even realizing the vast amounts of bravery she had that kept her from turning tail or whining as she usually did. No, this was too important to run away from. he was too important . . . "MOON PRISM POWER!" In a flash of light, Sailor moon emerged and raced towards the cries. "WHAT THE HELL . . . " Tyrian wondered aloud. Serenity had never done THAT before. 'Since when did she become a scout! Or am I just losing my mind?' he wondered, following her. Darien groggily opened an eye, the back of his head throbbing. "Wha . . . " Then, he remembered. The giant bear like youma clawing at him, throwing him against the tree, and then nothing. "GRRRRWWWWLLLLL!!!" Darien's eyes jerked open at the hot breath on his face, staring right into the jaws of the beast, it's claws outstretched. Darien backed away from it, reaching inside his jacket for a rose. But, there was no where else for him to go, and the razor sharp claws were coming at him faster and faster and . . . "MOON TIARA MAGIC!" "Sailor MOON!" Darien cried, still not completely sure of what was going on. He reluctantly let go of the rose. There was no way he could transform with her watching. The bear had turned its back towards him, concentrating on Sailor Moon. She scurried out of the way, wielding her scepter in front of her defensively. "GET OUT OF HERE DARIEN!" She cried, her voice struggling to stay strong despite her trembling of fear. It swiped a claw towards her, and she dove to the side with her usual grace (or lack thereof) Darien could swear his heart almost stop as he prayed for her safety as the bear lunged towards her again. She rolled to the side,, jumping to her feet. The buzzing in Darien's head seemed to grow louder and louder as he could sense Sailor Moon's danger. 'LET HER BE ALL RIGHT!' he screamed silently, as though the sheer force of his thoughts would be enough to protect her. 'I have to get away and transform! If anything should happen to her . . . ' He looked around trying to duck out of the way. Tuxedo mask would not abandon Sailor Moon. "Moon Tiara Magic!" she cried again, letting the tiara fly. It crashed into the soft fur of the bear, causing it to whirl around in pain. It cried out angrily, leaping deftly towards her. Sailor Moon tried to jump out of the way again, but was too slow, as the bear clawed at her foot, catching the boot, blood dying it a darker shade of red. "Help me Tuxedo mask!" she whimpered, cowering as the bear loomed above her. Dropping the rose, Darien pounced, rage filling him. "NO!" he grabbed hold of it's hair, knowing that although he hadn't' had time to transform into Tuxedo mask because the delay could have ended up costing sailor Moon's life, he was now more vulnerable. The bear bucked wildly, thrashing around, trying to throw Darien. Darien's knuckles turned bone white from trying to hang onto the hair, but could feel the sleek fur slipping between his fingers. He suddenly was flying through the air, connecting with the solid ground. The bear turned towards him, it's eyes glinting cold and bloodthirsty. Darien chanced a glance over at Sailor Moon, her eyes large and tearful, crying for . . . him? He tried to get to his feet, but his head was still spinning, and he felt too dizzy from his fall, a concussion probably he thought, to stand. 'Serena!' Sailor Moon, could almost see the bear smile as it glared at Darien, licking its jaws hungrily. And Darien looked so pale! He couldn't' stand, could barely sit up. 'NO!' she thought, her mind screaming. She pushed her self off the ground, her foot protesting mightily. 'I wont' let him die! He cant'! He just can't!' she though, determination settling over her features, holding back the tears. "MOON TIARA MAGIC!" "It distracted the bear for a moment, but not enough for the bear to center its attention on her. She screamed silently in frustration. It lifted a claw high over head. It was going to . . . "GOD NO!! DARIEN!!!" she cried, pushing off the ground with her good leg to almost fly to his side, covering him with her own body, clutching his head, her hands intertwined in his hair. Her tears flowed freely onto his neck as she buried her face against him. "NO! No! Darien, no." she cried, covering him. "I wont' let you die on me." She could feel him struggling weakly beneath her, trying to almost push her away. "Save yourself Sailor Moon." she heard him whisper through the sea of pain. She shook her head stubbornly, holding onto him even more tightly, waiting for the claws to slice into her. What was she doing. Why was she crying? She refused to leave. He groaned in frustration. No matter how weak he was, he still struggled against her, trying to keep her safe. he had to keep her safe. It was his duty. He could feel her warm tears slide down his skin, crying softly, mumbling some unintelligible words. "Darien, no! I wont' let you die on me." When did Serena get there? he wondered. That voice! It sounded just like her. He opened his eyes, looking up at the voice. For a moment, in the haze that followed the rising of the eyelids, he could have sworn he had seen her eyes, her golden hair hanging around him, drowning him. But the mists parted. It wasn't' her. "Save yourself Sailor Moon." he whispered. He would not fail her, not his princess, not Sailor Moon. 'I'm sorry Serena.' She still held him so tightly. WHY WOULDN'T SHE LET HIM GO! Suddenly, the blanket of golden honey hair was lifted, the cold rushing in. He looked up, his eyes searching for Sailor moon in terror. 'NONNONONONONONONONO!' "What happened to the bad guy?" Sailor Moon asked, looking over her shoulders, searching for the youma. Deciding that the coast was clear, she turned al of her attention back on Darien. "Are you al right? You are all right aren't' you?" she asked, her voice rising in alarm. "I mean, its' not like your hurt are you, Darien? You're not hurt! RIGHT!! DON'T" BE HURT!! PLEASE BE OK!!" "I'm fine Sailor Moon." he said, putting a hand on her shoulder and smiling at her reassuringly. "Thank you for saving my life. That thing would have killed me if you hadn't' been there." She beamed happily, grasping him around the neck tightly. "THANK YOU!!!" she cried. "O THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! SO SO SO SO MUCH!!! THANK YOU!" "You deserved it." he said, grinning. Somehow, she sort of reminded him of Serena. "You have no idea how much that means to me Darien. I mean, you really don't' think I'm a total failure?" "YOu saved my life- only a pro could have done what you did. It was a very brave thing that you did for me." "Thank you so much." she said, her eyes shining with her heartfelt emotions. He smiled back at her. She stood carefully, trying not to put any pressure on her foot, biting down on her lips to conceal the whimper that had nearly escaped her. "Are you all right?" Darien asked, immediately concerned, the look on her face, the flash of pain, unmistakable. He immediately stood, only to stumble back against the tree, his head still spinning. "DARIEN!" she said in alarm, forgetting her foot for the moment and stepping towards him. But, her cut foot gave out, and she stumbled into him, his arms catching her effortlessly, as though they had been trained to do it. "Are you all right?" they both asked breathlessly at the same time. Sailor Moon giggled. "Fine. How about you?" They both said, again at the same time. Darien shook his head. "Your foot doesn't' look fine. You need help." "I'm fine! you however, need a doctor! you can barely stand! We don't want anything happening to you! Your loved ones will be totally freaked if they find you like this! You have to get to the hospital. "Sailor Moon-" he began, sighing in frustration. the looked up as something else entered, already on his guard. He clutched his rose tightly, knowing that should they face the monster, Sailor Moon was in no position to fight it without Tuxedo mask - he was already kicking himself for not transforming sooner. If he had, she might not have been hurt. 'IDIOT!' he admonished. He turned cautiously to face the new voice. "SERENA!" "Tyrian!?!?" Darien called back. 'Serena?' He wondered. Why would Tyrian be looking for Serena. Unless she was lost in the forest . . . and the beast might get her, Zoicite's youma would tear her apart. His eyes grew wide as the terrifying image played in his head, as the insanity of it began to overwhelm his senses and he began to sway on his feet. "SERENA!" Tyrian cried again, facing Sailor moon. "Where is she Tyrian! Did you lose her! IS she all right?" Darien cried, his full attention on Tyrian. If something had happened to her, because he had failed to defeat that youma, if she died, because he had not done his job . . . "DAMMIT!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH SERENA!" Darien cried, his rage reaching the boiling point. Tyrian cowered slightly before the angry man, recalling other times when the young prince had looked like that, all of them when the subject concerned HER! perhaps there actually was something going on, something more than Serenity or Endymion were willing to admit. The prince certainly had some feelings for her. And he never did try and break off that kiss in the cafe. Endymion was a threat. if only the Princess, no, the princess dressed as a sailor scout, had not cut in, then his youma would have disposed of that annoying prince and nothing, save the scouts themselves, could stop him from having his rightful bride. "I have done NOTHING with her, you arrogant idiot! Cant' you see she's right - " "HERE! My god! Darien! What happened? Are you all right?" Serena cried, standing shyly behind a tree. Tyrian gaped at her, wondering where she had come from, before noticing that Sailor Moon was not there. "Are you all right Serena. You didn't' run into anything. I mean-" Darien stammered, the relief so thick in his voice it was hard to speak. "Fine, fine. BUT Darien, you're' hurt! Did that monster hurt you! You have to get to a hospital!" "I'm fine." Darien said, leaning back against the tree. he looked over at . . . "SAILOR MOON! Where is she? Is she all right?" Darien cried, almost jumping up from his spot. Serena nodded. "I saw her go off. She looked fine to me. But Darien, you don't' look so hot at all. Tyrian, would you mind taking him to a doctor. Juuban Memorial is just on the other side of the wood." Serena pleaded. Tyrian sighed, knowing that there was no arguing with her when she used that tone. "Of course, but Serena-" "HURRY! Please Tyrian, take care of him. I gotta book it or else my dad will go ballistic." She said. Tyrian sighed, offering the dark haired man a shoulder to lean on, which he reluctantly took. Darien looked wistfully at Serena. "I don't ant you wandering around here alone." he said almost over-protectively. Serena smiled at him gratefully. "I'll be fine. Just go! Please, I don't ant you to get hurt any worse. i wont' let you die on me." she joked. Darien looked up at her startled. But she had slipped away into the forest. He wanted to stare at the darkness she had disappeared to, run after her, the words she had just spoken shaking him. She had sounded so much like . . . . "Come on Darien. Let's get you to a hospital." Tyrian said, pulling Darien along with him, angrily watching as the dark haired man looked over his shoulder to stare forlornly at the forest, jealousy welling up inside of him. 'Stay away from what is mine, young prince.' Serena let out a relieved whoosh of breath, leaning against the tree. She had almost been caught today. It had been a close call. And what had happened to Tuxedo Mask - had he abandoned her? "NO! He wouldn't' leave me alone!" she said angrily aloud, pounding her fist against the tree, fighting off tears. 'But why didn't he come to my rescue? He cant' be an enemy, like Luna thinks. HE JUST CAN'T!' Wiping away her tears, Serena decided that it was time to start heading home. She took a shaky step forward, then, wincing in pain, slumped to the ground, clutching her injured foot. It was throbbing, though slowly numbness was drowning that sensation out. Her eyes widened as she pulled her hand away, moist with her own blood. 'I cant' walk home like this!' she though fearfully, her eyes watering once more. 'TUXEDO MASK! I NEED YOU!' .