Story: First love part five Author Razzz E-mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------- HI!! Done par five an guess what' - it's out this week - but you know that already, its' fairly obvious. OK!! short AN here. SM belongs to Naoko Takeuchi and all those other rich people. Thanks to the people who I know rock, I'm too lazy and tired right now to name you all. If you're really curious, it's still the same people as in my last chapter's AN's with the addition of Sailor Thunder and Sailor Celestial, who both wrote amazing stories!!! I don't' know when the next part will be coming out - expect me to be taking a long, long hiatus from writing right now though, cause I have more that I would like to be doing going on in my life - Finals, AP's work, life -0 so chapter six, the finale I think, might be a long time coming - SORRY!! don't' kill me yet!! Let me finish - I hate leaving things unfinished - then you can kill me. last comment. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send feedback. I totally appreciate all comments and that's the only way you can tell me how evil and horrid and terrible I am. OK? SO, now I'm gonna pass out - NEVER EVER volunteer to do overtime after a six hour shift!!!!!! LATER!! Razzz "You don't need to walk me home Tyrian. I'm fine. The doctor said it was just a concussion." Darien said. Tyrian shook his head. "Serena asked me to take care of you. I will not fail her." "Well, I can take care of myself!" Darien said hotly. Why did it feel as though he were competing with Tyrian? And why did he feel his face flush in anger every time he mentioned Serena? "ARGH!" "Is anything wrong?" Tyrian asked. Darien shook his head. "I'm fine!" he growled. "I've been through worse and come out fine." "Like what?" Tyrian asked. Darien's eyes clouded over for a moment, before the far-away look was gone, and his eyes had gone cold and hard again. "Don't' pry into my life Tyrian." "You know," Tyrian said, a smile forming on his lips. "Serena may be mine, but it is certainly no reason for you to hate me." "Darien stopped, standing stock still, his hand formed into a tight fist. His face twitched from the effort to keep his anger in check. "I, I don't' know what you're talking about." He stammered, his voice gruff with rage. "I think you do." Tyrian replied, his voice as calm as ever, if not slightly mocking. Darien wanted nothing more that to punch him. Who did that arrogant, pompous little piece of . . . . he shook his head, trying to get control of his reeling emotions. It was just like before, at the orphanage. He had to keep his calm. "I think I can make it the rest of the way alone Tyrian." Darien's voice was cold and unemotional. Tyrian smiled. Somethings, it seemed, did not change. "NO, My Serena asked me to take you home Darien. I cant' go back on my word." "And since when did she become yours exactly!" Darien cried angrily, immediately regretting his actions. He had never broken like that before! How could he, what could have possibly made him act like that, cut through his defenses. He already knew the answer, could see it in her eyes and smile. Darien closed his eyes, regretting his brash action as they continued to walk towards the apartment. "Serena is mine Darien. Don't' think you can steal her from me." Tyrian said coldly, a challenge in his voice. "I never said I was going to." "I'm not stupid. I can see it. You . . .. care . . . for her more than you would like to admit." Tyrian said. "But you can't have her." "I DON'T WANT HER!" Darien yelled in frustration. "You just keep telling yourself that. But I know you better than you think I do." "Why are you . . . " Darien stopped mid- sentence, something catching his attention, his eyes immediately glazing over as he stared at some imaginary point. He brought a hand up to his temple and rubbed it slightly. Pinpricks, tiny pinpricks inside his head. Not as sharp as if Sailor Moon was calling him, but still, someone, somewhere, needed him. he closed his eyes. A wood, she was sitting down, crying, holding . . . .her foot, her golden hair falling in her face . . . BLOOD! "Serena!" he said breathlessly, his eyes snapping open. Darien shook free of Tyrian, racing to the phones. That image remained in his head, of her all alone, crying, hurt. 'Please be home Serena. Please have made it back safely.' "He dialed, the phone answered on the first ring. "Serena!" Her mother cried into the phone, sounding fatigued. "No. It's Darien, I was wondering if I could talk with her about . . . her assignment." "I don't know where she is! She hasn't' come back yet! She was supposed to be back HOURS AGO!" her mother said frantically. "You don't' know where she is, do you? When I get my hands on that girl . . . " "I'm sorry, I don't' know where she might have gone to. But I'll keep an eye out for her." Darien said, feeling ice creep into his heart. If anything happened to her . . .he had to find her! "Thank you so much Darien. We're starting to get worried. IF you find her, tell her that she is in BIG trouble. Think grounding in terms of years. "I will. I've gotta go now, Mrs. Tsukino." "All right Darien. Good night." she said, hanging up the phone. Darien turned to look back at Tyrian, his face pale. "What about Serena." Tyrian asked. Darien shook his head. "Nothing. I need to do something . . . alone!" Darien said, emphasizing the last word. He fingered his rose, wanting to just run from Tyrian, turn into Tuxedo mask, and find her. He couldn't' stand the delay. "I'm coming with you!" Tyrian said, stepping up to him. Darien shook his head. "NO!" "If Serena is missing, I want to help! I'm coming! And there is nothing that you can do to stop me!" Tyrian said unyieldingly. Darien groaned in frustration, putting the rose away. "Fine. But hurry!" Darien said, starting towards the woods again, his urgency apparent in his rapid gait. "Where do you suppose she is?" Tyrian asked, his voice remaining steady. Darien wondered how he could do that. He knew he was barely holding on to the calm that was in his voice. He knew that it would crack at any moment, just at the thought of her helpless and hurt . . . he ran faster. "WAIT FOR ME ENDYMION!" Tyrian yelled after the rapidly moving man he was following. Darien certainly seemed to have some sort of idea where Serena was. It would not be a good idea to kill him because of that alone, as well as the fact that should anything happen to him while she had asked him to watch over the prince, she would be disappointed in him. He could not let that happen, se keep the boorish prince safe he must. It was almost like all those other times, when he had been racing towards Sailor Moon. He wondered how he could do that with Serena. It just didn't' make any sense. Was she clouding his judgment now, obscuring his mission to protect the princess. Or was she in fact the princess, which was why he could have such a link with her. 'Or maybe you care about her too much! DAMMIT! How could you have let this happen?' he screamed at himself. Things would never be the same. Serena didn't' seem to know or act like the princess at all. He was beginning to doubt the validity of his dream. Perhaps, it was just him putting her face on his ideal, because, he had to face the fact that he now thought of HER as his ideal. If she had any idea what she was doing to him . . .he was willing to give up his mission, willing to forget about the princess. There wasn't room enough in his life for the two of them. And Tyrian was right. he could not give up Serena. He could try and not care, and he almost succeeded, but then, that kiss . . . she had changed everything. It was all he could think of. All he wanted was to be swept up with her, to forget the past, not worry of the future, of Zoicite and the Rainbow Crystals and Tuxedo Mask and . . . she alone could change all of that. It seemed so clear to him now. She was his princess! Not THE princess, the one calling to him, the magical woman that filled his night-time thoughts. No she was HIS princess, the real, tangible one, the one he could touch and hold and kiss, she was HIS princess. It was time to give up silly dreams, and embrace the beautiful reality. "Which way! Hurry up! If she is hurt . . . why didn't you make her come with us?" Tyrian raged, frustrated at how Darien had seemed to slow down. Darien looked at him, his eyes immediately flashing in anger. 'TYRIAN!' He was too late. Tyrian. She had Tyrian. She loved Tyrian probably. He had seen it with is own eyes, the way he had held her on the bench. The way she had time and again chosen Tyrian over him. SHe held no love for him. She had even admitted it to Rei. She thought of him as nothing more than a friend, perhaps even less, nothing more than a tutor. But Tyrian, Tyrian she loved. Tyrian was right, she was his. 'And she will never be mine.' He couldn't' understand how Tyrian had let her go, how he could have allowed her out of his arms. How he had allowed her to be lost in the park . . . "Why didn't' you?!?! You should have made her come with us! How could you have lost her! How could you have left her alone in the woods! At night! What kind of idiot are you!" Darien screamed angrily. "The best kind . . . " Tyrian seethed, feeling the energy gather in his forehead. 'I'm sorry princess, but he must be eliminated.' "DARIEN!" Both men turned. "S, Serena?" Darien asked, breaking into a run towards the trees, finding her slumped against one, holding her foot. He knelt beside her, letting a hand stray over her face, reassuring himself that he had indeed found her, that he hadn't' been too late. "DARIEN! YOU FOUND ME!" she shrieked, immediately wrapping her arms around him tightly, burying her head against his shoulder. He returned the gesture, as the relief set in. "Of course, meatball head. I love your faith in me." he teased. She smiled, hitting him lightly with her arm. "Shut-up lame brain." she retorted, not really meaning a word of the dig. "Serena!" Tyrian said darkly, his eyes a murky maelstrom as he saw the two embrace. That didn't'; look like a simple friendly hug to him. "Tyrian! YOU CAME TOO!!" She said happily. "I thought you weren't' hurt." Tyrian said, leaning down to look at her foot. "I thought you were fine." Darien said, looking down at her foot, the sock stained red. It almost made him ill, to know she had even been hurt. "Yeah well, I AM! It's just a scratch!" she said hotly, as Darien seemed to laugh at her internally. he reached over. "the you won't mind if I-" "YEEEOOOWWW!!!!" She cried, as he flicked her foot, her nail digging into him in pain. "THAT HURT!" she pouted. "Geez, down Luna." Darien said, then, turning serious, "You should have gone to the hospital too. This looks bad." "I thought I could handle it myself." She said, turning her head down. "Serena." Tyrian said, stepping forward. "I know, I know Tyrian. It was a stupid thing to do." "You had us all very worried there Serena - but only for a second. Then, of course, we celebrated!" Darien said. She looked at him angrily. "YOU DID NOT!" she yelled, then meekly added, "Did you?" "Of course not meat ball head. But really, if you needed help, you should have asked." "But I didn't' want-" "It doesn't' matter Serena." he said, sweeping her up into his arms and cradling her against him. "I'll always be there for you when you need me. For always." His eyes sparkled, looking down at her longingly, wistfully, so serious, pools of emotions. She couldn't' help but stare through her lowered lashes as the butterflies began to dance within her. Then, he smiled crookedly. "Even when I know you're gonna start leaking blood everywhere and stain my brand new pants. OH! The dangers of being such a noble guy." "NOBLE! HA!" she said, immediately breaking the spell. "You're about as Noble as, as . . .well, some really jerky fairy tale figure, i cant' think of who yet." "I can." Tyrian said darkly, glaring at the two standing there, teasing and joking and so close to one another, his arms around her. He shut his eyes for a moment. 'DAMN THAT PRINCE!' He held his rage in check, the setting of his jaw the only indication that something was wrong. "Are you coming Tyrian?" Darien asked, as he began to head towards the hospital. "We're going to get our dear Princess in distress some medical assistance." "Don't' call me that." Serena said, the light tone in her voice lifted to reveal a more serious side of her. Darien looked down at her, confused. "Huh? What do you mean?" "Just don't' call me princess, all right?" she asked. Darien shrugged, not really understanding. "Sure thing. If you prefer meat ball head ,I don't' mind." "AND DON'T CALL ME MEAT BALL HEAD!" Darien wondered if she had been awake enough to hear him last night, to have felt the stolen kiss upon her cheek as he watched her sleep for a moment, after he had brought her home from the hospital. He had been so relieved to find that her injury was nothing more than a deep cut requiring only a few stitches, and she had been able to go home immediately. Being able to hold her in his arms, so close to him . . . he shook his head in frustration. Still, the nagging doubts were raised in his mind, the struggle for superiority between his Dream Princess and his real one. But, the argument was losing steam. He couldn't' help himself from feeling this way. As though he were falling down a bottomless pit, helpless to stop himself as he flew along for the crazy ride. There was no controlling these emotions that raged. Nothing, not his cool logic that told him she was only 14, nothing that special or pretty, just plain old, meatball head Serena. And at those thoughts, he immediately began to defend her form himself, about how when she smiled, the whole day seemed to become better, how one look into her eyes, and he suddenly forgot what had been going on, what he was supposed to say, how her hair looked more like a river of gold, how she was the most special treasure in the entire universe. He laughed at the stupidity of it all. He was arguing with himself! OVER A GIRL!!! (not just any girl, his subconscious piped in. He willed it to be quiet) But then again, she was taken. But, how could he let her go! 'As though she was ever yours to keep!' he chided. He got up, deciding a walk was the best thing to clear his mind. 'I HAVE GOT TO GET OVER THIS!!!!!' he thought angrily, stubbornly, as he tried to push her form his mind. 'I HAVE GOT TO FIGHT THIS!' "Thanks so much Rei! But are you sure you don't' mind?" Serena asked. She was laying in bed, her leg high on a pillow. "Not at all. It's just my lunch break and my free period I'm ditching. besides, your mom's cooking beats my crusty old sack lunch any day." Rei said, sitting down on the edge of Serena's' bed. "Yeah. i wish I could just stay like this forever - just stay in bed, reading my manga, sleeping no homework, no worries. It's great!" "Don't' get too used to it Serena." Luna commented. Serena frowned at the cat, and threw a pillow at it. "Don't' you have some poor defenseless mice to catch or something Luna?" she asked, hinting that she wanted the guardian to leave for a while. "No, I do not. But, I do have other scout business to attend to." Luna said, standing and walking out the door. She threw her head over her shoulder. "And the mice I catch are most certainly not defenseless. it's always a fair fight!" "O yeah, way fair, a big cat that outweighs ya by about 100 times with claws versus this eency weency mouse. That's what I call fair." Serena giggled snidely to Rei. Rei merely smiled. "I guess you cant' come to the meeting today, huh" Rei asked. Serena nodded her head. "My mom wont' let me out of the house. It's funny, since I think I'm gonna go nuts if I'm trapped in here for much longer. O! But don't' worry, Tyrian will be there for me!" "That's why I wanted to talk to you. That guy, Tyrian, how does he know so much? I don't' really get it." "O! Yeah, well, apparently, we are all like these reincarnations of these people from the moon, and he somehow was too, or something, only he didn't' die, and I guess the rest of us did or something, and anyways, he knows us from then. He said he'd been serachign the whole galaxy to find us! Pretty cool, huh?" "And you're sure he's not one of Zoicite's tricks?" Rei asked seriously. Sera shook her head vehemently. "NO WAY REI! He's definitely not. How could you even say such a thing about him!" "I just . . . .I don't' know." Rei said, not telling her about the peculiar vibes she got form Tyrian. "You really seem to trust him." Rei commented. Serena nodded. "I do. he really . . . understands me, ya know? I can tell him anything, and I know he gets what I'm feeling. It's really hard to explain and way complicated, I guess." "And he's' way cute too, huh Serena?" She giggled. Serena blushed, then threw her pillow at Rei. "HEY! I was only kidding!" "Well, you wouldn't' strike an invalid would you?" Serena asked, as Rei mencaingly held the pillow. She merely smiled, then let it fly. "OOOO!! OUCHIE!! REI!" She screamed, laughing. Rei clapped her hands together in satisfaction, then sat down again. "Serena, this Tyrian guy-" Rei began again. Serena looked at her intently, cutting her off. "I trust him Rei. I don't' know why, but I trust him as much as I would trust anyone of you guys. he's who he says he is. I've seen him in my dreams, you know. He's been int hem. He's who he says he is. I promise. He's on our side." "You feel that strongly about him?" Rei asked, still uncertain, the nagging doubts still there. "Yes, I do." "Do you love him too?" Rei asked. She hoped, for her sake, and for Darien's sake, that she didn't. "I, I . . . I don't' know." "But you're real close, aren't you?" Rei asked again. "yeah, we are." "And just how close is close?" Serena narrowed her eyes. "And since when is this any of your business?" "Since we all entered the covenant of girl-hood. Come on, this is some prime gossip that I am NOT about to miss out on! So spill! I want ALL the juicy details." Serena groaned. "Don't you have to be somewhere. Like class or something?" "No way! There's tons of time for you to tell me everything. So, have you two kissed? How far exactly did you two go! The suspense is killing me!" "REI!" "Don't tell me -you're having his love-child!" "REI! YOU ARE DISGUSTING! GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER THIS INSTANT!" Serena screamed, blushing a bright red. "HELP ME! SAVE ME FROM THIS WACKO!" "BYE MRS. TSUKINO!" Rei called, racing out the door. She wasn't' really paying attention, so when she ran into the soft wall , she didn't really expect it to have been there. "Watch where you're going!" she yelled angrily. "I'm late!" "And a good morning to you too Rei." "O!" she said softly, blushing. "Darien. What re you doing here?" "Just came to check up on Serena." "O." she said unemotionally. "Well, I gotta go. It was nice seeing you." she whispered, stepping around him. "Nice to see you too Rei!" He called after her, not seeing the pain in her face. Darien walked through the door, unsure of whether to wait to be invited in , and waved to Serena's mother. "O DARIEN!" Ilene Tsukino enthused. "I'm so glad you came! I'll bet Serena would love to see you, she's right up stairs." "Ok, thanks." "And, Darien." "Yeah." " Thank you for everything." She said warmly, smiling at him. He returned the gesture. "You don't' even have to thank me." He said, walking up the stairs. He shyly knocked on the door to Serena's room, accidentally opening it. She lay sprawled out, reading a manga, Luna curled at her feet. "That stuff is gonna rot your brain. What about a good old classic. Ever read The Fountainhead?" he asked her in a slightly mocking tone. "This is a classic. It's Sailor V number one! And after that, onto FUSHIGI YUUGI!! It's so romantic!" "Then perhaps you should try Romeo and Juliet." he said, sitting down beside her on the bed. Serena glared at him. "But there aren't any pictures!" "Of course there aren't - it's a book!" "And that is the problem!" she huffed, turning the page of her manga with extra flourish. Darien shook his head. Sometimes, that girl could be soo frustrating! He smiled. It was that frustration that he . . . He shook his head, trying to clear it, but with her so near, all he could think about was how she had felt to him the other day, how he had held her, how he had kissed her . . . how she had kissed him . . . Serena looked up, seeming to notice the sudden tension in the air, the change in atmosphere. "So how's the foot doing?" he asked, wringing his hands nervously. This was definitely awkward. "Decent." she mumbled. Darien shook his head. Why did everything seem slightly off kilter. He did all he knew how to do. "As long as you don't' go youma hunting." he said sarcastically, hoping that falling into his old mode of callousness would fix things. "O be quiet you! If you're here to pester me, I don't' want to hear it. I get enough of that from Luna." she said. The said cat lifted its head curiously as it heard its name, almost as though it could understand that it was being talked about, then silently jumped off the bed and walked out of the room. "HAHA!! That got her!" Serena cried happily. Darien looked at her, scrunching up his features. "Well, that was certainly . . .odd. You do realize that you are crowing about verbally badgering your cat." "Of course I am! Don't' you?" she asked, smiling triumphantly. "Now maybe she'll leave me alone for more than two seconds when company is over." "You are a strange one, no doubt about that." "Look whose talking. O yeah, by the way, how's the head?" "Fine. Don't' feel a thing." he said. he glanced at her foot. "I guess study sessions are out of the question for a while." "Thank GOD!" she squealed in delight. Then she sobered up, noting the disappointment on his face. "O! I didn't' mean it like that! I mean, it's just that . . . well, I HATE studying! You know." "Yeah. I'm sure you have a ton of things to be doing instead." "You can say that again!" She sighed, leaning back against the pillows. "So what are you gonna do." "O! I don't know. I don't' think mom would let me out of the house." "I wouldn't' blame her." Darien said. "Besides, you should be tired, you had a long day yesterday." It got quiet again, as their banter trailed off. As long as they were teasing, that was safe, that they could handle, that was NORMAL, but those seemingly impossible silences, so vast and uncertain, changed everything, and he was so acutely aware of only her. He opened his mouth to speak, yet one look at her silenced him. What was he supposed to say to her? The kiss flashed through his head, as his mouth suddenly went impossibly dry. Serena looked at him carefully, trying to puzzle over some deep issue. She took a deep breathe. "Darien." she asked shyly. She wondered briefly why he hadn't' said anything about yesterday. Had he forgotten, had he not even cared? He was probably laughing at her right then, thinking she was some silly kid. Thinking she was a complete moron. She lowered her eyes, suddenly unable to look at him, suddenly aware that he was sitting right beside her. He looked at her, confusion passing through his eyes for a moment, before they cleared.. "Yeah?" he asked, feeling a bit off. It was hot for some reason, as he remembered how soft her lips had been, how her arms had felt around him. And then his eyes met hers for a moment, and he immediately looked away. She could probably see his eyes, see how much he cared . .. and she probably didn't return the sentiment . . . and it just felt soo weird, especially when all he could think of was taking her in his arms again, and kissing her . . . She opened her mouth, then closed it, unsure of what to do next. She opened it again, her words soft. "About yesterday, with Rei . . . .I didn't' mean to have . .. I mean . . .. well, when I . . . I just , I didn't' mean it, you know, so um, . . . I'm sorry." she said, apologizing quickly. Darien cocked his head. "You're sorry?" he repeated. SHe nodded her head. "yeah, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that just to get Rei mad." she said. He nodded sadly. 'Just to get Rei mad. What does she need me for when she has Tyrian?' "I, I hope . . . I mean, well, I really want us to be friends, so I hope I didn't' do anything to make us not be like how we were a few days ago, ya know. I mean, I still am your friend, right?" she asked. "Sure thing, meat ball head." he joked, covering up the disappointment in his voice. Just friends. God, he could never be just friends with her anymore, could he? Not when he felt like forgetting the practicalities of the world around them, and sweeping her away with him. Of course, she had said it . . .she didnt' want him. They were just friends. He strained his soul to try and be able to handle just that. He didn't' know how to do it though! With her so near, he shook uncontrollably, his mind reeled, and he felt that if he couldn't' hold her, now that he had known what he had been missing, he would go insane. His mind retreated back into his reserves of strength, knowing what to do. Tease her, go back to the cold ways you used to know so well, return the walls that she had broken through. It was his only defense against her. It was his only choice. Because, if he allowed himself to feel anything, any small amount of affection towards her, it would all come rushing in and he would be helpless to stop it and then, he would have to have her, have to tell her, have to have her love him back. His face became that taunting mask it had been before he met Serena, trying to shut out his unstoppable emotions. But as Serena looked into his eyes, shimmering and wavering blue water, she could have sworn that for a second, he had seemed . . . hurt? "Just like before." he said sadly, his head drooping just a bit. Then, he straightened up, erecting his wall. 'Tease her!' he silently ordered himself. 'It's safer!' "Which means, of course, that I can call you whatever names I feel like, right, meat ball head!" he said. She pouted at him. "Don't' call me that!" she said, grabbing a manga angrily and pointedly ignoring him. He watched Serena flip through her manga, she stealing glances at his serious face as it watched her intently. Finally, she grabbed the TV clicker. "How about some television?" she asked. "Sure. Whatever." he said. She flipped it on. The news was playing, showing a clip from the night before. "And the real question is, where was Tuxedo Mask through it all. Have the Sailor scouts and he parted ways, or was he merely not on hand for the youma attack that occurred last night, injuring two people? This is-" Darien immediately shut the television off, clenching his fist tightly, his face tense with anger. Serena was startled by the display of such contained emotions, and put down her manga, reaching over to comfortingly touch his arm. "Darien? What is it?" she asked, concern glittering in her eyes. "I just . . . I-" "It wasn't' your fault." she said, with a startling maturity and insight. He looked at her, deeply probing her eyes for some trace of . . . . "What happened, it wasn't your fault. it was the youma. You know that, right?" she said. "Right?" "WE . . . I, I shouldn't have left you. I should have known that you were hurt. If I hadn't found you . . .who knows what could have happened!" he said angrily, his eyes hard as diamonds. Serena bit her lip, unsure of what to do. Darien looked as though he was in so much pain. Because of her! If only she had gotten to the youma faster . . . 'I'm so sorry Darien.' Serena lowered her head. Why did things have to be so hard for her! Why did this stupid job make life so difficult? And Darien was still blaming himself for her own mistake! He looked so miserable, wouldn't' even meet her own eyes now. She reached over, gently pulling him into a hug, trying to make him understand that it was all right. "WE cant' deal with the what if's - you know? I hate them. Never did like what if's at all. Because, we cant' go back and change them. What happened happened, and we can't change it. Besides, I'm fine!" she said into his ear. She could feel his large hands reluctantly return the embrace, so unsure as they were wrapped around her. "I am so, so sorry Serena." he whispered, his voice trembling now with guilt. "I'm fine! REALLY! So stop stressing. Besides, Sailor Moon was there!" she said happily, pulling away from him, despite the protests from inside her heart. She wanted to stay like that, with Darien, so badly that it terrified her. It would be so easy to just let herself go nuts over him, to let herself give in to her infatuation, although, some where deep down inside her, she knew it was something more than mere infatuation. She could love him, could love the mysterious blue eyes, the dark, unruly hair, could love how his arms felt, how his frame seemed to compliment her own. Even his teasing and mocking, she enjoyed, even if she did put up a fight against it. She could even love that she thought. But then again, Tyrian . . . and she was a princess . . . and a Sailor scout . . .. and, and . . . . but she loved . . . 'Why is this so hard!' "I guess we are lucky that Sailor Moon was there." Darien greed after a moment, staring intently at her face. What had just happened upon that beautiful canvas, the emotions painted across it, flitting by, confusion, fear, tenderness, the soft, soft edges of . . . love? Or was he merely fooling himself, that she loved him. And why would it matter! it wasn't' like he loved her! Even if he did love her. And he had almost lost her. He was struck with an almost unstoppable desire to grab her in his arms, as though he would never see her again, afraid that such a nightmare would come to pass, and maybe, maybe, steal one sweet moment upon her lips . . . Thank God Sailor moon had been there. Because, he thought bitterly, Tuxedo mask hadn't' been there. If he hadn't' been such an idiot, hadn't' been so slow to transform, he could have stopped the youma, and Serena would never have been hurt. Couldn't' she see that it was his fault that this had happened to her! Couldn't' she understand. He was a failure, incompetent! He had been the reason that she had been subjected to pain! IT WAS ALL HIS FAULT! The guilt would never be washed away, would lie so heavily upon his heart! 'I'm so, so sorry Serena.' he said silently again, knowing that there was no way he would ever be able to forgive himself. He had let Serena down, he had let Sailor Moon down. She had been injured as well, and in the same place as Serena . . . "Do you know why Tuxedo mask didn't' show up?" Serena asked innocently. Darien immediately looked up, startled. "I, I . . . I don't' know." he said, trying to hide how unnerved he had been for a moment. "I wish I could have seen him. He is just soo dreamy!" She said wistfully. Darien could almost feel the blush rise to his cheeks, but he bit it back. "Dreamy?" he asked. "Yeah. He's soo romantic and mysterious and gorgeous and brave! He's perfect!" she said. Darien frowned. For a second he had felt jealous of Tuxedo Mask. Which was just ridiculous! He WAS Tuxedo Mask, for crying out loud! He was jealous of himself! he shook his head. When did his life become such a soap opera!?!?! "I thought that you and Tyrian . . . " she looked at him, startled. "Me and Tyrian what?" she asked. "You know. That he was your . . . boyfriend." he said. Did he sound disappointed? She smiled. "I do not have a boyfriend!" she said, crossing her arms. "Why is everyone digging into my personal life!" "Ah, so you admit. You have a personal life to dig into!" he exclaimed. Serena was ready to scream! Why was this one boy so frustrating! One second, she could almost imagine herself in his arms and the next, she wanted to kill him. how could anyone be Mr. Perfect, to Mr. Puke-face! "ARGH!" she screamed. "WHAT IS IT!" Darien cried, concern sweeping across his features as he reached out for her. She smiled. "Nothing, just felt like screaming. but, while we're talking about personal lives, what about you! I saw you two timing on Rei MR. Chiba. Now what do you have to say for yourself!." "Two timing Rei? We're not even going out - we never really were. Rei was more like a little sister than anything." "So you weren't' two timing Rei, you were just going out with that one girl you were totally making out with in your apartment!" she said. Darien shook his head frantically. She still didn't get it. "She kissed me meatball head. Not the other way around. I was not making out with anyone, and I am not going out with anyone!" he said, annoyed. "WEll neither am I!" Serena retorted hotly. "Fine!" Darien said. "FINE!" She yelled. 'Why do I even care anyways if he's going out with anyone. Besides, I have to leave my options open for Tuxedo mask . . . ' "I wonder . . .hey Darien, do you think Tuxedo Mask loves Sailor Moon?" she asked. Darien was startled at the question. He had never even thought of things like that before. But that was Serena, always throwing you for a loop. "I think that maybe . . . in his own way, he does. But-" "O THAT IS JUST SO COOL!!!!" Serena squealed happily, interrupting him. "And what are you so happy about? it's not your love life - you've got too many boyfriends as it is!." "O would you just shut up! You talk way too much! JEEZ!" she said, putting her nose up in the air. Then, suddenly, her expression changed, and she looked at him meaningfully. "in his own way?" she asked again, staring into his eyes deeply. Darien wasn't' even aware that he replied to her question, so trapped by her luminous blue eyes was he. "In his own way, I'm sure that he loves her very much." he said softly, with deeper meaning than he had intended, reaching out for her to brush a loose strand of her hair out of her face, gently letting the pads of his fingertips lightly dance across her skin. Serena didn't' even look down at his hand when he put it on her shoulder, barely felt herself moving forward, was only aware of Darien, and his eyes, and the connection she could practically see, the beating of her heart, the beating of his heart, which matched her own rhythm perfectly. Was it possible to ever feel like this, so lost and yet, found. She closed here yes, not really wanting to lose sight of him, and yet, hoping, knowing that perhaps, the touch of his lips in the coffee shop would not be her only experience with them. Did he know that she thought that maybe, she might (did said something deep inside her) love him. She placed her hand against his chest, feeling herself be crushed into him, and felt like she was home after such a cold, solitary journey. And she was so close to him, he thought he would die from the crashing of his heart, and the pounding of his head. Was it possible that she loved him as much as he loved her? Did she realize he would give it up, had no choice but to give everything up, for her , his true princess. 'Please, don't let her leave. Don't' let me wake up! Let this princess be real!' Something suddenly darted between them, scratching him, and Darien immediately pulled back. He looked down at his arm and the four small scratches that marked the length of it. He looked at the offender. "Luna?" he asked. the cat looked . . . .mad? That didn't' make sense at all! But his arm was a testament to the cat's mental state. "LUNA! HOW COULD YOU! I am so sorry Darien!" Serena said, grabbing her cat by the scruff of its neck. "It's all right Serena." he said, a hand nervously placed on the back of his head. She wouldn't' even look at him, but he could tell her face was probably flushed crimson. He was a bit embarrassed too. How could he have let himself get so caught up in her? 'Because' 'O SHUT UP!' he yelled at himself, groaning as he realized he was arguing with himself. That girl was driving him crazy. "Maybe, I should, um, leave. Yeah, I'm gonna go. OK Serena." "Yeah." she said, laughing nervously. "Maybe you . . . yeah, I think that would be good." "OK! then I, Um, well . . . " he took one last look at her. If she had any idea how beautiful she was . . .. these thoughts weren't helping him at all! he had to get out of there before he lost all will power. "I'll see you around. Hope you feel better!" he said, running out the door. He stood int the hallway, leaning against the wall, breathing hard. What had just happened in there?!?! What had he almost done . . .and with Serena . . . and why did it feel so right?!?! 'ARGH!!!' Not caring for her was going to be harder than he thought. "And just what did you think you were doing!" Luna spat angrily. Serena looked down at her hands. "I don't' know Luna." she said. "I just well . . . it was like . . . O I DON'T KNOW!" she said, frustrated. "Its' a good thing your father didn't' come in! I don't think that Darien would be living if he had seen what I just did!" "WEll, then it's a good thing Dad's at work, isn't' it." Serena retorted impertinently. Luna sighed. "That behavior is completely unacceptable!" "I know, I know. Luna, I get it, you don't' need to yell at me for much longer. If you do, I'll be too deaf to hear your ranting." "I do not rant!" Luna said angrily, her voice rising. "Then what are you doing right now." "I am . . .scolding. There is a difference. And you are in definite need of scolding. And, while we are on the subject, why didn't' you call for back- up the other night. That was just plain stupid of you! The girls would have come! So why didn't you call them!" "I don't' know! I JUST DON'T" KNOW LUNA! Just . . . " Serena put her head in her hands miserably. "Just leave me alone Luna, Ok? Just go. I'm not having a good day and I'm tired." "But Serena, we need to talk about-" "GET OUT! Don't' you get it! WHY WONT" YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Serena yelled, almost in tears. Luna opened her mouth to say something, but the dejected look on Serena's face made her rethink her words, and she followed Serena's wishes, leaving the room. 'I almost KISSED HER!' he screamed to himself. 'Maybe . . . she said that Tyrian wasn't' anything to her! . . . What if she does care for me . . . but she said she wanted us to be 'just' friends . . . STOP IT!! You're being RIDICULOUS! YOU'VE SEEN THEM TOGETHER! There isn't' room for me!' His mind whirled as the dream-like events of the last hour replayed in his mind. His heart was still pounding, and all he could think about was her. 'Maybe she does . . . ' "You look like your having some problems Darien." Andrew said, coming up beside his oldest and bestest friend at the counter. "Problems? Why do you think that?" Darien asked, immediately bringing his full attention to the outside world. "WEll, you just poured your cream over your bagel. And here I thought you took your COFFEE light, not your bread." "O." Darien said, immediately blushing. "Yeah, I guess I have had a lot on my mind." "Wanna talk? I've got a break." Andrew offered with his usual cheerful smile. "I don't really-" "O COME ON!! We're best buds, right? So. The girls need gossip, well, so do the guys! So are you gonna tell me or what? Who knows, I might even be able to help." "Fine, fine." Darien conceded, throwing his hands up in defeat. Andrew smiled, and sat down at the booth. "Well, I'm flattered that you came to me for advice on girls, but why me?" Andrew asked, sipping a coffee. "Well, besides being TRICKED into talking, you are the only guy I know with a functional relationship with his girlfriend." Darien said. Andrew smiled. "WHOO BOY!! I am the absolute worst person you would want to go to for help on how to make a girl go totally nuts for ya." "But Rita is crazy for you!" Darien said, not really understanding the joke that Andrew was laughing so hard at. "I never did tell you how we met, did I?" Andrew asked. Darien shook his head. "WEll, let's just say I'm lucky she didn't' arrest me for perversion or something." "What do you mean?" Darien asked, leaning forward in the chair. "WEll, I was coming back form school and I se this girl talking with one of her friends. And this girl is gorgeous. Drop Dead knock-out." "Rita?" Darien asked. Andrew nodded. "Anyways, she and her fiend were talking about their friend Danielle, and didn't' notice me following t hem. I must have followed her for five hours as she went around the mall. Finally, she went into a restaurant. So, I went in, and decided to make my move." "Your move?" "Yeah. I introduced myself to her, and, from listening to her and her friend's conversation I knew her name was Rita. So, I said that I recognized her from some of Danielle's photo's, and that I was a friend of hers, and we ordered a drink, and I kinda of pretended that I was this great friend of Danielle's, making stuff up based off of her conversation with her friend that I had listened to." "You're kidding!" Darien said, amazed that his honest friend could have ever done something so . . . off character. "I'm not. Well, Rita and I had a great time and I gave her my number, and she called, and we went out a few more times. Finally, after about maybe five dates, I told her the truth about how I didn't' really know her friend, and how I had followed her and eavesdropped on her and pretended to be Danielle's friend." "That was bright." Darien said sarcastically. "what did she do?" "What else could she do? She slapped me, called me a scary freak and left. But a few days later she called and said that even if I was a pervert, she really did have a lot of fun with me and liked me a lot, and asked if I wanted to do something with her, and the rest, well, here I am today." "That is the most . . . I don't' even know." Darien said, leaning back in the chair and sipping his coffee. "Never knew you had it in you to do something so devious." "Yeah well, you learn something knew every day." Andrew remarked. "So, back to you, about these girl problems. I don't' see why you're having any. It's not like you're ugly or anything. Just so long as you aren't' a total jerk to her like you usually are, you should be fine." "Thanks a lot." "Hey, I'm trying to help. You want my advice or not?" "I do. It' just that . . . do you think it would be right if she was seeing someone else and I-" "Wait a sec. Back up. Seeing someone else?!?!?!" Andrew cried. "I don't' really know about that Darien. Its' kind of a sleaze ball thing to do if you steal her away from another guy." "I know but-" "She must be really special." "O she is! But, I mean, you know me. I don't' know if I want to deal with that in my life." "Deal with what?" "Love. I don't' want her to get in the way and there are so many other factors, like I'm older than her and then I have so much going on that she would probably-" "you realize you just said love, right?" Andrew asked, interrupting Darien's automatic defense system, trying to convince himself of why he shouldn't care for this girl, or, for that matter, care for anyone. Andrew knew Darien long enough to know that he had never had someone special in his life. And Now this girl, whoever she was, had made Darien lose sight of his usual goals, made him disoriented, made him so distracted, that it was like a totally different person. Darien was already too far gone to not go for the girl. "Darien, I think, whoever this girl is, you need her in your life. You cant' be alone forever. And, let's face it, you've been a wreck lately. i thought it was just finals stress coming up-" "But I never stress over finals!" "I know! But it wasn't' finals stress at all. It was this girl. So I say, that if she is that special, that important, if you love her-" "I don't' love anyone!" Darien protested. Andrew smiled knowingly. "Sure you don't'. Of course, I don't' believe you. But, if you feel this strongly about her, I don't' think I'd care if she was engaged to the richest prince in the entire world. I'd go for her." "you would?" "yeah. I think, love, it doesn't' come around that often. And for you, I think we're pretty lucky it happened at all." "HEY! I thought you were supposed to be my fiend." "I am. Now stop interrupting. What I was trying to say is that, love, real love, the kind that lasts forever, it doesn't' happen that often, or to everyone. But if it does, you can't ever let it go. Because you might not ever get a chance at it again. I say go for it, grab her in your arms, ask her out whatever, but get her, and never let her out of your sight. Or else, you could live to regret for the rest of your life." "But what about-" Darien started. "it's not important." "but you don't' even know what I was going to say." "I don't' care. Whatever the other factors are, they aren't important. The girl, your love, now that is important. ": Andrew said, looking at his watch. "And my break is over. But Darien, if you and a certain girl need a place to eat, I'll leave the back booth open for you two." Darien looked up at his fiend gratefully. "thanks." "No problem. Its' about time someone snuck her way into that heart of yours. I never would have believed it would happen. Guess I just lost twenty bucks." Andrew said wryly. Darien looked at him, confused. "What are you talking about? Lost twenty bucks?" "O! WE made a bet. I bet that you would never fall in love. Guess I lost, huh?" "YOU BET ON MY LOVE LIFE!?!?!" Darien cried, incredulous. "no, I bet on your lack of a love life." "You know Andrew, you had better get back on shift, before you aren't' capable of going back on shift, ya know?" Darien said darkly. Andrew laughed nervously, before scampering off into the kitchen. Darien smiled despite himself, leaning back into the booth. maybe, Andrew was right. maybe, he should just go for it. But, would Serena have him? "GO AWAY!" Serena cried, not really caring who was knocking on her door this time. "Serena?" Tyrian asked, standing in the doorway. "Should I leave?" "No. Come on in. It's just that everyone and their mother has stopped by to see how I'm doing. I'm fine, really, but . . . it's just a little frustrating." she sighed. "I understand perfectly." Tyrian said with a smile. "Somehow, I knew you would." Serena said. Tyrian pulled up a chair from her desk and sat across from her. "I didn't' come to just see how you were doing. WE need to talk." he said seriously. "Bout what?" she asked, her eyes narrowing in confusion. "That business last night. When did you become a scout?" "Wasn't' i always one?" she asked. Tyrian shook his head. "No. There has never been a scout of the moon. This is a new development - I would have noticed if you'd been one before. It's kind of hard not to." he said. "O." Serena replied, letting the words sink in. She had never been a scout? She wasn't' supposed to be a scout? What did that mean for her? "WEll, Luna just gave me my brooch, and I'm one now, so I guess, things change, you know. What happened in the past can't always be carried over into the now." "I suppose." Tyrian said slowly. "But, isn't' it dangerous?" "WEll, DUH! Of course it is!" Serena exclaimed. "Then why are you doing it! You're a princess! You shouldn't be out in the thick of battle!" Tyrian cried angrily. "Yeah, it would be nice not to have to be Sailor Moon . . . but my friends need me. I cant' abandon them." she said, thinking her words over carefully. "I don't' want you being Sailor Moon." Tyrian said. Serena looked at him as though he had grown two heads. "Not be Sailor Moon. That would be nice and all but . . . I can't! What if the scouts need me!" "They can handle themselves! They could handle themselves quite well before, and I'm sure they have not lost any of their skill." "Tyrian," Serena began, placing her hand on his arm. "I think it's really nice of you to be worrying about me and all, but, as much as I totally want to shoot myself for saying this, I don't' think I can Not be Sailor Moon. It would-" "I don't' care WHAT it would be! I will not allow you to be Sailor Moon! My wife will not-" "HOLD ON!!! When did this wife thing happen? I never said anything about marrying you!" "WE were engaged on the moon. Are you saying that you are taking that vow back?" "Again, let me say DUH! I am not on the moon, and I for sure don't remember the moon. Besides, I'm only 15! I can't marry you!" "Serenity! You are being ridiculous! I forbid you to be a Sailor Scout, and I forbid you to-" "Forbid me?" Serena said angrily. "Did I hear you right? Did you just say, forbid me! YOU! HAHAHAHAHA! And when exactly did you get to tell me what to do? You have absolutely NO right to tell me how to live my life and what I can do with myself. I'm sorry if that includes me not marrying you right this second!" "Serenity-" "MY NAME IS SERENA!" she yelled angrily at him. "Serena," he began again, calmer now, "Why are you being difficult?" "ME! DIFFICULT! I don't' think so!" Serena said, her voice rising with attitude. "I don't' even know you that well Tyrian. I cant' decide to marry you just because of what I might have done in a completely other time or life I don't' remember. I'm not even that same girl. I am no princess, you have to admit. I'm really not. I'm a totally different person. I don't' even know if I could marry at all, even if I was an adult." "Are you saying that you wont' marry me Serenity?" Tyrian asked darkly, his eyes glinting cold, blue steel. "I'm not saying anything Tyrian. I just, I just need time to think." Serena said, tired from all of the arguments, from all of the talking. "I don't' know what I'm going to do." "YOu don't' love me, do you Princess?" Tyrian asked. "You have betrayed me?" "I told you Tyrian, I just don't' know anything about anything. I just don't' know!" "That, that . . . Prin-" "Tyrian please, I'm sorry, I really am, but I am so confused right now. I keep on hearing all these different things telling me this or that, and I don't 'know which voice to listen to." "That boy has done this! HE has turned you against me!" Tyrian said, the pitch of his voice rising madly, his face contorting in an uncontrollable rage. "He has made you fall in love with HIM! Just as he tried to back on the moon! WELL I WON'T LET HIM HAVE YOU! YOU ARE MINE SERENITY! DO YOU HEAR ME! MINE!!!!" Serena cowered back against her headboard, trying to get away from Tyrian's tirade. It was starting to scare her. He seemed completely different than the Tyrian she thought she had known. Where had this possessiveness come from? Or had he always been like that, and she hadn't' noticed. Were all the times he had been there for her, all the times he had magically shown up right when she needed him, were they all a result of his possessive nature? Why couldn't' she have seen this in him? He had hidden it so well from her. But now, she was scared, terrified. Because he seemed so serious about controlling her life, telling her what to do. If only Darien had stayed a little longer. Or maybe that would have made it worse. His rage seemed directed at some boy, and the only one she could think of that she had spent any time with was Darien. What if Tyrian decided to go wacko on Darien. What if he tried to hurt Darien? But, Tyrian didn't' seem the violent sort, but then again, she hadn't' been that great of a judge of his character before. Suddenly, Tyrian's hands clamped down over her wrists harshly, as he spoke directly to her face. She swallowed a dry lump in her throat, her eyes wide in fear. "NEVER DOUBT IT SERENITY! YOU ARE MINE, AND MINE ALONE! MINE!!!!" Prince Endymion thirsted hard with the sword, running the straw dummy through with it over and over, each jab of the sword more brutal than the next. He swung again, ignoring the sweat on his brow, the sharpened edge of his blade digging into the soft neck of the practice dummy. The head went flying. Malachite bent down with a smile, to pick up the decapitated head. "I think its' dead now, your highness." he joked. Endymion glowered at him, wiping his forehead. "Don't' start with me today Malachite." he said gruffly. Malachite rolled his eyes. "Bad mood?" malachite asked. "let me guess. It's either the princess or Tyrian." Endymion looked back to the dummy, and rammed his sword through it once more, fluff and straw flying all over. "It is not Tyrian!" He growled, bringing the sword back around to hack at a leg. "And it is NOT the princess." he cried, before sheathing his sword, breathing heavily. Malachite smiled knowingly. "Sure it isn't. So, what did you do to make the princess upset?" "Why do you assume that I did something to-" 'Because you're here mutilating a poor defenseless practice dummy, and the princess has been moping and sighing all day. So what did you do?" "If you're the expert on myself and Sere, why don't you tell me!" "Touchy, touchy. I would have to guess that it's because you have completely distanced yourself from the princess. Have you truly said more than two words to her your entire stay. But really, all you are doing is making both you and the princess miserable. You, because well it's obvious. I don't' need to spell it out for you. And her because she misses her friend." "You know I cant' be just her fiend Malachite! I can't! And to think that she's with Tyrian! Why can't she see that he's just using her! Or her mother! Or anyone!! Why am I the only one who listens to logic! I don't' understand-" 'I realize your frustrated Endymion, but ranting isn't helping. I have to agree with you. Tyrian is , shall we say, less than honorable, and the Queen does realize that, but she also knows that her daughter, for whatever reason, loves Tyrian, and will not deny her daughter love. I don't think you should punish her for it either." "I can't malachite. I can't even be in the same room with her anymore, its' gotten so bad." "If you care for her so much, why cant' you see what your apparent rejection of her is doing to her?" "What are you talking about?" Endymion asked. Malachite, glad to see he had finally caught the prince's attention, continued, his voice full of some deep meaning. "She cant' understand what she did to make you hate her." "WHAT!" Endymion cried angrily. "HATE HER! Now that's ironic!" "True, but that is what the princess thinks, that you hate her. To her, its' the only explanation why you have been avoiding her as often as possible. You still are, in her eyes, her best fiend, and she thinks she's done something to drive you away, to make you hate her. You know the princess better than I. How do you think this, knowing she had driven away one of the most important people in her life away, has affected her." "Me? Important? To her? What does she need me for if she had Tyrian. You are mistaken Malachite. It's a good thing you decided to be my guard because you would fail as a psychiatrist." "I don't' think so Endymion. I know Serenity and I know that you are very, very important to her. And you running from her at every turn is making her miserable. I can see that. So why cant' you?" "But Tyrian-" "She may love Tyrian, but that doesn't' mean she doesn't' love you as well, just in a different way. Why are you so block headed!" Malachite said in exasperation. "Born that way. " Endymion deadpanned. "But malachite, that is the problem." "What?" "She might love me, but not in the way that counts." Malachite shook his head. "Love, young prince, is love. No matter what form, no matter what context, it is still love, and you cannot, must not, take it for granted. I would not lose this love for anything in the world, if I was you. because, she does love you. And no mater how you look at it, it is still love." Malachite said, looking straight at the prince, who had a hard time not averting his eyes from his advisors penetrating stare. "I, I just don't' think I can Malachite. I love her too much." Endymion said, standing up and sweeping from the room. "But so does she." Malachite said softly, shaking his head sadly at the melancholy prince. "So does she." "EXCUSE ME!" Endymion said gruffly, as he hurried away from Malachite's words, trying to shut out his heart to them. He desperately wanted to just be her friend, at least have that small amount of contact with her, but every time she was near him, he felt like he was losing control. Friends! IMPOSSIBLE!! Not with her. He loved her, and he didn't' think just friends would be enough. No, he knew. Because, he loved her too deeply to just let it end at that. And to know that she was loving someone like Tyrian, and knowing that he was helpless to stop it, was tearing him apart. He wanted nothing more than to rip the prince's heart out, shred it into small strips, but he couldn't do that to Sere. His encounter with her two years ago had proven that to him. And now, some body, some lowly servant probably, was bumping into him unceremoniously! Didn't' the servant realize he was not in the best of moods, that this was a time NOT to bump into him so roughly. "Prince Endymion - didn't' see you there. Btu I must admit, you certainly have grown up from that little boy we all remember." Prince Tyrian said lightly, almost mocking him. Endymion sensed a challenge in the voice, but did nothing about it. "The same couldn't be said of you. You are still the same arrogant, pompous . . .. never mind. Excuse me Prince Tyrian." Endymion said quickly, reigning in his anger. Just the sight of his visage made Endymion well up in terror. "Temper Temper, little prince. I was hoping I'd find you. I would like to have a word with you." "And who said I wanted to have a word with you?" "Please, don't' be difficult. I just want to have a friendly talk." Tyrian said, smiling. Endymion thought it looked like the smile of a crocodile, ready to viciously destroy him in a second. "Unless, of course, you are intimidated by speaking to your future ruler of the Silver Millennium." "Afraid? Of what? Of you? Can you hear this?" Endymion asked, pausing for a second. "Its' the sound of me laughing." "Then you have no reason not to take a walk with me and talk. Come, the gardens are lovely, and I know you have an affinity for them." Tyrian said, walking ahead of Endymion into the vast gardens outside. Endymion sighed, having no choice but to follow. "What do you want Tyrian?" he asked roughly. Tyrian smiled again. "I wanted to thank you, of course, for leaving my Serenity alone. After that nasty business a few years ago, I thought that you might have tried something stupid." "Like what?" Endymion asked, narrowing his eyes. Tyrian laughed. "Like stealing what is mine." "Sere is NOT yours. She's no one's property. You shouldn't-" "O, but she will be my wife, so she will be mine, and mine alone. You do understand, don't' you Endymion. You cannot have her." "I never said anything-" Tyrian raised a hand abruptly, stopping Endymion. "You don't' need to say a thing. Just remember, Serenity is Mine. So I don't' want you interfering with her, trying to turn her against me." "I don't' need to do a thing. I'm sure she'll eventually see you for what you are! She'll see that you don't' love her, that you're using her, and I wont' even need to say a thing to her." Tyrian paled in anger at Endymion's words. "You se, Tyrian, I have not forgotten what I heard two years ago in your chambers." "But Serenity did not believe you, now did she." "She will. She'll see you for what you really are, a lying, cheating, slimy snake." Tyrian trembled with anger, but tried to laugh it off nervously. "You really are a fool, Endymion. You are so wrong that it's comical." "I don't' see anything funny about this at all. My threat still stands. If you hurt Serenity, I wont' fail to hunt you down and make sure you pay for what you have done." "Hurt Serenity! I can't do that! I need her. I do, contrary to your belief, . . . .care . . . for her, I suppose. It's hard not to develop some feelings for someone you have known for two years. And it's not that hard to like the girl, is it?" Tyrian said knowingly, raising an eyebrow at Endymion. "Perhaps, in time I will learn to love her. But, I do care for her . . . somewhat." "That . . .that . . . .SHE DESERVES MORE!" Endymion raged, turning on Tyrian, his hands raised and poised to grasp his throat and throttle the golden prince in a moment. But slowly, Endymion's hands dropped, as he fought to regain his calm demeanor. "I'm sure she does, Endymion. At least in your mind she does. But, I refuse to lose her . . .not to you. She is mine." Tyrian said posessively. Endymion looked at him, his head cocked to the side. "You say that a lot. Mine. Do you have some sort of complex. There are great shrinks back on Earth who can-" "I AM NOT ILL IN THE HEAD!" Tyrian cried angrily, leaning forward on his feet to face Endymion.. "How dare you even suggest I am incompetent. I assure you that I am most certainly not! I am more than capable! Of keeping Serenity, of being king of the Silver Millennium. I am not about to fail! I am not about to lose what is mine. And you cannot have it, not any of it. I came to talk to you to warn you little prince. Stay away from what is mine, this kingdom, my princess. You cannot have them, have no chance at winning them. They are mine, forever! Do you understand." "Yeah, perfectly." Endymion said. Tyrian smiled happily. "Good, I am glad that is settled." "Yeah, I understand." Endymion repeated, his voice thick with sarcasm. "You are an absolute loony who is just a tad obsessive and possessive. I also can understand that when Serenity realizes this, she's going to dump you so fast that you're gonna break the earth's sound barrier." Tyrian lunged at Endymion, who easily side stepped the raging prince, who had no experience in battle and hand to hand combat. Tyrian landed on the ground with a loud thud, and Endymion lightly placed a foot on Tyrian's back. "Now this is a warning to you. If you dare hurt Serenity, crazy or not, I really don't' care, I will not fail to kill you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Endymion said darkly. Tyrian refused to answer, to Endymion ground his shoe a little harder into Tyrian's back. Tyrian gasped. "I understand." "Good. It's good that we got that cleared up." Endymion said, starting back towards the castle, not even bothering to look back at Tyrian or help him up form the ground. Suddenly, Endymion looked back, calling over his shoulder. "O, and by he way Tyrian. It isn't' a good idea to try and fight me. Serenity would be mad at you if she ever found out, and then, I doubt she's still want to be yours." Endymion said lightly. "Besides, it's not like you could ever win against me, LITTLE PRINCE. Serenity saw Tyrian and raced over to him, knocking into him and giving him a bear hug. "Please, Serenity, a little control would be nice." Tyrian admonished. Serenity lowered her head, trying to hide the immediate blush. "Sorry. I forgot. But I saw you and I just had to come over." she said cheerfully. Tyrian smiled at her, taking her hand in his, his face going serious. "I'm glad, we really do need to talk." "OK!" Serenity said, slipping her arm in his and hanging onto him. "By the way, why are you so dirty?" Serenity asked, noticing the mud on the front of his clothes. Tyrian looked away. "I was . . .practicing." he said quickly. Serenity shrugged her shoulders. "OK. So, what do you want to talk about?" "When we are married, I want you to live with me." "WEll, obviously. That's what married people usually do." Serenity said, giggling. "No. I mean, at my home Serenity. I want you to leave the moon and live with me in my kingdom." "Leave the moon?" she repeated, unsure. How could she leave the moon? And all her friends? and her mother? "I cant' leave the moon!" she exclaimed. "It's my home!" "No, it's not." Tyrian said. "Your home is with me, and my home is back on my planet." "But Tyrian-" She protested. Tyrian shook his head. "It's been decided Serenity. We are going to return to my kingdom after the ceremony." He said, his voice ringing with finality. Serenity looked down at her feet, trying to hide the tears that came to her eyes. She didn't' want to leave the moon! It would be so hard. But Tyrian wanted her to . . . and he did love her . . . she could at least do this for him. "All right." she said finally, slowly, still unsure as to whether she made the right decision. Even if she didn't' want to leave the moon, it wasn't like she couldn't' visit or anything, and besides, Tyrian seemed so set to live on his home planet - she couldn't disobey him in something that she could so easily give up . . . even if it did hurt to just think about leaving everything she had here behind. "And another thing, Serenity." "MM HMM?" "That prince, Endymion." Tyrian began. Serenity immediately turned to face him. "WHAT?" she cried. "What about him? He's all right, isn't; he?" she asked, beginning to worry, not even sure why she was worrying so much at all. Endymion had clearly made it apparent that he didn't want anything to do with her, but still . . . he would always be her best friend. "I would appreciate it if you stopped seeing him. I will not allow him in our home when we are married, save for strictly diplomatic purposes." Tyrian said. Serenity's jaw dropped. How dare he tell her who she could and could not see! "I will not! He is my friend! You cannot tell me who I can be friends with!" Serenity said, her eyes flashing in rage. Give up the moon, perhaps she could do that. Give up living with her family and her friends, for Tyrian, it wasn't that big a deal, but for some reason, she was not, was most definitely not, willing to give up Endymion! Not for anything in all the universe! "Serenity, you forget. You are to be my wife." "So what! That doesn't' mean a thing! I am not about to stop being friends with Endy." "He doesn't' even want to be friends with you, Serenity. Its' a one sided relationship. Cant' you see how he has been avoiding you!" Tyrian said earnestly. "I just don't want you getting hurt." "Endy would not do anything to hurt me! I know him, and I know him, and I know he wouldn't do that!" "But what about these last few weeks." Tyrian said, coaxing her into believing him. "I have seen the sadness in your eyes. And it hurts me as much as it hurts you." Tyrian said. Serenity's anger began to subside. he was doing all of this because he cared for her. Which made it a little better. But he still couldn't' ban Endymion from her home if she invited him over. "I appreciate your concern Tyrian, but If I want to invite Endymion over, I will." she said stubbornly Tyrian shook his head. "No, you won't." he said seriously. "You are mine Serenity., I won't allow that man in our home!" "Well, I will allow him in our home, and I don't' care what you say Tyrian! I , I . .. he's my best friend! I will not let you stop me from seeing him!" she cried angrily, tears forming in her eyes once again as she fled from him. Tyrian watched her leave, seething. Endymion had struck again. "YOu will not have her. Even if I die, I will not allow you to have her! SHE IS MINE ENDYMION! MINE!" Endymion heard the familiar voice contorted in an unfamiliar way. She was crying. It broke his heart to hear Serenity sound so miserable. He watched her, unable to help himself from hovering around, trying to protect her silently, not seen and not heard. He would protect her, for always, even if she had no idea he was there. She continued to cry brokenly and Endymion's resolve crumbled, as he shyly stepped from his position behind the tree. "Princess Serenity?" he asked formally, yet concerned. She looked up at him, wiping the tears from her face quickly, hoping he hadn't' noticed them. Of course, he had, but didn't' let on that he had seen her. "Prince Endymion!" she replied, flustered, making a haphazard attempt at a curtsey. If he was planning on being formal, than so could she. "Is anything the matter, Princess? I thought I heard someone crying." he asked, this time the concern in his voice very clear. Serenity didn't' fail to notice and smiled in spite of herself. "No. I'm fine. It must have been some creature around here baying or something." She said,. Endymion smiled at her knowingly. "Perhaps a rabbit?" he said. SHe blushed at the childhood nickname that her father had affectionately called her. "Come now, if something is bothering you, I'm willing to listen." Endymion said, as the old comfortable feeling of just being with her, alone, talking, joking, settled over him. He had missed it, and the ease with which he could slip back into that old mode amazed him. It felt so nice, like being home, and all of the tension he had felt with her before seemed lifted. "I'm fine, really." she insisted. Endymion shook his head. "Sure ya are Sere. And I'm the prince of -" "O don't' say it! that was the corniest saying you ever came up with - and you always said corny stuff Endy!" She exclaimed. Endymion smiled at her. "if you insist Serenity." he said, laughing a little. He sat down beside her, forgetting for a moment that he had to be on his guard against this very thing, being too close to her. "But really, I don't' believe a word of this 'I'm fine' stuff. My ears still work pretty well, I haven't' heard you screaming into them lately, so if you want to talk, I don't' mind listening." he said. Serenity's eyes began to water with emotion. Where had he gone! WHere had her best fiend gone, and why had he suddenly come back! She wanted to hug him right there, but held herself in check It just want' befitting an engaged girl to go around hugging handsome prince's - even if the prince in question was her best friend. "I really don't . . ." she let her voice trail off as a plot formed in her had. "Actually, if you answer one of my questions, I'll answer yours. Deal?" she asked, extending her hand. Endymion looked at it skeptically, then, shook it firmly. "Deal." he said. " "OK!! But I get to go first!" "Sure thing. Not a problem" he said. " OK. What i want to know is . . .what happened on earth?" she asked. Endymion's face immediately darkened, and the light mood suddenly lifted. He stood abruptly. "I think I should go Princess Serenity." He said cordially. Serenity's eyes began to water. "NO! You promised that you'd answer my question! Endy! Why wont' you!" "I asked you not to ask me about that Serenity. It's better if you don't know." he said, his voice deadly seriously. Serenity shook her head in disagreement. "NO! I just, I just . .. " she threw herself against Endymion, crying as she hugged him tightly. "I thought I had gotten my best friend back. I thought you had stopped hating me! But I guess I was wrong. I just wanted to know what had happened to make you not want to be friends with me anymore. I assumed it was something on earth that had changed you, had made you hate me! I just wanted to know why you don't want to be my fiend anymore Endy. Because I still want you to be my friend, even if you don't' want to be mine! You're still my best friend! You'll always be my best friend, no matter what, no matter how much you've changed, even if you hate - " "Serenity, get one thing straight! I do not hate you!" Endymion said, pushing her away form him so he could look into her tear filled blue eyes, penetrating them deeply, trying to convey the sincerity of his meaning. "I could never, ever hate you. I . . .I care for you too much." "I do too! But you were soo changed! It was like you didn't' even want to be around me!" she said through her tears, cringing under the stare of the man who was now holding her shoulders so delicately. She wanted to hide form him, but instead he pulled her closer to him, holding her so tight she thought there was no way the air could pass between them, as though she were the only thing keeping him sane, her body his only link to a different world. "The earth . . you don't' want to know about what happened down there Sere. Bad things happened down there. Bad, bad things." he said, his voice hollow as he spoke, still clutching her tightly. "Like what?" she asked innocently. "You can tell me." "I . . . I . .. I sent my people to death! I knew they would die! EVERY BATTLE WE FOUGHT! I ordered someone, somewhere to die every time we went up against Beryl! we're no match for her, and yet, every time, I still fight! I . . .my friends! There was this one boy Sere, he was so young, not much older than you . . .he could have BEEN YOU!! And I ordered the line to go, and I knew that we had to sacrifice some but . .. he died because of me Sere! So many died because of me! I . . . I had no choice but to grow up . . . . because . . . .I killed them all Sere. Their blood . . . all on my hands. So much blood . . .so much death . . it's all my fault Sere, all my fault . . . " his voice was a thin, anguished whisper, as he let it run off into memory. He was crying silently, his body heaving with the silent sobs he tried to control. Serenity could not help but cry with him. He was suffering so much, had seen so much pain. No wonder he had changed so much! No wonder he had grown up. Anyone in that situation would have. And the pain in his soul, this searing pain inside, she could feel it, as though it where her own, and she just wanted to take it all away. Her poor, poor best friend. No wonder he had been so distant. the guilt was killing his heart. She held him tighter to her, as he cried, as she joined him, her arms twined tightly around him. She closed her eyes as she leaned against his chest, whispering soothing words she doubted he could hear, but said anyways. Suddenly, he gently let himself free of her embrace, wiping at his face furiously, looking like the 17 year old boy she had known, with his hair mussed and falling forward into his eyes. Before she realized what she was doing, she reached up and brushed the strands of silky black hair back, and he smiled at her gratefully. "I -" "You don't' need to say anything Sere." he said, his voice still shaky. "I . .. you have no idea how much I . .. thank you." he finally decided to say. Serenity smiled at him, shaking her head a little. "You're my best friend Endy - for always." "That I am." he agreed. "And what about you? I think you owe me a problem of your own. Why were you crying out here all alone?" Serenity looked away, embarrassed. "It's not really important, not like your problem was-": "If it bothered you enough to make you cry, it was important." he said, putting a reassuring hand over hers. She sniffed, smiling. "I guess you're right. It's just that Tyrian-" Endymion almost growled at the name, but remained silent. Only his thoughts were murderous, not his words. "Tyrian . . . he . . .I don't' even know! But I don't' like it!" "Like what Serenity?" Endymion asked, trying to better understand something she obviously didn't' understand herself. "He just . . it's not the same as before. He's kinda different! I'm not even sure if I . . . take today for example! He wants me to live away from the moon! And he doesn't want me to see you! At all! he 'forbade' it! He cant' do that! I need you! I cant' just not see you anymore because Tyrian doesn't' like it!" she said, her voice steadily becoming angrier. "Then don't' Sere. You are free to do whatever you want." "But . . what if I lose him?" she asked timidly. "I don't' want to lose him! He loves me. that's why he acts like that, all over-protective and stuff. Because he cares for me. What if I get him mad and he doesn't' want to marry me anymore! What if no-one would want to marry me! I don't' want to be alone Endy. I want .