Hey, minna! Here is the next installment of "Remembering." I hope you are enjoying this, I know Mako-chan is! *~*. Well, first and foremost I have to thank my friend Mako-chan for all her encouragement for this story. She is a great writer, and you have to read her stuff! We're also doing a co-story together, called "Rewind." Read it! I also want to thank all the people who e-mailed me about this story, I really enjoyed the compliments! It gave me the incentive to write more. My final word of thanks goes to Naoko Takeuchi, whom without her great idea, we would not know Sailor Moon. Remembering Part 10 by: Sailor Starlite Serena looked around very carefully for any sign that Luna or Reenie was awake. When she was certain that they wouldn't wake up and notice her missing, she swiftly climbed out of her window and jumped to the ground. Being Sailor Moon had its advantages, sometimes. She was going to meet Darien. She knew that the Scouts and Luna would lecture her on having a relationship with Darien. She could hear Luna now. "Serena, I know it is difficult, but you shouldn't try and form a realtionship with anyone. Its too risky, and what if that person turns out to be working for the wrong side? Or what if your idenity is discovered, Selene forbid, and your boyfriend is used as a hostage? We can't run the risk that anyone you meet will try and follow you one day and see you transforming. This is for the best, Serena." Serena swore under her breath and continued her trip to the hidden rink where Darien was waiting for her. They agreed to meet there every chance they got. Serena knew that the game she was playing was a dangerous one, and prayed to the spirit of her mother that all would be good. Darien nervously formed roses as he waited for the tiny blonde to come. He couldn't explain the intense attraction that he had for me. Like they were soul-mates. He knew that he could never push her out of his life, not matter what duties came up. He wondered if he could keep her as his girlfriend, truly. He saw her form come racing up, skates thumping on her back. He meant to ask her about those. How could she have skates that were set in the style of the Silver Millinnium. Only he had those skates...nobody else except those who came from the Silver Millinnium. Maybe she was a long-ago princess. He smiled at the thought. Serena saw Darien skating around the ice, and she smiled. He had the type of grace on the ice that most people dreamed of having. She watched him for awhile. She wished that they could truly be together, but this meeting late at night, away from all prying eyes would have to do. Luna knew that Darien was her tutor, and she warned Serena to be careful. Serena nodded, and agreed to let Luna come to the study sessions. As a precaution. She was glad that they had this opprutunity. She had this feeling that it wouldn't last long. She tried to keep the tears from forming, but a few slipped down her cheeks anyways. Darien saw Serena crying, and he swiftly went over to her. "Serena? What is wrong?" He asked. She looked up at him through tear-filled eyes. "I just have this feeling that this won't last...like I'm repeating something that happened so long ago. I don't want this to end, Darien." Darien held her tightly, and buried his face in her hair. "I know what you mean, Serena. But let's enjoy what we have, okay? It may not last long, and it may end it tragedy. Do you want to continue?" She nodded, not willing to let go of him, the other part of her soul. After their few hours spent together talking and skating, Serena hurried home, knowing that if she stayed away much longer she would be noticed. ~~Serena's Dream~~ Serenity stared around the Earth. It looked so green, so alive! It looked so blue when she was looking at it from the Moon. She wondered if there was any skating ponds around here, then she remembered that it was summer, and all the ponds were just that--water--not ice. She then noticed a small rose covered building, and curiosity pushed her to investigate it. She was rewarded when a skating pond greeted her eyes. She smiled happily, and immediatly made her skates appear on her feet. She couldn't wait to skate. She didn't notice the figure skating in the corner, and completely lost herself in the scent of the roses, and being away from her guards, just being able to be herself. A hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, and she jumped in fright, spinning around to face someone with midnight blue eyes and silky black hair. "What are you doing here? This is a private rink. I don't want anyone here. Please leave." Serenity nodded, sad that her time her was through, but understood the man's need for privacy. She started to unlace her skates, not wanting to give away the fact that she had any magic, that she was anything special. Especially the fact that she came from the Moon. If this man knew that she came from the Moon, he would not just kick her out of his rink, he would probably kill her. She ran quickly, before any questions were asked. Serenity stared out at the blue planet again, her thoughts drifting to that man again. She blushed, wondering why she was thinking about him. It had been a month since she had visited Earth, and seen the young man. He shouldn't stick in her mind so firmly. It was only a brief encounter, and not a very friendly one at that! She decided to visit the Earth again, hiding from her guards once more. This time when she reached the green Earth, she ran into somebody. That same person that owned the rose-covered skating rink. She gasped in fright, and quickly tried to make her escape. She wanted to see him, yes, but not so soon! Not right away! She stopped her struggling when she realized that he wasn't out to hurt her. "Shh, calm down! I am sorry for my rude behavior that one day. I was just surprised that anyone found my secret haven. I usually do not let anyone past the guards. Somehow you managed to get in. How is that?" Serenity's eyes got wide. She couldn't explain that she was invulnerable to almost any type of magical barrier. Those formed of good energy, that is. Ones that were made of dark energy, however...that must mean, who or whatever he was, he had a good heart. She looked up into his eyes, to find them staring back at her with an unknown emotion. Serenity felt the power that was connected to her soul reach out and bind with another power. She cried out, not knowing what was happening, and the world spun dizzily under her. Strong arms caught her as she fainted. ~~end dream~~ Serena sat up quickly, sweat beading her brow. Was that a memory from when she was Princess Serenity? It certainly filled in one of the blank spots in her life. She wondered who that man was. ~~Darien's dream~~ Prince Endymion thought about the lovely angel that had graced his rink a month ago. She was so beautiful, and he pushed her out...he silently cursed himself for his actions and wished that she would grace him with another heavenly visit. As if the gods were listening, he saw her again, just as beautiful as the last time he saw her. He asked her how she got passed his magical guards and he saw an internal struggle shining through her eyes. He felt drawn to her, and he felt his soul's power reach out and connect with her. She fainted at the connect, and he gathered her in his arms, gently carrying her back to the rose gardens where his rink lay concealed. When she awoke, he smiled at her, mezmerized by her innocent blue eyes, calling out to him. "What is your name?" He asked. Her eyes got big at that, and she looked away for a moment. "Serena." She finally told him. He smiled, knowing that her nature was just as serene as her name. "It is beautiful, just like you." He murmered, and she blushed at his words. He was amazed that he could have such feeling for a girl that he just met--and soul-mated with her, too. He wondered what it meant. He looked down into her eyes, and he saw love for him in their blue depths. He pulled her close and kissed her lightly, feeling all of her emotions through that simple act of love. ~~End dream~~ Darien wondered if the "Serena" in his dream represented the one he loved now. In his dream he was Prince Endymion. Maybe she was the girl he loved back then, but had vanished soon after. He certainly couldn't recall any memories after that. He sighed and just thought about being with Serena. Luna faced the Scouts. "Have you noticed something strange about Serena lately?" She asked them. "Like history is repeating itself?" Ami nodded, a serious look on her face. "Very much so. It is as if in erasing all recollection of eachother in the past, they feel a need deep inside to recreate what they were made to forget." Mina looked at Ami. "Can you repeat that so that other people can understand you, Ami?" She asked. Lita glared at Mina and threw up her hands, disgusted with the blonde. "Look, Serena is sneaking off once again, to be just with Darien. Her whole mind, body, and soul is focused on him, as if she could not live without him. It's like they are meeting for the first time, joining souls again. If this goes on, it will end just as tragically as it did a thousand years ago. With Darien sacrificing himself for Serena, and her joining him in death! It almost happened before, when Beryl took him. If he dies, though, I don't think that we have the power to give them another chance." Rei spoke up quietly. "The reason why their relationship was doomed during the Silver Millinnium was for several reasons. One was that they came from two different cultures, two different exsistances of life. It was forbidden for them to even meet, and their love joining caused a reverberation that shifted the time lines into something more monumental than what was originally planned for the two of them, and the Universe. Secondly, there was Beryl, and Queen Metallia. Beryl had been in love with Endymion, which was what caused her to take him that time right after the princess was discovered. Queen Serenity knew that they would have a better chance on Earth. Let destiny take its course." Everyone let what Rei said sink in. Reenie was the one who knew how important it was, more than anybody. She had told the Senshi that Serena and Darien were her parents, but not how her mother would be the savior of the Earth, and the ruler of the Universe. She didn't tell them that she was born in this century, and how if Serena or Darien died, the Earth would be forever destroyed. Okay, there is the end of chapter 10. Happy? Send e-mail, peoples! You know I love it! MemoryStar@juno.com