Okay, this is my second fan fic to date, and it's a romance between Princess Serena and Prince Darien. Those are my fave kind of stories. Anyway, this is MY definition of how they met and fell in love during the Silver Millenium. Of course, they don't realize their love right away...but that comes later. Right now this story is in bits and pieces on my hard drive, and I have to connect all of them together. I REALLY need reader e-mails! Unlike the first story I wrote I'll be sending this in chapters to the web pages currently posting my work. I think it builds the suspense. Hopefully it will also keep readers coming back to the web master's page! On a quick note, this IS during the Silver Millenium. It IS a romance. I use DIC names for the Inners and Japanese for the Outer Princesses, (who don't appear that often). NONE of my own characters are in this either...except I made up Darien's parents, King Aaron and Queen Celia. This WILL be a long-ish fic, but hopefully a good one. I used spell check, but some words might have slipped by, Ooops! I hope you like it though! E-mail SlrUnico@aol.com to comment! This story is dedicated to my sister, Rebeca, who put up with all of the drafts of this she had to read. "WEAVING A ROMANCE: Chapter 1 - First Meeting" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mother, you CAN'T make me!" Princess Serena sat on her bed with a sigh as she looked at her mother, the queen, who was standing before her. A pout was on the girl's face. "I don't want to 'make friends' with the Earth people. Nothing good will come out of it. Why can't we just leave them alone so they leave US alone? Earth is so...corrupt." Serenity sighed. "Serena, as the princess of our kingdom you WILL go to the council meeting. And I'm not happy with your tone of voice. The people of Earth are as just and as kind as we are. I'm friends with Queen Celia and the king. Their planet is not bad at all." "If they're so great, why did we break it off with them in the first place?" "I have told you a thousand times. The king and queens of both kingdoms before us thought it best that the Earth and Moon remain separate for a time so the two could develop their own distinct traditions and cultures. But we never 'broke' it off with them; I have been communicating with Queen Celia and the king for ever since they rose to power. And I have visited the planet before." Serena knew she was fighting a losing battle. But she relished in lost causes, and swept back to arms. "I have heard that Earth is such a vast planet the king and queen cannot rule over all of it. There are barbarians and everything!" She was a little surprised at her mother's reaction, because the queen laughed. "Oh, Serena! Wherever did you hear that?" "Raye and the others," she responded grudgingly. "For goodness sakes, there might be a few wild tribes here and there but the king and queen rule over all and every Earth person respects that. Jupiter and the other outer planets, save Pluto, are even more immense in size and you don't see their rulers bowing before barbarians." "I guess not." "Besides that, there are appointed generals who rule just under the royal family and they take care of the provinces." Serena toyed with the blanket's edge, letting her finger tips feel the smooth and heavy cloth. "So I have to go." "Right." Serenity nodded her affirmation and shook her finger at Serena. "Don't be late. Remember, the council hall in just ten minutes. The king, queen, and their son from Earth will be there. All right?" "Okay." Serena's response was less than thrilled sounding. The queen moved to the door, rapped at the side with her hand, and said, "Move girls, I'm coming out now." There were soft gasps and the rustle of cloth at the queen's command. She opened the door, gave her daughter an encouraging smile, and left the room, leaving the entrance open. After a few moments Serena called in a defeated voice, "She's gone." Almost immediately four girls, with laughing faces and bright eyes, dressed to the nines in pretty dresses, entered the bedroom and closed the door behind them. "Mom heard you," the princess informed them. "She knew you were there." Princess Raye, daughter of the rulers of Mars flipped her hair over her shoulder and sat next to Serena on the bed. "Yeah yeah. We could barely hear your conversation, for all the good hiding did us. What did she tell you?" Princess Amy from Mercury's face was flushed. "I knew we would get caught," she said, shooting a disproving glance at Raye. Serena giggled in spite of her mood. "It's okay, Aims, she was pretty amused. And to answer your question, Raye, I still have to go." "Didn't you feed her the information about the barbarians?" Raye asked, confused. "I thought for sure that would get her." Princess Mina of Venus agreed. "Yup, your mom cares about stuff like that." Serena sighed. "Yes, and she laughed at it." Raye blushed furiously. "Why?" "She said that it wasn't true. Next time I wanna get out of a council meeting make sure to get me something more reliable." "Hey, at least I tried! I didn't see YOU coming up with any ideas!" "I shouldn't have to! I'm royalty!" "SO AM I!!!" "Calm down!" barked Princess Lita, the brown haired beauty of planet Jupiter. "Geez, you two fight like scorpions!" Serena groaned and crossed her arms. "She started it." "I DID NOT!" spat Raye. "DID TOO!" "NOT!" "TOO!" "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" yelled Lita, covering her ears. "Who gives a care anymore?? Be quiet already." Serena and Raye both grudgingly nodded and stopped talking. "Look on the bright side," cheered Mina. "I heard the prince was totally hot." "Have you ever seen him?" challenged Lita. Mina shook her head. "Not exactly, but I have heard rumors, and I might have seen a picture...maybe... a long, long time ago, of course." She looked flustered and sweatdropped. "You know good and well, Lita, that only the elders and the scribes of the Moon know anything worth saying about the Earth." "He's supposed to be really smart," Amy informed them, heading off the coming argument between Lita and Mina. "One of the most intelligent men of our time. Maybe if you and he reach an understanding then he could influence your studies." "I can see it now," said Mina, starry eyed. "'Prince of the Earth and Princess of the Moon Fall in Love and Unite their Kingdoms for Always'! Oh, it would be just like a fairy tale Serena! A beautiful wedding, with you in a dazzling white bride's gown, and he in a goregous tuxedo...walking down the aisle..." Raye and Amy sighed blissfully, engaged in the day dream. Lita snickered. "Or maybe they'll elope! Defy their parents and go off to some distant planet to have lots and lots of babies and live peacefully in love and happiness." "Hello, are you guys dumb or something?" Serena waved a hand in front of Lita's face. "I just made it known that I don't even approve of this 'get together' with Earth, and you four have practically packed me up and sent me off on my honeymoon with that stupid prince! I am NOT out to marry him or even LIKE him, no matter if he's the cutest guy I've ever seen, or," she added, shooting a look at Amy, "the smartest. Get that straight right this second!!" "But Serena," complained Raye. "You've worn out all the boys from the Moon." "Yeah," added Lita. "You have to find the right guy sometime." "Well if I do I'm positive it won't be Mr. Prince of Earth." Serena stood and examined herself in the vanity mirror. "You know," she said softly. "I do have dreams about my future husband." "You've told us," said Raye wearily. "He's tall, dark, mysterious, and - " "Devestatingly handsome," giggled Mina, falling onto the other side of the bed dramaticly. The other girls erupted into peals of laughter. "Laugh all you want," chided Serena, heading towards the door. "But he'll be the perfect guy and he'll have you ALL drooling!" "I'm sure he will be," soothed Lita. "Just keep praying." "AND dreaming," Raye added on. "Because men like that are hard to come by." "He's out there," said Serena confidently. "It's just a matter of finding the right planet." She left them to digest her words and flounced out the door, swinging it shut behind her. Serena walked downstairs trying to gather her wits about her. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to say to the royal family of Earth, and that worried her. The princess was positive the conversation shouldn't include the weather, or the latest fashions on their planet. "Maybe current events," she said aloud. The air smelled sweet as it usually did on days when something special, like a party, was planned to happen. The birds were chirping and the clouds were bright with the sunshine. Serena could even hear from a distance the soft splashing of the fountain in her garden. She inhaled the fragrance of magnolias, supposedly imported from some place on Earth, and closed her eyes as she did so. Suddenly her slippered foot caught on a loose stone. With a cry the princess tried to regain her balance, but could not, and she felt herself falling forward. Her eyes remained closed as she cried out and braced herself involuntarily for the hard and inevitable crash. But it didn't happen. Instead she fell into something warm, and supportive. Another person! Serena gasped and jumped back to her feet, away from her rescuer. When her eyes opened she gasped. She was staring into the face of one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. His dark hair was styled in a way that made it look neat, but unkempt and wild. His eyes were dark blue, piercing at her like he could see through her. The man's skin was tanned and he had a rugged look to his whole self that made him seem... right...and with it. Not nervous like a few of the boys she knew got when confronted with a girl. The man, too, had a voice. "Whoa, you need to watch it next time." His words were cutting and cocky, she didn't like that at all. Hurriedly Serena tried to apologize. "Look, I'm really sorry, there was a loose stone and-" "I saw you from way off, you had your eyes closed. Surely you would have seen the stone if you had had them opened. Pay more attention in the future." By now the princess was seething. Who did this man think he was, talking to her in such a contradicting tone...HER, the MOON PRINCESS?? "I apologized!" "And I gave you some good advice. Unfortunately for the two of us you probably won't use it and I can't do a thing with your, 'apology'." "I think you are one of the most ill-bred, snobbish men I have ever met in my life!" "There are a few choice things I'd like to call you myself but I'm too much of a gentlemen to use them." His eyes swept over her in a way that made her feel two rushing feelings at once. The first was madness, anger that he could make her feel so childish. The second was a calm and safe feeling, that she had never felt before. Quickly, however, the first was swallowing the latter. Serena picked an imagined piece of dirt off her dress. "Good day to you, 'sir'." She spoke the last word in the same way she might say "scum." Then the princess of the Moon, trying hard to make sure she maintained some dignity, brushed past him and down another hall. It would be a longer route to the council meeting, but at least it took her well out of HIS way. If Serena had looked behind her she would have seen the man watching her retreat with a look in his eyes that clearly was identified as intrigued and maybe almost respectful. He stood there for a long time, until after she out of sight. Then he shook his head and walked onward. Serena was not a happy person by the time she reached the council hall. First was the matter of she had forgotten her princess' tiara and had to go back to her room to get it. Then there was the fact that every second more she spent thinking about the man she had met made her even more mystified and spitting mad at him. She paced in front of the hall, trying to get her list of things to talk about with the king and queen and their son in her head. When Serena felt she was composed enough to enter, she put the tiara on her head and placed a hand on the door, determined to not think about the stranger any more. Still, one last thought creeped into her mind which she totally agreed with. "I hope I never see him again as long as I live." She opened the door and the trumpeter inside, receiving his cue, raised the trumpet to his lips and blew a short regal tune. The royal announcer stepped back and said in a loud, clear voice, "Announcing her royal highness, Princess Serena of the Moon Kingdom, daughter of her majesty Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom!" Serena smiled what Mina called her, "princess smile" and curtsied before the couple she presumed to be the king and queen, and her mother. Then she turned to sit in her chair...and gasped aloud. The man she had met was right next to her seat. She gaped and pointed. "You! You're the...the..." The man smiled his cocky smile and bowed to her. "Prince Darien of the Earth." Never in all her life had Serena been more shocked and embarrassed, and she did not shrink from displaying her feelings to the rest of the room... "Serena," her mother said in a controlled voice. "Why don't you sit down?" Serena nodded dumbly and went to take her seat next to Darien. To her surprise he got out of his own chair and helped her into hers. Against her will she murmured a "thank you", and accepted it. When Darien was seated again the adults began to start up a conversation about world politics, which it seemed neither of the younger members of the two courts were interested in. "Surprised, princess?" Darien whispered to her. "I should say so!" retorted Serena in a low voice. "Why didn't you say you were a prince, the prince of the Earth?!" "Why didn't you say you were the princess?" "I assumed everyone knew who I was. Besides that you never asked." She could have sworn she heard him chuckle deeply in his throat, but before she could be sure he had stopped. "I take it you're still rather hostile toward me, Serena, oh, may I call you Serena?" "Yes I am and yes you may." "Well, I don't know why you're mad at me, after all you took the liberty of falling on me. Now, I'm used to women falling for me, but not *on* me." Serena stiffened and felt the now familiar feeling of anger all over again. Was it going to become a habit whenever she talked to this prince? "I didn't ask you to catch me, Darien. And I consider that comment about the women most inappropriate to be said in front of a lady. Oh, and for your information I have every right to be mad. After all, you insulted me!" Darien laughed for real at that remark. "And I suppose that bit about being ill-bred and snobbish doesn't qualify to be an insult?" By now their voices had risen to a considerable decibel, both unaware of how loud they were talking. "Your tone was degrading!" she snapped. "You never answered my question about being ill- bred and snobbish." "I thought it was rhetorical, and it doesn't even dignify an answer!" The king and queens were looking at the two young people with disdain and wariness. Serenity said for Serena to lower her voice, but by then neither could hear. Something would have to be done, that was clear from the looks on the monarchs' faces. "When should we let them back in, Aaron?", Queen Celia of Earth asked her husband, gesturing at the door leading to the hall. The king grunted. "When that boy learns some manners." "It wasn't all Darien's fault," reminded Serenity. "My daughter played more than a minor role in that scene a few moments ago. By the way, I do apologize for her behavior towards him, it was most embarrassing." "Children will be children," quoted Celia. "But he's a young man!" exploded Aaron. "What will this say about the Earth and Moon Kingdom relations??" Serenity laughed. "Ah, well, I don't think it's as serious as all that Aaron." "Yet." "Well, things will get better between the two... in time." Celia sighed. "I'm afraid Darien was against this reunion between our two kingdoms right from the start and that he's taking it out on Serena." Serenity nodded. "Yes, Serena was the same way about our decision." "Does she know about Beryl?" asked Celia with a frown. "Oh no." Serenity shook her head firmly. "No, none of the Inner Princesses have and especially not Serena. My daughter doesn't believe that world politics are necessary to her life." The two women laughed and even King Aaron cracked a smile. "But really, ladies," he continued. "This is serious business here. Beryl's been causing even more trouble back home lately, stirring up revolts and brawls in the streets with her oh-so-subtle ways. And now that we've announced our reunion... "Yes." Serenity looked out into the distance. "I'm very afraid for our futures. Suddenly our perfect and ideal world doesn't seem safe anymore. But more than that I'm terrified for Serena." "How so?" asked Aaron with a puzzled expression. "The coming war is inevitable. I don't want to keep the truth from her any longer. If something happens to me, she'll have to assume the throne. And if something happens to her..." The queen's eyes filled with tears. "I've got to get her away from here as soon as possible." Serena fought the urge to spit, as she had seen Lita do when she was upset, if no one was watching. Her fists were curled up into balls as if she were ready to belt anyone in her way. "Now look what you did, Darien!" she snapped. "What I did?" he asked angrily. "I don't believe your nerve! To embarrass me in front of your mother, and my parents!" "Hey, you were on the other side of that scene in there, bucko. You humiliated me!!" "Something which, oddly enough, I don't regret!" Serena sighed and slumped onto the wooden bench. "I have never ever been kicked out of a council meeting before," she said more to herself than to Darien. "I was mortified! Did you see the look on the announcer's face?" "He looked like he was about ready to ring up that gossip vine." "Oh, don't worry, the way news like that travels around the Moon it'll be tomorrow's headlines. 'Beautiful Princess Embarressed to Pieces when the Horrid Prince from a Barbaric Planet Attempts to Ruin her Social Life." She moaned. "Raye and the others are going to flip." Darien snorted. "I prefer this one: 'Esteemed Prince of Earth Humiliated and Spun Out of Control by Conniving Princess of a Pitiful Kingdom not Worthy to Negotiate with Earth'. Try THAT on for size." Serena looked at him. "You're a royal pain." "Same to you." He growled. "I never lose control like that, never ever. I'm Prince Darien, always with it. What are you doing to me?" "You've brought some traits of mine to light that aren't pleasant either." "Oh really, I thought you were always like that." "Don't EVEN, Darien!" The two were in silence for a very long time, each thinking their own thoughts about the other. Serena was sure that there was something about Darien she didn't quite get, that wasn't out in the open. She wasn't positive she liked that, but then again what did she like about this prince? Nothing. It didn't even matter to her that he was decent looking...all right, handsome. That did not make up for his attitude. Darien watched Serena with his cool gaze while she studied him. He had to admit that she was one of the more prettier girls he had seen in his life - and he had seen lots of women. Her long golden hair and her dazzling blue eyes that he would bet matched his own. Everything about the princess before him said "innocent" and "naive". But then again, there was something in her that said she knew just as much and maybe more than him in certain matters. Deep within both the tiny spark that had flared when they met in the hall glowed brighter than before without their knowing...shining with an emotion so great only they might come to understand. ~~~~~~End of Chapter~~~~~~ Coming in chapter two...Serena and Darien are not getting along well, and this is only furthered in their meeting at the ball celebrating the reunion of the Earth and Moon...plus, the Inner Princesses and the generals of the Earth share their thoughts on the mutual dislike binding their two friends. E-mail SlrUnico@aol.com to commment...PLEASE! Interested in scenes for the up-coming chapter? Just to see if you will want to read it or not? Here are a few of the highlights...quotes or scenes taken and revised directly from the text: "He's conceited, cocky, arrogant, crude, ill-bred, nasty, vile, and just plain rude and I hope I never see him again!" ~~~Serena, to the Inner princesses of Darien Darien stepped closer to her. "You're messing with something you'll never understand, princess," he whispered. ~~~before the royal ball celebrating the reunion of the Earth and Moon Jedite smoothed his hair back. "So...when do I get to meet this princess of yours anyhow? Since you don't want her...we could play school..." The general chuckled deeply. "I know a few things I could teach her..." Darien felt a rage within him and his hand whipped out and gripped Jedite's arm. "You lay a hand on her and I'll..." ~~~at the ball ~~~to be continued~~~