Hello readers!! As someone pointed out to me, I haven't given my name yet in any of the chapters of this series, so for those of you who were wondering, it's Ali. Also to clear something up, my pen name was supposed to be Sailor Unico, but after awhile some web page owners decided Ali was better so in some places it's Ali and others it's Sailor Unico. For those that asked, I have another fic series that I posted all at once rather than little bits at a time. It's located at too many places to list here, but if you want a link to the most current revision e-mail me at slrunico@aol.com and I'll send it! The series is called "The End of the Sailor Soldiers" and it focuses on the Inners' graduation from highschool and breaking up for college. This is, I think, one of the most dramatic chapters. Herein you will find Serenity and Serena's talk about the betrothal, the Inners' reactions, and more importantly, Darien's reaction. I hope you like it, the scene where Darien finds out probably could have been written better... what do you think? I need e-mails from you out there to let me know how I am doing!! Thanks!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Weaving a Romance" CHAPTER 4: No Turning Back ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Someone was shaking her. "Serena, Serena, wake up!" the owner of the hands said. But she didn't want to. Sleep was better. She knew that if she woke up something...something...would hurt her, and it was just safer to stay immobile and in peacefulness until she could figure out what could hurt her and then try to get back to consciousness. "Why didn't you tell her before we came like we planned?" asked another voice. "I told you," the first one said crossly. "There was no time, I was waiting for the right moment. You don't just spring marriage on a girl, especially Serena. But unfortunately that's just what happened. I can't believe it." The other person snorted. "Come now, Serenity, we both know that if you had told her and raised her on the knowledge she has already been spoken for, this wouldn't have happened! Why in the world did you decide to keep it from her for so long?" "I wanted her to have fun before she was tied down to the responsible married life. Living with the 'knowledge' that she has been promised to someone and that her life has already been laid down for her in stone is not the way to spend a childhood. I was planning to sit her down and calmly explain AFTER you and Bruce arrived. Little did I know things would get out of hand like that." The first person sighed. "Well, what's done is done, and I suppose you aren't at fault. I'm sorry for causing a scene back there, the day hasn't been divine for Bruce and I." Serena had heard quite enough. Married? she thought, maintaining her fainted state. I can't be married, I'm only 16 years old! This just isn't happening. It's got to be some sort of a nightmare. Soon I'll wake up...married! I don't believe it...sure, I'm fond of Bruce, he's a nice person and a dear friend... well, a dear friend I haven't seen in years, anyway. Why didn't anyone ever tell me about this little arrangement?? All those boys I dated...and - Suddenly someone's image flashed through her mind and it startled her so much she opened her eyes, gasped, and rose to a sitting position. Darien! Whatever is he doing there at a time like this? Lord, the man somehow manages to get to me when he isn't even here, and when he has absolutely NO business in this matter! The clear picture faded away softly until Darien's cocky and arrogant face was nothing more than a blur of color stained and blended together with tears. In a way she was almost sorry to see him go. Almost. She turned to her mother and Estelle, neither of which had noticed her recovery as they were talking in hushed voices in a tight cluster. The three of them were inside a small conservatory right off of the main council room. Bruce was no where in sight. "Ahem," Serena cleared her throat. Both queens turned to her. "Serena," said her mother. "Are you all right?" Serena nodded. "I still don't understand," she ventured in a hesitant voice. "What's going on?" Serenity and Estelle exchanged glances. "Well..." Serenity began. "As I said, you and Bruce are to be married, in less than two weeks." "MARRIGE??" exploded Serena, jumping to her feet. "Me?? And Bruce??" Not that there was anything *wrong* with Bruce, it was just that they were simply childhood friends, and nothing more. They couldn't marry, they weren't in love. What gave the two queens the idea that they ought to butt around in Serena's life? The princess has read about betrothals in fairy stories, but never had even considered the notion that she might have been betrothed at birth - and certainly not to a boy she'd been in diapers with! She had assumed that people in her day and time didn't do arranged marriages anymore. Serena glared at her mother and Queen Estelle. Evidently she had assumed wrong this time. Serenity cleared her throat, obviously uncomfortable. "Estelle, maybe you should leave me and Serena alone right now, so I can explain things..." Estelle nodded firmly, glancing at Serena once before hurrying out the door. The queen of the Moon and the princess of the Moon appraised each other silently. Neither spoke. Serena still did not understand what was happening, and she didn't want to even begin to comprehend. But alas, Serenity began to explain. "Serena, darling, I know this comes as a shock to you, and I know that Estelle was probably right, that I should have told you before she and Bruce arrived about the plans. Really, I meant to, but things just got so out of hand back there, that I wasn't sure anymore of anything." "It's true then," asked Serena in a near whisper, as if saying the words too loudly would make them more real. A tight nod from her mother affirmed her greatest fear. "But I can't!" Serena cried. "Not me, not Bruce, we're not in love!" "I know, I know," Serenity soothed her. "Not now, but soon you will learn to love him. You've been friends since you were just little children, so it's not like you're marrying a total stranger!" Serena sniffled, willing herself not to cry...to hold in those horrid, cruel tears until they could fall in the privacy of her room onto her lace comforter. Holding back the flood gates, she stared her mother straight in the eye. "Were you betrothed to Daddy??" That question caught Serenity off guard, Serena noted, for what was one of the few times in her life. "No," the queen answered in a short and curt tone. "No, I married by choice." The look on her mother's face was pure torture, of dreams and kisses that had been locked away in her heart forever, coming to surface at the mention of her late husband. Serena instantly felt sorry for even bringing up the subject, seeing how it hurt the woman most dear to her. She stepped back, bracing herself for the harsh reprimand that might follow as a result of her insolence. Instead Serenity turned her back to her daughter. Her voice was cold and stern but strangely soft. "Serena, this discussion is closed...you will marry Prince Bruce and that is final. Now go to your room." "Yes Mother..." Serena said meekly. Willing to give up the subject, she left the conservatory the back way so that she could avoid Bruce and Estelle until she was ready to face them again...leaving her mother to stew in memories that should have stayed where they were...buried. "Married??" asked Raye in disbelief. "To BRUCE?" exclaimed Lita. "Nuts," muttered Mina. "There goes my chances with him." "Mina!" gasped Amy, astonished. "How can you think of yourself at a time like this!?" "Easy...I just...do." Serena had retreated to her room and was flopped over on her bed in the middle of relating the whole sordid story of her betrothal to her friends. She hadn't even gotten past the words, "I'm going to be married to Prince Bruce by the end of the month"! They were as much in shock as she was...and SHE was the one getting married to a man she had not seen since forever! Lita looked at Serena in admiration. "You must really be gone for that guy, huh Serena?" Serena blinked with incomprehension. "What?" "How much do you like him?" Mina prompted. Don't they understand a word I'm telling them, Serena thought, very disturbed. Here I am, I just found out I have been secretly engaged to a man for my entire existence...to a man I feel only for as a friend, and they think I'm in LOVE with him?? On the way back to her room, Serena had tried to consciously reach into her soul and extract any sort of feelings she might have that might maybe one day become love and emotion for the prince of Lerence. But she had found nothing of the sort...just a distant friendship that would most likely evolve into nothing else. And oh, how she had wanted to find love for Bruce. It would make things so much easier. She could get married in a fairy tale wedding just like in all of her old picture books, and have a storybook romantic life with him...raise lots of children, etc. etc. Why, there would not have been any cause for worry at all. If she had found love it would have been easier because she could have accepted it and maybe even have cheered the idea...no, if she had found love she would have demanded that the wedding be moved to the very next morning!! But alas, life is never easy when we want it to be, and the times when it is the hardest seem like the bleakest and most hopeless of all. Bleak. Hopeless. That was how Serena felt as she looked at her friends' faces, silently begging her to let them in on all the feelings she felt for her very own wonderful Prince Charming. "Well??" Raye asked, breaking into Serena's mind with a mental ice pick. "How did he propose??" "I guess I forgot to mention," she responded softly. "He never exactly proposed..." "Did he bend on one knee?" interrupted Mina. "That's the way it is always done. And then he slips it on your finger and asks for your hand in marriage. That," she added for emphasis in case the Moon Princess had not gotton the point, "is the way it is done." "No," argued Amy. "Traditionally he asks the parental figure for his love's hand first, since it is always done that way if he is proper. Normally he would ask the father, but Serena, since your father... well, you know, he must have asked your mother first." "Oh Amy," scoffed Lita with stars in her eyes. "You're so old fashioned. NO ONE does it that way anymore. Talk about a tradition from our PARENTS' era!" "Hey!!!" barked Serena. "Didn't you guys hear me?? He didn't propose to me today!!" "See??" said Amy in a sing song, I-told-you-so voice. "He asked the QUEEN today. Tomorrow he will ask Serena formally...the way it is always done." "I guess you were right, Amy," Raye acknowledged. "Come to think of it," remembered Lita, "I do recall reading in the current edition of 'Royal Edicate' that that particular tradition is being followed by more of the elite and modern couples of this time and day, to follow propriety in asking the parent first for their daughter's hand." "So Serena," asked Mina. "Will you let us hide behind something and watch when Bruce proposes, or do you intend to just let us wait in agony until you're 'ready' to tell everyone the whole...hey..." she noted. "Serena's not here." "Hmmm..." the other girls agreed. They looked around the room, but during their conversation Serena had left her place on the bed and had gone out the door. "I'll bet our conversation got her in the mood to sneak into Bruce's guest room and share a few," Mina giggled, "MOMENTS with him!!" The four erupted into united laughter, and gave Serena not another thought as they threw themselves into idle gossip from around the kingdom..mixing into the bittersweet afternoon air. Serena didn't understand. She was sitting in the royal palace rose garden, toying with one of the leaves on the vine near by. Weren't friends supposed to listen and understand you when you most needed them to? Some help they were, she thought bitterly. Instead of helping me with this problem they totally ignored everything I said right after I announced I was getting married. It's like I suddenly just ceased to exist! "Anyway," she said aloud, "I guess it's not really their problem. It's mine. But what can I do about it? Absolutely one hundred percent nothing." Would have been nice, she silently commented, if Mother had asked my opinion about all of this before she made that agreement. But I was, like, barely a month old supposedly. Bruce would have been...let's see...just 2 years old himself. Bruce. I wonder what he thinks of all of this. Serena sighed. She knew what he thought. To boys nothing was more important than their home planets, and the safekeeping of that planet. Her mother had something that the planet Lerence and its galaxy needed...the Silver Crystal. And Lerence had an outstanding military... one of the best armies in the entire universe. It would be a good match if they were somehow caught up in a war. But quite frankly, Serena couldn't see THAT happening in a million years. There was no trouble anywhere that she knew of. "If someone wages battle on us," she muttered, "sometime before I'm eighty five, I'll eat my hat...well, I would if I *had* a hat." Serena bit her lip. Well, there had been Raye's stories of that woman on Earth, named Beryl. But she never took anything her friend from Mars said seriously. Raye's father was bent on the subject of war and whatever he said to her, which was probably a bunch of whacked up rumors about this Beryl person, she would believe. But Serena had no worries, and she hadn't seen her mother the least bit concerned. As long as Serenity remained calm, Serena knew there was no danger. Lightning hit and she was seething with anger. Darien's image had suddenly swept back into her mind, as if wanting to know exactly what was going on and why no one had told him anything. "I am so sick and tired of you just invading my privacy like this!" Serena shouted, leaping off of the marble bench she was seated on...head tilted toward the sky. "You have NO say or matter in this, I don't even think I WANT to invite you to the wedding!!! So just stop making me think of you!!" "Serena!!" "WHAT??" She spun around and saw that Lita was there, a look of concern on her face. "Oh, I mean, hi Lita." Lita took a step forward, then took it back. "Ummm...who are you talking to...?" Serena remembered how the princesses had not cared what she had to say and how she felt about the wedding, and was mad all over again. "No one," she muttered, side-stepping Lita out of the garden. "No one at all." Serena steadily marched herself back into her room and stayed there...staring into space. A few times she sniffled. Other times she felt a slight tear come to her eye, only to find itself brushed aside in annoyance. What does a girl do, she thought, when she finds that she is to be married to a man she's not in love with? She was new to the part, and had no clue how it should be played. The role of the arranged fiancee was not one she had planned on. She didn't even WANT it. In a matter of weeks, she...Serena...would be a married woman, living off on some foreign planet, without her friends or mother for solace. She supposed it could be worse, she could be betrothed to someone totally awful. Bruce was all right, except, she was not in love with him. "And poor, misguided me," she said sarcastically, "the little naive princess actually was holding onto the concept that marriage was for those who were in LOVE with each other. How innocent and sheltered is THAT??" Her voice cracked at the end, and she remained silent for a long, long time. Her eyes stared ahead at her vanity across from the bed, filling with tears, then blinking them away. Finally there was a knock on the door. "Serena," came a muffled voice. It was Mina, from what she could tell. "Serena, come on! Your mother and Prince Bruce and his mother are all requesting your presence for lunch!! Hop to it!" Then there was silence, and a long sigh as Mina realized Serena was not going to answer. The Moon princess waited until she heard the flouncing away footsteps of her friend, and then got ready for the lunch date. Bruce rose up as Serena entered the dining room. He bowed and then helped her into her seat. Serena blushed. She was used to this kind of treatment, but there had not been many men around the palace lately besides Prince Obnoxious from Earth. "Thank you, Bruce," she replied, sitting down next to him. He nodded at her and gave her that same smile she knew so well. Any other day she would have laughed and enjoyed his presence. But now, things were different. Serenity smiled at Queen Estelle knowingly, and seeing this, Serena gritted her teeth. She couldn't stand the way her mother was acting!! Couldn't she understand how upset she was?? Any other good mother would have called off the wedding at once had she seen her daughter's distress. Any other mother would never have arranged for such a terrible thing in the first place. But noooo, not HER mother. Queen Serenity was too worried about keeping up good relations between the two galaxies to even worry about her daughter's distress. Why, Serena realized with a start, Mother didn't even bother to come in and talk things over with me after the announcement!! "Where are Mina and the others?" asked the princess, looking around the dining hall expectantly. "Princess Amy had to go home to be fitted for a gown for her birthday gala next month," replied her mother, "and Princesses Mina and Lita went back together with Princess Raye to Mars." Princess Raye, mimicked Serena in her mind. Princess Mina, Princess Amy, Princess Lita. Why the sudden formalities, Mother dear? "Great," she muttered. "Now my FRIENDS are forgetting all about me too." The least they could have done was stayed around to offer her pity. Estelle looked down her long, pointy nose at Serena. "So, Princess, I trust you are feeling better now that you have had a little rest. I know that that sudden announcement of your engagement to Bruce must have been startling." Serena looked at the queen of Lerence blankly. What is she talking about?, she thought, rapidly trying to come up with why the queen was asking about her welfare. Ohhhh...the fainting thing, she recalled, managing a tight smile. "Thank you, your majesty, I am feeling much better. You're right, the...ah, betrothal was unexpected but, um...I know things will turn out for the best." Whew! Good save, Serena! Bruce smiled at his mother and Serena realized that he had not said a word yet. "Mother," he addressed Estelle, "you don't know Serena that well! Of course she is better. See? The announcement didn't take anything out of her. Serena's a trooper, by jove." By jove???, Serena thought in panic. Heavens, is that what they talk like on Lerence?? Oh eww... "Serena?" The princess snapped out of her thoughts and looked around the table for the source of the voice. It was her mother. "Serena, we really need to hurry about these wedding arrangements," Serenity continued once she was sure she had her daughter's undivided attention. "You know that the wedding will be held in the chapel here at the palace, but who all would you like to invite? If we hurry, we might be able to give just enough notice to the people in --" "Wait a minute, Mother!" Serena cried out. "What do you mean, we need to hurry!? We have all the time in the world, don't we?? Or is there something ELSE about this I don't know?" Serenity cringed, but Estelle took matters into her own hands. "Serena," she said in an icy tone. "I do hope that's not the tone you are accustomed to using when speaking to your mother, the queen of the Moon Kingdom. Really! I have never seen such disrespect! The matter of the wedding is none of your concern unless your mother asks your opinion on something. WHEN it is held is up to me and Queen Serenity." "Just WHEN was I voted out of this wedding??" exclaimed Serena. She was sick of having to pussy foot around Estelle's remarks, as she had been doing since childhood. The queen of Lerence was so cold sometimes, so prim and proper it was sickening! Imagine, poor Bruce had to live with her every day. She gulped. And SHE would have to live with her too! After the marriage she would move to Lerence! Oh, this wedding business was getting worse by the minute!!! Queen Estelle gasped and Serenity found her wits. "Serena!" her mother said sternly, standing. "You will apologize to Prince Bruce and Queen Estelle this minute!!" Serena bristled. Wouldn't Darien love to see this, she thought as she stood up. "I'll apologize, Mother," she said. "But not until her majesty Queen Estelle apologizes to me for her remarks about my place in the wedding! I found them most uncalled for. It is my wedding, and I have been thrown into it, and if I have to go on with the whole deal then I want to be able to make some of the decisions." Estelle was flabbergasted, and Bruce's mouth was hanging open. Serenity sank back into her seat wearily, as if she was much too weak for this type of burden. "Mother," said Bruce in a weak voice, "maybe you ought to apologize to Serena..." Estelle opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. Serena waited, patiently, for the queen of Lerence to regain her composure and remember just who she was talking to. Serena knew that held more importance and esteem in her pinky than Queen Estelle did. She was the daughter of the ruler of the entire galaxy, the future holder of the Silver Imperium Crystal, the number one source of power in the universe!! "...am sorry, Princess Serena." Serena turned back to Estelle and realized she had missed half of the queen's apology. "I guess this wedding has us all on our nerves," Estelle continued with a weak smile. "And I apologize, your majesty," said Serena, forcing herself to bring tears to her eyes. If she wanted to get out of a punishment from her mother, some pretty good acting was called for. She made her voice small and pitiful. "You're right, I was very disrespectful, I...I...just, this is all too much at once to take in, I am not myself." Everyone nodded with relief, and Bruce helped Serena back down into her chair. The meal resumed and all four were on their best behavior. And it wasn't until later that night that Serena realized her tears were more real than she had planned. Serenity had another long talk with her daughter the following morning in the throne room. "Today," she said, "the royal papers all over the galaxy are printing word of the engagement. The reporters will be everywhere outside of the palace walls, so I am urging you to stay on the grounds all day." Serena meant to whine and complain that Mina had invited her to Venus for a picnic and that she couldn't miss it, but instead these words came out: "Will the Earth papers print the news too?" Serenity looked a little confused, but nodded. "I don't know if it matters, but yes." A brief image of something passed through Serena's mind, and she had to chase it down to see who it was. "Darien!!" she said aloud. Something hit her heart -- hard -- and she felt sick and tired all of a sudden. It was a picture of Darien, smiling at her cockily. But all at once his expression became stricken with grief, and that made her heart hurt even worse. The queen did not hear her daughter's outburst. Instead she was insisting for the second time that Serena stay on the grounds of the palace all day, and not to breath a word to anyone of her argument with Queen Estelle. Serena heard herself saying something like, "Oh why would I mention that?" while her mind was still whirring with the question of why she was thinking of Darien so much now that this engagement had come about. Serenity snapped her back to attention. "Dear," she said, suddenly very firm. "I think it's best if you leave the wedding arrangements up to Estelle and I." Serena gasped. Maybe she didn't want to have this wedding, but the least her mother could do was let her take charge! It WAS the only one she would have in her lifetime! And now Serenity and Estelle were bent on taking it away from her, too! "No way!" she exclaimed. "I should have a say in everything that goes on, Mother, you KNOW that's only fair!!" The queen shook her head. "Dearest, you know nothing about these types of things, and you're much too upset as it is. Just leave everything to me and Estelle on this one and --" "NO!" "Serena!" Serenity was angry now, and Serena took a step back. "Serena, this insolence is shameful! I was appalled at your treatment of Queen Estelle yesterday at lunch, and so embarrassed! What Bruce and his mother think about this I can hardly stand to imagine! I don't know what has gotten into you lately, Serena, I just don't know! From now on you are to be of the sweetest nature around the royals of Lerence. Is that understood??" Serena was struck with a helplessness the likes of which she had never known before. There was nothing she could do to stop the wedding -- it would go on with or without her consent. Her mother was now quiet, and she sunk back into the chair. "The least you could do," she said softly, "is go through with this if not for me, for the sake of your kingdom, Serena. I won't be here forever, and you will be the future leader of the Moon. You and Bruce will bring Lerence and the Moon together and rule over both --" "Is that what you want, Mother?" asked Serena. "To see the Moon swallowed up by Lerence??" "What I want is not for us to discuss at this time, daughter. You owe this to your kingdom, to get married. This betrothal was made a very long time ago, and if you were to break it..." The queen trailed off, leaving the unsaid end of her sentence for Serena's imagination to fill in. "And...oh, Serena..." Her mother was speaking again, this time in a somehow frightened voice. "I...I need you away from here." "What do you mean?" "I cannot tell you at this time. But daughter, I need you to be gone from here as soon as possible. I need you to go where you will be safe." "Mother, if this is about the forces of Beryl --" Serena broke off, waiting for her mother to stop her and to tell her she was not scared about the happenings on Earth. Because if the queen was scared, then the problems Serena had heard about had to be much worse than she had thought. Sure, she knew about the woman from Earth, Beryl, and how she was stirring a revolt. Raye was her source of gossip on the topic, because her father, King Phillip, was one of the ones rooting for war. He had been advising Serenity and the monarchs of Earth to stamp out things while the still could. But Serenity especially was determined to keep peace. Her mother was silent, as if she had not heard her daughter's remark, though Serena knew she had. Serena hung her head. Oh, it was no use. "Yes, Mother," she said in a quiet voice, leaving the throne room and going back down the hall. I think she's being silly about Beryl, so that aside, I do owe it to Mother, and to my kingdom. If this is what makes her happy, and everyone else happy, I shouldn't be selfish about it. No, I won't argue with her again." Darien took a soft bite of his roll, savoring the flavor. Breakfast was refreshing to him, it renewed his strength after a night's sleep. However the past few nights he had not been sleeping well at all. Even before the ball he had been dreaming of the blond haired vixen known as the princess of the Moon Kingdom. Serena had filled his thoughts, or, more to the point, his dreams. In different situations, yelling at him, tripping over the stone, or...or... He blushed, and then recovered when he remembered the last part of the last night's dream. She had been crying...crying in her sleep. She might have said his name, he thought she had, but that might have been wishful thinking on his part. But what had gotten to the prince was her sorrowful sobbing. It hit his heart and he had no idea why. It made him want to run to her side and stop every tear. It was one thing for him to make fun of her...but anyone else...no way. Darien had dreamed of other girls before, lusted after them. He'd been with other girls before, well, other women. But never before had he felt this way about any of them, the way he felt about Serena. It was more than odd, it was mysterious. It must be a phase, he told himself. A phase I will eventually get out of. Albeit, she's a real looker, but other than that -- well, it's not possible. I'll get out of it. But deep in his soul he knew it was more than a phase -- much more -- and that it was not something that he would be able to get of. At that moment Jedite entered the room, looking polished and groomed as always. Neflite and Malachite, who looked nothing less than dead tired, followed drowsily. "Morning," said Darien, greeting his friends. "Where's Zoi?" "Where else?" said a grumpy Malachite as he went into the kitchen. "Preening in the mirror." Neflite, stony faced with glazed eyes lumbered after Mal, mumbling incohearants about mornings. That left Jedite and Darien. The blonde general took a seat at the table next to the prince and helped himself to a roll. "Any plans for the day?" "Nah, nothing really." Jedite buttered one of the pastries and nonchalantly began to babble. "Well, I was just looking at the news screen for the day's hot topics around the galaxy. Not much interesting, there was some type of a festival on Jupiter, and some dude on Uranus uncovered ancient scrolls from eons ago. I don't know about that...sounds like a bunch of old geezers' work that has nothing to do with out life today. Anyway, that Moon Princess Serena, well, she's getting married finally to some guy she was betro...Darien, hey, what's wrong? You're like...white." Darien was indeed very pale, from the second he heard the word "married" in connection with Serena. It was not possible. His heart stopped and he suddenly did not know what the words meant. Because if he did remember what they were, it couldn't...COULDN'T be true! Slowly, the prince of the Earth turned to face Jedite, staring directly into his face, making the general very uncomfortable. "Uhhhh...Dar...listen, I don't like the look your shooting me...did I say something?" "What_did_you_say_about_her?" Darien's words were even and paced out, sounding as if he was on the verge of stepping over that very thin and dangerous red line of control and calm. Jedite was scared. Petrified. The gaze in Darien's eyes was frightening, like he was on fire, but not screaming. Don't people yell when they experience pain? His brow furrowed. "You mean about the Princess?" After receiving a firm nod from the prince he continued, fumbling his words. "Oh, well, ummm... gosh, I guess you would be pretty shocked about it, I guess you didn't expect her to get married, right? Uhhh...see, she's, like, getting married, yeah, ummm... getting married to this dude from one of those planets, errr...in one of those solor systems, like, near here, and uhhh...well, it's...." Jedite wasn't sure what exactly Darien wanted him to say, and more to the point, what Darien was angry about in the first place. Darien kept his eyes on the general. "I want to know when, where, why, and who. NOW." "Next weekend, on the Moon, because she's betrothed to him since she was born, Prince Bruce of the planet Lerence." Jedite rattled off the answers to Darien's one word questions as fast as he could, relying on the ever present good memory he had been blessed with, which had stored the information from the headline post. The general thanked his stars when Darien finally closed his eyes...the gaze had been shut off, but Jedite could not relax anymore than he could before... because the force of his friend's unexpressed emotions were filling the room. Meanwhile Darien was experiencing all of those feelings ten fold. Hurt, denial, anger, grief, frustration, suspense, shock, sadness, confusion, pain, pain, and more pain, mainly in his heart, all were weaving through his veins, pounding through his skull mercilessly. The onslaught of emotion was so great he had never felt anything like it in his entire life. Why am I so affected by this, he asked himself in between the curse words flitting around the anger. It's not like I love her...she's not a girlfriend... what is going on??? How could she, how could she, why didn't she say something...Serena, no, Serena, it can't be, I won't let it happen, but I can't stop it. Serena, please God don't let it be true. It's a lie, everyone's been lying. Jedite, the news bulletin, Serena, and me...me...I've been lying, but I don't know what about.... no...no...Serena...Serena...Serena... Trembling, Darien let out a mighty and loud roar, that shocked Jedite and brought Neflite and Malachite, fully awake, running in. "What the heck happened?" exclaimed Neflite, his arms balancing two plates of pancakes, a bowl of cereal and a mug of hot cocoa. Darien, his face full of the same feeling his eyes had been tormented with, did not answer. Jedite took it upon himself to do the job in his place. "I told him about the princess Serena getting married, and, he, well, just look!" He pointed at the disheveled Darien. Malachite, similarly weighed down with his breakfast, teetered in unbalance. "What's wrong, Dar?" The prince did not answer. Instead he got up from his seat, kicked the chair across the room, and put on his cloak. Then he turned to the generals. "I'm going to the Moon," he said in the same errie voice. "Tell Mother and Father I have business to attend to. As soon as I pack I'm out of here." With that said Darien raced out of the room, his stride sure, but pained. The three generals stared after him, in utter shock. "We missed something," Mal confirmed. Neflite nodded. "I don't understand, what would make him so uptight like that?" Jedite shrugged. "I was just telling him the news bulletin and he got that way right after I said the princess of the Moon was getting married." Suddenly recognition dimmed in his eyes. "You don't think...he's fallen for her?" "Impossible," scoffed Malachite. "From what I've heard the whole galaxy knows they dispise each other, especially after that scene at the ball. And she's an innocent little girl! Compared to the women Darien's always dating, she doesn't measure up there in that category." "But did you see that look on his face?" asked Neflite. "It was so intense! Something about this whole thing really teed him off. Maybe he does feel for her." The appropriate and normal answer for that would have been what Malachite had said. But all had seen the shock and grief and emotion in Darien, and they were at a loss. Only one person had the answer, and from the look of it as he ran through the dining hall, he did not know himself. Serena walked with all of the grace she could muster down the hall, and out onto the lawn. She forced a smile on her face, knowing she must look happy at all costs. "I owe it to my kingdom, and my mother, but not to myself," she said sadly between her grinning lips. It was her new motto...her new battle cry. She had been repeating it to herself every moment of the day. Finally it looked like she was out of the way of anyone seeing her, she dropped the smile and let her tears flow freely down her cheeks. The princess ran and ran, thankful to be in her white slippers which were easy to run in. Finally she reached her destination, the rose garden. She had left word through the intercom with the cook and her mother that she did not feel well and would not be joining them for meals or for any other activities after breakfast and had stayed in her room until finally she had to get out outside for air. Now she was safe. When she was in her room she had searched again deep inside of her for feelings for Bruce. Oh, how badly she wanted to love him! She wanted to, she wanted to more than anyone could ever know. Because if she did then everything else would be okay, she could marry him happily. But she had found nothing, not through her hours of soul-searching that day or the day before. When she realized that, THEN she had needed the air. Hidden from the outside world by the hedges, Serena dropped onto a bench and wept bitterly. "I can't marry him," she sobbed. "I can't, I can't!" But what else was there to do? Her mother was concerned about her safety, and they had been betrothed since they were kids, she and Bruce. "But it's not there!" she cried. "I searched and searched, but it wasn't there, the feeling, the love!" For several minutes Serena cried, feeling as if she was very alone in the world. No one was on her side, even the Inner Princesses couldn't understand. No one could. The private black transportation beam whizzed onto the surface of the Moon with a rushed landing. It's owner, Darien, dressed in the same clothes he had been in since breakfast pushed the door open, and, leaving his bag inside, slammed it again and started off down the path. He had parked in the rear of the Palace, and in his haste he was unsure where he was. The prince had tried to leave after breakfast, but had been delayed an hour or so because of the air ways being jammed. He would have had to have waited even longer until he simply left, taking another route he had discovered years ago. Then he heard crying...sorrowful and grief filled, coming from somewhere. One thought was in his mind. Did Serena love her betrothed? Over and over again, with every heartbeat, Darien asked himself that question, willing it by the grace of God that it was not so, that she didn't want to marry. But he had heard of this Prince, he was blonde, dashing, a skilled horseman, handsome, and charming. What woman could stand to resist such a man? The crying became louder with each step, and the faint smell of roses met his nose. He wasn't that near the garden, but the scent was with him, as if some invisible force was helping him along the way with little clues as to where the princess was. "Of course," he muttered. "The rose garden, she's there, I can feel it." His feet ran in that direction, hopping over stones and his feet hardly touching the grass. After awhile he finally could see the garden... the beginning of the hedge maze, filled with those beautiful red roses. "Serena..." he whispered, and approached the area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well?? How was it?? What did you all think of Darien's reaction? It was one of the first scenes written, like, during the summer before the story even had a form or a shape recognizable. Of course I had to revise it recently, so it should be okay. It's one of the only scenes I was worried about since it's vital to the plot about his feelings. Coming up in chapter 5!!: chapter pretty much solely dedicated to Serena and Darien. They'll talk about the betrothal and then...then...well, I won't spoil things for you!! It includes some of my favorite scenes!! And it should be out soon. Thanks, and keep reading!! ~~~Ali~~~