Hadrian S. Traupmann, M.D.

Age: 31
Species: Terran
Rank: Lieutenant
Current Billet: Chief Medical Officer, USS Thunderchild


080525 Graduate, Starfleet Academy, San Francico, Earth
060520 Doctor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Earth
030503 Bachelor of Science - Chemistry, University of Texas-Austin, Earth

MEDICAL CERTIFICATIONS: General and brain surgery, organ transplant

Height: 5'11''
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green


"Unknown to Hadrian, he is suffering from Cho's Disease, a variant of Muscular Dystrophy that as of yet does not have a known cure in the 25th century.  The disease will gradually erode his skills as a surgeon, forcing him to come to terms with what he will do with his life if he can no longer be a doctor."

Sam Trauppman, father, Family Doctor, Oxford, Mississippi, Earth
Julia Traupmann Henry, sister, primary school teacher, Lincoln, Nebraska, Earth


Hadrian Traupmann grew up in the south of the old United States on the North American continent of Earth. His father, a medical doctor, raised Hadrian and his sister by himself, being a widower. Hadrian learned to love animals as a child, and he almost decided to become a veterinarian during his studies as an undergraduate at the University of Texas.

Hadrian changed his mind on a short family vacation to the Earth's moon. A outbreak of Tancar fever broke out and Hadrian's sister was stricken with it. Near death, Julia Traupmann recovered after a receiving emergency vaccines administered by a contingent of Starfleet Medical Corp personnel. The experience exposed to Hadrian the nobility and committment to service a career in Starfleet would offer.

He enrolled and graduated from medical school and then enrolled in Starfleet Academy as a 25 year old. Hadrian was given extensive academic credit due to his two previous degrees, allowing him to graduate from the Academy in a mere two years.

After graduation, Hadrian accepted a junior lieutenant's commission aboard the USS Northwind, a light cruiser, as Chief Medical Officer. He served exemplarily in his post, but was often bored since the Northwind's primary mission was escorting merchant transport ships. Hadrian used this time to study and learn a number of alien physiologies. He also developed a method to lengthen the time Trill symbiants could remain outside of a host body without dying.

Receiving recognition for his achievements, Hadrian was promoted to full lieutenant and transferred to Starbase Zephrane as Chief Medical Officer to head the medical research department there. During his tenure there, Hadrian contributed to several importment advancements in alien xenobiology. However, he ran afoul of the the starbase's admiral-in-residence after telling the admiral to 'suck it up' when the admiral complained about his cold symtoms. The admiral decided that someone else would better fit the post.

Hadrian had been awaiting reassignment to another post, when he received word he was being assigned to the USS THUNDERCHILD.


080710: Commissioned Lieutenant, j.g. and assigned to USS Northwind as Chief Medical Officer

091001: Awarded Starfleet Medal of Achievement for contributions to body of knowledge in treating trill symbiants

091215: Promoted to full Lieutenant and transferred to Starbase Zephrane as CMO & Head of Medical Research

120324: Transferred off Starbase Zephrane, awaiting reassignment


SD 090101, Commander Erin Shackleford, USS Northwind
"I'm very impressed with Lt. Traupmann. His skills as a doctor far surpasses what our humble ship is accustomed to. I'm sure the Northwind is just a brief stop in what is sure to be a stellar career, but I'm enjoying his presence while I can."

SD 120225, Rear Admiral Phil Abrams, Starbase Zephrane
"I'm always pleased with the quality of Dr. Traupmann's work. His skill as a surgeon is legendary among the Starfleet Medical Corps, and he is an renowned biochemical scientist in his own right. I would say he's a perfect Chief Medical Officer, if he weren't such a cold bastard!"

SD 110715, Counsellor Turner Robinson, Starbase Zephrane
"Lieutenant Traupmann suffers somewhat from a case of the 'God' complex, believing his decisions are always correct and should be followed without fail. It's a small flaw in an otherwise exemplary physician and Starfleet officer. Regular monitoring of Lieutenant Traupmann is recommended to ensure that corrective measures are taken if his God complex grows to a full condition of megalomania."

HOBBIES:Horseback riding, cooking, gardening, racquetball


Although a warm and friendly person outside of work, Hadrian Traupmann can be cold and supercilious in his practice of medicine. His bedside manner needs substantial work, and it has been noted by those he works with that he has a definite case of the "God complex". Part of this stems from the extraordinary skill and success that Hadrian has had in his chosen profession - he has very seldomly failed in any medical endeavor. However, it remains to be seen how Hadrian will react when confronted with the limits of his skill as a doctor. It is suspected that the answer will be 'poorly'.

Hadrian is a workaholic. Loquacious and extroverted, he finds it easy to make friends, and he often does, especially among those of the opposite sex.

Hadrian carries a little more weight than he should. Although not overweight by any means, he definitely could stand to lose about 15 pounds, and he knows it. Hadrian is sensitive about his weight and has been known to try the most recent diets without positive results.


Traupmann Biofile © 2000 Alex Nguyen. Used with permission by USS Thunderchild rpg. © 2000 USS Thunderchild RPG 
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