I'm so sorry
I can't even admit what I feel
And for you, even
I love you more than anything

You are really all that matters anymore
The only other things are the only things I know
Sometimes I don't know what to do
And I see you, always sure of yourself

I act strong and as if I don't care
But I am not
I am just trying to distance myself
So I don't get hurt again

It's not as though I DON'T care
I do, but I can't show it
I am weak, and I ashamed of myself
For you are so important...

I can't even read what you write
Though I try
I am stupid as well
This isn't so hard anymore

I'm sorry
I am so pathetic
I'm sorry I went insane
I didn't do it to hurt you
It was an accident

But I'm sorry all the same