You look at yourself in the mirror
You don't like what's reflected back at you
The mirror doesn't lie, though
But that's what you think

You don't see me standing next to you
Not until you turn around
You act surprised, but I just smile
I look in that glass

I don't see a thing but air
The walls around me
Your frightened face
I laugh

I don't know what I am
I can't tell anymore
As I stare into that glass
I see I am nothing

I am a doll
Somebody's plaything
I have been a puppet all my life
I keep on staring

That glass begins to reflect what I am
I see black, I see other things
I see things I didn't know were there
I become frightened

I didn't know these things lived in me
I didn't want to
I want to stop looking
I've dug too deep

I'm transfixed on the glass
I want this to stop
As I scream for it to
A feather brushes my face

I stop and watch it
The things in the glass disappear
I think that feather is part of me
Not merely a distraction

I look back into the mirror
And I see nothing again
I decide being nothing is all right for now
But I grasp the feather tightly

It is my innocence