I pretend I don't care
I say that I will kill you
But I don't think I really want to
You are so brave

I stood there, a gun pointed to your forehead
You told me to shoot
But I couldn't
What is this?

I put my arms around you now
I want to say what my heart tells me
My mouth won't move
The words won't come

You embrace me
You don't need words to tell me how you feel
You've shown me without a sound
I awkwardly embrace you back

You tell me you've trusted me all along
But I can't comprehend why
I've tried to kill you numerous times
And I've made you cry

I try again to find the words
This time, they do come
But they sound different to me
My voice cracks from nervousness

You giggle at my mistake
My face reddens
You apologize and touch my face
You know me better than anyone

I want to say it right this time
I open my mouth
And I utter the words
I love you

You look shocked
But you tell me the same without words
And they are no longer needed
Now nothing can take away our shared feelings

I am yours
I won't hurt you anymore
I promise
I will care for you and protect you
