Vampire Princess Miyus' Eternal Shrine
“At one time, gods and demons were as one. They were sealed away in the abyss of distant memory. The hearts of humans who feared the Dark brought this about. For the present, let us call those beings “Shinma”. Now they have awakened from their slumber, and gathered in the Dark. On the final night of that gathering, when Shinma and humans met again…a young girl strayed into their midst. This is her story. Her name is…”

Kyuuketsuki Hime Miyu

I realize that, up until this point, it was relatively strange that, because of my affinity with vampires, that I didn’t have this page up sooner; I had my reasons for the order in which I did things (I don’t need to explain them). Now, I shall do my best to fully deliver to you through words, how truly marvelous this series is.

Writing these summaries take quite a long time; more time then I thought it would...and because I don't have much time to spend on this page at the moment, it takes even longer. But they ALL will end up on here eventually ^_^.

This is just a basic overview of the whole point to the story, so you get a basic idea as to what’s going on. Though…I would recommend, renting (or buying) the videos…it’s somewhat hard to explain properly, but I can only do my best.

A basic over-view (and I do mean basic) of the whole story line would be: A young girl (13) has her vampire blood awakened by an encounter with a Shinma at night. Drinking the Shinmas’ blood, making him her slave for eternity. The head of the Shinma come to realize that Miyu has been awaken and demands her to be recognized as a Shinma and to take over the guardianship of the Dark over from her mother, who is also a vampire (along with her father). Miyu’s family is one of the last strings of Shinma blood left on the earth, and their sole job is to make sure that the other Shinma are not awoken from their sleep. Miyu’s mother, not wishing that sort of life for her daughter, takes her and runs, leaving Larva (the Shinma that Miyu drank the blood of) trying to defend Miyu and her mother, and her father behind. Miyu eventually has to stop running because her throat is killing her. She tries to drink water, but the water doesn’t make her any less thirsty. Miyu’s mother eventually gives her own blood to her daughter and Miyu is caught. Her parents are sealed away in limbo, and the only way Miyu can re-animate them is if she returns all the Shinma that escaped while Miyu went running away to the Dark. Time was stopped for Miyu so that she could do the task without getting older and dying, which is what she would do if she were not immortal. Therefore, Larva and Miyu are left, hunting down the stray Shinma until all are gone.

Shinma are crosses between Gods and Devils (Mamono) that used to live on earth with humans, but because the humans feared the Shinma, they were banished to the Dark, and only one bloodline was left on earth…Miyu’s bloodline…to watch over the gateway to the Dark, and keep the Shinma inside.

I’d like to make a quick mention here…
All of the descriptions and summaries placed on this and following sites are MINE, written by ME, and I am quite willing to admit to being wrong, but if you see any glaring errors…

So thanks!! Help is always appreciated *s* 8^)

NOTE All quotes are direct quotes from the Vampire Princess Miyu OAVs and are posted here without the permission of the authors...^_^ heheheh...its free speech baby, yeah!

Now playing...Vampire Princess Miyu's Theme

Vampire Princess Miyu OAV Summaries
Vampire Princess Miyu Series Pictures