Christmas 2001

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With so many small children, we decided that this year,
we would hand out the presents before our main meal,
after lots of nibbles and drinks, so nobody was starving.

The children at the front are, Millie, Sam and Nikkita,
Anne-Marie and Kate at the back.

I don't know what the joke is, but it must have been good,
Lisa and Richard, Graeme hiding in the middle.

Lisa with her present from Graeme,
the little Jack-in the box, is wearing a large pair of
Diamond studs.

Standing at the back, John Friis, Scott, Ester and Peter
on the floor by the tree, Kate and Nikkita, Henry in yellow pants,
Anne-Marie sitting on the chair.

Sam on the left, Millie on the motor bike,
Ester on the chair and Claes sitting on the right.

Henry n the middle, Millie in front of him,
Briana on the right. Matt on the left, Richard and Ulla sitting at the back


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