Rail Photos Page

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NOTE: I have used as a background the colour which is the closest I can find to CN scarlet, the shade used on the ends of CN locomotives.

Railyard seen from bridge This photo and the next one are taken from a bridge passing over the Richmond, Quebec railyard belonging to the CN (Canadian National railway), showing the 10 tracks, with the former railway station in the background on the left. On the far left, next to the station, is Main Street.
Railyard - again from bridge In this photo, you can see that the tracks on either side of the station have been removed. The station is no longer used, since the VIA RAIL (CN/CP combined passenger service) trains have stopped using this line.
Old railroad station - rear view Here is a closer look at the unused station. You can see the boarded up windows and patched roof. The station was sold to the town of Richmond, Quebec for $1, to be used for tourism and as a jumping off point for the bicycle path, which uses an old abandoned railbed. The repairs needed on the station were too costly for the town budget, so the station was resold to private investors for the original $1. They will have something like $100,000 or so (maybe even $200,000 or more--I forget the exact amount) of renovations and repairs to do. One of the investors is a building contractor, who is doing most of the work.
Station - front view Here is an even closer view of the front of the station, which faces Main Street. Since this photo was taken, the section in the middle with the large garage-type door has been opened up, forming a breezeway--like when the station was built a long time ago. The windows have been replaced, the roof re-tiled, and the roof supports painted. Part of the station will be used as a visitor center, part as a restaurant, and the upstairs will have rooms for tourists. I will post photos later, showing the progress that has been made.
CN Locomotives 4032 and 4134 CN locomotives #4032 and #4134
View inside cab of 4134 Inside the cab of CN 4134, coupled to 4032. Although I don't work for the railroad, I know a few people who work there--including 2 of the 3-man crew of these locomotives, both of which have retired now.
Loco 4032 seen from 4134 Loco 4032 seen from 4134
Me on locomotive 4134 That's me standing on 4134.
Me on loco 4134 again Me, again.
4134 - end view
Me in cab of 4134 Here I am in the cab of 4134. Unfortunately, the one who took the photo took it from too far away to be able to see me clearly.
4032 seen from 4134 CN 4032 seen from the footboard of 4134.
4032 - side view

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