


 Top Ten Best Movies

 There is no right or wrong in what your personal favorite movies are. Submit your list and boldly post your opinion. I will use the Tripod 'film buffs' members opinions to make broad and sweeping assumptions of what the entire world is thinking about film. The opinions posted are my own and those of contributors. Use the lists as a resource before going to your favorite video rental establishment.

Sick of being told by tv and local media what is 'happening'. Want the opinions of people that are internet literate and living in the shadow of the 21st century? Check out the opinions as they come in.

 My opinion is first, and always subject to change. :-)

  1. Auntie Mame
  2. All That Jazz
  3. Barfly
  4. The Wizard of Oz
  5. Metropolis
  6. An American In Paris
  7. Harold and Maude
  8. Singing In the Rain
  9. Bladerunner
  10. Cool Hand Luke

Gee Maria, this is a toughy! I wonder how everyone managed to narrow it down to 10! Here goes nothing:

1. The Bishop's Wife
2. Interview with the Vampire
3. The Philadelphia Story
4. The Untouchables
5. Dangerous Liaisons
6. From Dusk til Dawn
7. Rain Man
8. West Side Story
9. Funny Girl
10. 12 Monkeys

Robbin Jewel Fairbank

 1. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
2. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
3. La Bamba (1987)
4. Total Recall (1990)
5. Pulp Fiction (1994)
6. Platoon (1986)
7. Old Yeller (1957)
8. Dawn of the Dead (1979)
9. Titanic (1997)
10. The Terminator (1984)

Honorable mentions (actually 11-15): Boyz N the Hood (1991), Forrest Gump (1994), Babe (1995), The Blob (1958), Back To the Future (1984).

My Top 50 can be found at this link: < My Top 50 >.

Please let Dale Cooper know that I am not a fan of "Twin Peaks", but that "The City of Lost Children" and "Pecker" are on my must-see list.

Thanks much.

Delton Perrodin
Bourg, La. USA

Dale Cooper has an interesting list. I can accept a full series as a favortie, especially Twin Peaks.

1:Twin Peaks episode 1-29, Pilot Episode and Fire Walk With Me (these are
all considerred to be one (at least to me))
2:Harold & Maude
3:The City of Lost Children
4:L'age D'or (The Golden Age)
7:The Cabinet of Dr. Calagari
9:Slaughter House 5


(Pay attention Dale, your list is being questioned. :-) )


Dave and Irene , submitted a diverse list. Great choices!

1. Citizen Kane
2. The Ten Commandments
3. Maltese Falcon
4. Field of Dreams
5. It's a Wonderful Life
6. Psycho
7. Ghost
8. The Seventh Seal
9. The Day the Earth Stood Still
10.Play It Again, Sam


Joel Leonard suggested in his message...

"how about asking everyone to send you their 'ten favorites?' just a thought"


This is a great idea! You are on Joel! ;-)

Send your list. I have your space reserved.



Updated 12/ 3/'99 



