~ A Role Call ~ |
- 450 TONS
~ Crew ~
Isaac Archer
Alexander Bailey
William Balmain
Elias Bishop
Charles Clay
William Dixon (Ships Boy)
Mr Dunnivan
William Edmunds
Thomas Frazer (Ships Boy)
Anthony Hedley
John Johnston
John Kelly
John Kennedy
Isaac Knight
Thomas Knight
John Lewis
William Aston Long
Joseph McCalden
James Maitland Shairp
John Shortland
Thomas George Shortland
Duncan Sinclair (Master)
James Stockwell
Samuel and Ann Thomas
Thomas Trimmings
Edward Waters
William Waugh
John White (Ships Boy)
John Winter
~ Convicts ~
Robert Able
Thomas Alford (alias Orford)
John Allen
William Allen
Robert Bales
Stephen Barnes
Henry Barnett (alias Barnard alias Burton)
John Bauford
James Bird
Samuel Bird (alias John Simms)
William Blackall
Peter Bond
John Brindley
William Brough
James Brown
Richard Brown
William Brown
James Burley
James Caldwell (alias Caudell alias Corden)
John Cesor
William Childs
Richard Clough
Edward Cormick (also Corbett)
John Crapper
John Cross
Thomas Restil Crowder
Aaron Davis
Samuel Davis
William Davis
Richard Day
Samuel Day
Barnaby Dennison
Thomas Dickson (alias Ralph Raw)
William Douglas
William Dring
Leonard Dyer
William Earl
Thomas Eddington (also Headington)
William Edmunds
William Eggleston
William Eggleston (alias Bones)
Peter Ellam
Thomas Finney (also Fillesey)
Francis Fokes
James Freeman
Robert Freeman
Thomas Gearing
Thomas Glinton
John Green
Charles Grey
Samuel Griffiths (alias Briscow alias Butcher)
George Guest (also Gess)
William Gunter
Joseph Haines
William Handford (also John Handford)
Joseph Harbine
William Harris
John Hartley
John Hatcher
William Hatfield
Henry Hathaway
Richard Hawkes
Dennis Hayes
James Heading
John Hill
Tobias Holloway
Peter Hopley
Hugh Hughes
Otawal Ingle
John Jeffrey
Robert Jeffries
Robert Jenkins (alias Brown)
John Jepp
Charles Johnson
Edward Jones (alias Hammond)
Francis Jones
Thomas Jones
Thomas Kidney
William Kilby
John Knowland
Humphrey Linch
John Lockley
Joseph Long
Joseph Longstreet
James McDonaugh
John McIntire
Thomas McLean
Charles McLellan
John Mansfield
William Marriner
John Martin
Stephen Martin
Thomas Matson
Richard May
John Merriott
Samuel Midgely
Charles Milton
Jesse Mocock
Richard Morgan
John Mowbray
William Murphy
Robert Nettleson
William Oakey
James Ogden
Thomas Osborne
John Owles
John Henry Palmer
William Pane
William Parish (alias Potter)
John Parker
William Parr
Samuel Payton
Edward Bercroft Perrott
John Petery
David Pope
John Powers
James Price
John Price
Thomas Prior
John Randall (also Reynolds)
Robert Ranson
William Ratford (alias John Meynell)
Charles Repeat
James Richards
Ardwick Richardson
James Richardson
William Richardson
Edward Risby
John Roberts
George Robinson
Joseph Robinson
Daniel Rogers
Isaac Rogers
Anthony Rope
Thomas Saunderson
George Sharp
Joseph Shaw
William Sheerman
Robert Shepphard
John Shore
William Shore
John Silverthorn
Daniel Smart
Richard Smart
Thomas Smith
William Smith
William Standley
John Stockdale
John Stoker
Charles Stone
James Strive (alias Stow)
James Strong
John Summers
Thomas Tennant (alias Philip Divine)
James Thomas
William Thompson
Thomas Tilley
Joseph Trotter
William Tyrell
John Usher
Edward Varndall
Benjamin Wager
William Wall (alias Harding)
John Ward
William Waterhouse
John Watson
James Welsh
John Welsh
Benjamin West (also George West)
Samuel Wheeler
George Whitaker
William Whiting
Samuel Wilcock
John Wilson
Peter Wilson
George Wood
Thomas Wright
John Young

First Fleet Index

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