Navy Patrol Bombing Squadrons 102/14 Association

The New Tale Spins

Volume IX-I

Spring 2005

Working on the scrapbook of memories of our great reunion in Peoria, this past September, makes me think of the friendships forged so long ago, that have been rekindled because of the wonderful reunions we have shared, all the great people we have met, over these many years, the wonderful places where we have held our reunions and the great things we have seen and done together.

So many people have worked so hard for us!  How could we have managed without Bob Kirk who found us all in the 1st place, thus giving us the opportunity to be the great family that we are?  Where would we be if Gus and Pauline Martin had not held the 1st reunion at their home in Oklahoma with the help of Robbie and Marge Roberts?   There is no way that we can repay all the hosts and hostesses since the 1st get-together in 1976..... 

15 reunions and 11 planners...... 

Who remembers Seminole,  with its 18 members present out of 43 who had been found at that time, where Gus made a pit, burned wood down to coals and grilled steaks.  (Bob Kirk later built our membership to around 300.)  

Sacramento - our trip into San Francisco, the bay cruise and the great western banquet theme?  

How about New Orleans and the great jazz of Pete Fountain, cruise on the sternwheeler Natchez?  

Oh yes, Tucson and its desert museum, vast outdoor air museum?  

How about Pensacola, twice and our banquets under the hanging vintage planes in the great hall of the Naval Aviation Museum?  Oh, and let’s not forget the performance of the Navy’s Blue Angels?  

Now, Minneapolis - the magician sawing Bob Kirk’s head off.  (Where would we be without him.) and our dinner cruise on the Josiah Snelling?  

Boston, twice and its voluminous history, lobster feasts and lobstering in Maine?  Who can possibly forget singing God Bless America at the top of our lungs while we waved the American flags at the close of our traditional banquet.  

How about San Diego, twice, our trips to the zoo, Mexico (all women and one male....), cruise on the Bay.  

Washington, DC -  the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, White House, Museum of Natural History..............

Virginia Beach and our walks on the strand?  

Remember Seattle and our dinner at Tillicum Village?   

And our last, Peoria!  Tours, Dinner Theater, Paddle Wheeler to Starved Rock?

So many places, so many wonderful memories and, during all these excursions, making friendships to last a lifetime.

So many young faces, we started out with, as I look back at the scrapbooks, who attended faithfully, but are no longer  with us - Frank Burton, Gus Martin, Lew McBriety, Ted Marshall, Gordon Miller, Lowell Hahn, Art Singleton, Hal Warnimont, Dick Silzer, Chris Capdevielle, Amby Dell, Pete Detour, Friend Dotson, Al Dresner, Gerry Edwards, Gordon Fowler, Jim Harle, Bob Nadeau, Bruce Pall, Gerald Pearson, Joe Rademacher, Jerrel Stephens, Ralph Washburn;, Norm Wiltsey Chuck Whelan, Jan Carter  and so many more ....  Although we have lost many wives, the wives, sons, daughters, families of many of these men are still joining us because of the friendships formed over these many years.  We are family.
Those who have attended all 15 reunions: Bob Kirk, Lenc Lencioni, Chuck Maginn. 

Those who have attended all but the 1st in Seminole:
Bill Andrews, Dick Charlton, Fred Leon, Jack Leonard, Ken Thoman and  Miriam Stephens, wife of Jerrel.

Gus Martin attended all but Peoria, which he missed due to poor health.
Bob Dimmitt has not missed since he was “discovered” for the 3rd
Now, to the news about your friends.

First - some corrections: 
Robert Davis, 4908 Old Faison Road, Knightdale, NC 27545 
Email is

Bill Andrews, 605 NW 12th Loop, Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Forest Hartman, 59152 County Line Rd, Three Rivers, MI, 49093

Dick Metier new address:  12625  253rd Ave, Spirit Lake, IA 51360
Dick writes that he visited Gil Stewart.  Gil is doing well except for his knees which need replacement.

AM (Mike) Granat - new email address:

Dick Charlton - new email address:

Russ Hoff - new email address:
In October 2004, Bob Davis wrote that between hospitals, nursing homes, therapy and home, he has been a care giver for Aurelia.  She has had a very difficult time since her stroke in April 2003.  At the time of his writing, she was back in Wellington Nursing Center. 
George Cates reports that wife Helen had her knee replaced on 1/ 26/05, is home and doing well.  Of course, shortly after returning from Peoria, she fell and broke her arm and was in a full cast in November.....

Marlin Waechter tells us that Linde is still in severe pain even after surgery.  They are contemplating an evaluation at the Mayo Clinic.  Best of luck to you.

Blackie Blackwell is living in an assisted living facility, has his 17 year old cat, Li’l Bit, with him.  His Parkinson’s is progressing, but, he is still sharp in the mental department.
Ed Pagel also reports that his Parkinson’s is advancing - caused him to miss Peoria.
John Kilner was in a nursing home for a while, but, with live-in help, Bo has been able to bring him back home.  She tells me that he is still his “feisty self” at times.
We received word that Hal Warnimont had died, after a long fight, on October 22, 2004.  This information came to us from his son Gary.
Clint Walker and wife Lottie Jo tell us that they are both in good health and enjoy hearing about everyone through the New Tale Spins.
Since the last issue of The New Tale Spins, we have lost Pat Graham, wife of William,  (12/6/2004) from a severe stroke that took her within 2 weeks; Martha Elliott, wife of Neal, some time during this past winter.

Chuck Whelan attended Peoria with Barbara Peters but failed badly upon his return home and died in his sleep 12/15/2004.  Chuck Maginn, Ken Thoman and Louise attended services and interment in Potomac, MD.  A note from daughter Mary said that, although Chuck never talked of the war, he spoke often of the reunions and how much he enjoyed attending them.  He held his squadron in high esteem.

Les Cole passed away in December of 2004.

Perry Holder of Conroe, TX died October 17, 2004 after several weeks of congestive heart failure. 

We also lost Pier Ponder.  “Clarence Leighton “Pier” Ponder, AMM3/c from VPB-102 Crew 16 (Burton) passed on October 22, 2004 of a heart attack.  He was 80 years old.  His wife of 46 years, Rita Ponder, succumbed in April 1999.  On March 13th, 2004, his 80th birthday, he married his surviving wife, Elizabeth O’Conner Ponder.  Military services were held in his home town of Pine Bluff, AR. We welcome Bart Ponder, son of Pier, as a member of our organization. Families that are interested in joining our association, we are happy to have you aboard.

Walter Hoerman fell, injured himself and has been in a nursing home, but is now back home in Cheshire, CT.  Due to illnesses, Walter has never attended a reunion.  He was a member of Morgan’s crew.

Paul VanNostrand sends word that both he and Louise have been having health problems this past year.  Both have been in and out of hospitals and nursing homes for various reasons.  Paul is home again and awaiting Louise’s return hoping that life does not become any more complicated.

We are all saddened by all the illnesses and the loss of so many of our friends.  Our best wishes go out to those who are ill and our deepest sympathies go to all who have lost a loved-one.  Life is not very joyful, at times, when you reach our ages, but, the alternative is not so great, to be sure, so we fight on.........

Here is an example of the correspondence we receive from families like yours. 

“Hello, my name is Malanie.  I am 17 years old and my grandfather was Lt Cdr Bruce A Van Voorhis.  For the past two weeks I have been in a desperate search for anyone who knew my grandfather because my father passed away.  In memory of both of them I decided to do a research paper on my grandfather’s squadron 102.  Now I have two days left and this web site just saved my grade.  But I have to have one other thing for my paper.  And that’s a letter from someone who was in squadron 102.  I have tried five other people and no one writes me back.  So, Mr. Leonard, I would be very honored and grateful if you can tell me anything about squadron 102; or about my grandfather.  Thank you so much for your time, you will never know how much I appreciate what you have done.  

A thankful Granddaughter, Sincerely Malanie. 
P.S.  Thank you for helping to keep my grandfather’s memory alive...”
We must take one moment to thank Terry Dell, son of Amby Dell, whom we lost several years ago, for his creation and continual upkeep of our Web Site. It is one we are very proud of.  We receive many compliments on its quality and content from family members,  grateful for a place to learn more about their father, grandfather.  Thanks from all of us Terry.
NOTE: The Postal Service is releasing a 37¢ stamp honoring the B-24, the PBY and 8 other older aircraft.  The release will be in a pane of 20 stamps on which the PBY and the B-24 will appear twice (as will all the other planes).  Release is scheduled for 15 July 2005.
A word from Bob Kirk: We have a limited supply of squadron patches and ball point pens available. $3.00 for the embroidered patches and $5.00 for the laser engraved pens with 14 carat gold lettering.  Price includes postage.  

Navy Squadrons 102/14 Association             
Patrol Squadron 14
Bombing Squadron 102      
Patrol Bombing Squadron 102

If you are interested in any of these items, send check, made payable to:
Navy Squadron 102/14 Assn.
Bob Kirk
4371 Logrono Drive
San Diego, CA 92115-5623


Betsy Marshall will be coordinator for our second Tucson adventure and is working hard planning events, negotiating hotel rates, plus “marshalling” the troops to action...  I’m certain that we will hear much more about what she plans for us in the next issues of The New Tale Spins.

Ted Marshall’s family is writing a book on his life.  They would appreciate any anecdotes, stories - good or bad - from your experiences with him.  Please send to:
Betsy Marshall
4221 E Coronado Drive
Tucson, AZ 85718

Friendship - what would life be without it.........

Louise Thoman, Editor


Any comments may be sent to the Association Coordinator

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