A Word From Mostafa Mito


Hi to all Vyrus freaks out there!! We really appreciate your on-line time.


In the second half of the ‘90s, heavy metal was somehow branded “uncool” or “not cool enough” by the powers that be, and many people quit listening to metal just because of that… Others have stuck to what they like. I myself like to listen to all types of music; I love music as a whole. Now, of course there are some things I don’t like to listen to (like rap), but that’s because the music itself doesn’t appeal to me and not because of some other superficial reason like “it’s not cool anymore” or even “well everybody listens to it so I gotta be different.” Music is not like fashion; I don’t believe in fashion; you dress up the way YOU like, you eat what YOU like, and you listen to what YOU LIKE!!!! It’s that simple…

Over the years we all became a little older, and I’ve seen many many bands quit because they don’t want to play metal anymore because now they’re somehow “wiser” and more “mature.” Nonesense!!! It’s good to know that there are still some real people out there who do what they want to do and not what society dictates. This page is dedicated to you the real people, cuz the only thing that gets us going is YOU…yes, old fans and new fans. The response and appreciation we get when we’re on stage means a lot to us and no words of mine can thank you enough for that.


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