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You may mail your advertisement to:
Duke Jones
92 Clubhouse Lane
Lebanon, Ohio 45036

Region 5 Warren County ABATE, Inc., and it's officers and members provide this classified ad section of their web site as a free service, and is not responsible for the content contained in any ad posted by any individual. No gaurantee is made as to the accuracy or availability of any product or service appearing in these ads. Ads posted here will be maintained for thirty days in the case of items for sale, trade or rent, and sixty days for personal ads. Region 5 Warren County ABATE of Ohio, Inc. reserves the right to delete any ad posted by anyone which is not in good taste or which contains any inflammatory, derrogatory, misleading, or harmful information, or an ad which contains a link to any site with offensive, pornographic or adult content.

Via CompuLinks AdScape Version 2.0 WWW Classified Ads Program
Copyright © 1998 Jerry Woody and CompuLink.

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