Westside Baptist Church

1522 North 24th Street

Corsicana, Texas 75110


Westside Baptist Church was organized November 11, 1952 in the home of the late Gladys Robinson, under the direction of the late Rev. Jack Goff. Eighty-six members constituted the Charter Membership of the Church. The Church met in the American Legion Hall until it's present facilities were constructed. The new building, the first of three units to be constructed, was dedicated July 11, 1954.

Westside Baptist Church has been standing strong for fifty years and we're ready for another fifty! With a new staff and a new vision we are ready to make a stand for Christ in our community! If you are looking for a Church home and want to be involved in some very exciting things, please give us a call, or, better yet, come for a visit!

Weekly Schedule
Sunday School
9:30 AM
Sunday Morning Worship
10:45 AM
"Allegiance" Youth Choir Rehearsal
5:00 PM
Sunday Evening Worship
6:00 PM
Adult Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
"Lighthouse" Youth Bible Study
7:00 PM
Good News Club
3:00-4:15 PM