Welcome to the Our Hearts Haven web site.
Support Group for Families after the loss of an Infant
Jim & Louise McCall
Charlotte, NC
Blessed are they that mourn;
for they shall be comforted.
Matthews 5:4
My heart is my violin,
Your spirit tugs at its strings.
It sings a song of the place you’re in,
I treasure our tender symphonies.
My heart is my map,
Of your travels afar.
If only it were a long winters nap,
But I am with you wherever you are.
My heart is my book,
That tells of our precious memories.
It has become my favorite nook,
To dwell in our heart-spun reveries.
My heart is my vision,
Of all the lives you’ve touched.
For you God had a mission,
These people need you so much.
My heart is my haven,
For it’s filled with my baby, Madeline Rae.
I’ll hold you again in Heaven,
Somewhere, Somehow, Someday.
By Louise McCall
In Memory of
Madeline Rae McCall
11/24/99 ~ 12/26/99
What We Offer:
 Grief support meetings every second Thursday of each month, or at your convenience, for bereaved parents, grandparents, siblings, and childcare providers. (Parent to Parent Contact)
 Promote Community Awareness on general safety issues for infants (specifically to reduce the risk of SIDS)
 Presentations to Professionals, Police, EMT's, and others who either are the first to respond to a family in an infant death situation, or safety to others to deal with infants regularly.
 Referrals to other agencies and Professional Services
 Confidentiality is maintained.
Our Hearts Haven is recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit organization,
and is in coalition with Footprints Ministry.