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The Incredible Hulk

Released 1977 starred Bill Bixby as Dr David Banner and lou Ferrigno as the Hulk. Also starring Jack Colvin as the reporter Jack Mcgee. This first TV movie tells the origin of the Hulk but it is very different from the comic version. Here, Dr Banner is searching for the hidden strength that every human has but only uses a fraction of. Making a connection of superhuman feats and high levels of Gamma rays, Dr Banner takes a Gamma injection but accidently takes an overdose which leads him to metamorphosise into the Hulk.....

The Return of the Hulk (Death in the Family)

Released 1977 also starred Bill Bixby as Dr David Banner, lou Ferrigno as the Hulk and Jack Colvin as the reporter Jack Mcgee.

The Incredible Hulk Returns

Released 1988 also starred Bill Bixby as Dr David Banner, lou Ferrigno as the Hulk and Jack Colvin as the reporter Jack Mcgee. This movie introduced the Mighty Thor and Dr Donald Blake.

Trial of the Incredible Hulk

Released 1989 also starred Bill Bixby as Dr David Banner, lou Ferrigno as the Hulk and Jack Colvin as the reporter Jack Mcgee. This movie introduced the Man without Fear: Daredevil/Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk AKA the Kingpin.

Death of the Incredible Hulk

Released 1990 also starred Bill Bixby as Dr David Banner, lou Ferrigno as the Hulk. This movie saw the Hulk plunge to his death from an exploding aeroplane.