wEeD aHoLiC
Why its Great to be a Woman!


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Why its Great to be a Woman!
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Muscle Men
Things that piss people off
Kurt Cobain Conclusion

Sorry Guys you suck! hahahaha......

1. "Ladies first"

2. We can fake orgasms.

3. We get into nightclubs cheaper.

4. We get free drinks in bars.

5. We live longer, so we inherit the mens money, house and life insurance.

6. We dont get beer bellies, facial hair or prostrate problems.

7. We can get pissed just a few pints.

8. Its OK to like boy bands, musicals, soppy movies without questioning our sexuality.

9. Men love gay women.

10. Car insurance is cheaper for women.

11. We've never fancied a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game.

12. We can see a male stripper without being called a pervert.

13. Its OK to cry.

14. Chocolate always makes us feel better.

15. Angry out busts can be blamed on PMS.

16. If we forget to shave, we just wear trousers (pants).

17. We can hug our friends without wondering if she thinks we're gay.

18. We're NOT men.

19. Condoms make no significant difference in your enjoyment of sex.

20. When women are short, we're petite, when men are short, they're just short.

21. Our friends don't pick on us if we arent sleeping with anyone.

22. We have better fashion sense.

23. We can throw a punch at a man and not get hit in return.

24. Our brains are larger and NOT in our genitalia.

25. Women have more than one erogenous zone (in case you guys didnt know)

26. PMS is a legal defense for murder.

27. 2 words- multiple orgasms.

28. You never have to worry about whether your child is really yours.

30. No one cares how large your clitoris is.

31. You never have to expose your genitals to others in a public restroom.

32. You can still have teddy bears around at any age.

33. You're always Daddy's lil' girl no matter how old you are.

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