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From Angelblueyes
Scroll down this page
for the Yahoo! Emotes

Should you have a little time,
take the Little Angel Tour at the
Innocent Angel

Right click here to turn off music

Download the "Extra" Smileys for Yahoo 6.0
click here & save to desktop >>> Animated Smileys

Specialized Yahoo User Emotes

If you don't have a zip program, click here to obtain the Winzip program
needed to unzip file below (IF you have Windows XP, you do not need Winzip)
Click link below to download the file to your computer.

After downloading file to your PC extract the file within to your desktop.
This file is a self-extracting zip file which will automatically unzips to
the correct Yahoo Program Folder in C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger

After you have extracted the file (preferably to Desktop since it's easier to find),
then simply click to "OPEN" the file .... then select UNZIP and click to Close.

While these files are virus-free, I'd always recommend folks to run a check
on any & all downloadaed files with an updated anti-virus program beforehand.

Listed below is my most currently edited emote_user.dat file.
My emotes are safe and viewable by anyone in yahoo chatrooms

May 1, 2005 - Angelblueyes Revised/Edited Emotes
Click Here ->

Super Easy & Simple To Use Smileys which WON'T put spyware on your computer
These smileys are for Yahoo 6.0 - Just save to the desktop on your computer
Then extract/drag contents of zipped file to your Desktop

NOTE: Beware to those who already have specialized their emotes,
the above file will overwrite your existing emote_user.dat file.
So you may wish to back up your current file first in order to not lose your emotes.

If one is currently in a chatroom at the time of unzipping the file,
Yahoo does not need to be restarted usually, just exit and re-enter chatroom.

Unofficial Yahoo! Flags
Replace the Yahoo Flag to the flag you want to see!

August Note: Since Tripod changed its rules about the
types of files it will allow one to download from my site,
Right click on flag you want below & click "Save Picture As"
In "FILE NAME" field rename it to "42" (without quote marks).
You should also choose to save it to your computer Desktop now.

After the file is saved to desktop and renamed, right click it and
choose "COPY", then click My Computer, select your (C:) drive. Then
click/browse to C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Media\ and right click
on smileys folder and select "PASTE" and choose to overwrite the existing file.
Restart the Messenger and go to chatroom to see the chosen flag replacement.

Quick Copy & Paste Lesson
A basic Windows fuction which is an invaluable tool to save tons of time & typos:
Drag mouse over any text you wish to copy
(press & hold left mouse button, then drag mouse to highlight all text you want to copy).
Position the mouse pointer over any part of the highlighted text,
then right click and choose COPY.
Go to wherever you want to paste it, such as in Yahoo Chat, a notepad text file or an email, etc.
then right click & choose PASTE.

Sending Graphical Emoticons
When you're chatting with a friend, you can send them a graphic to show them how you're feeling. These graphics are called "emoticons," because they enhance your words with emotions. Here is the complete list of emoticons you can type into the message box and send:
Emoticon How to make it Yahoo 5.6 Emoticons How to make it

If your emoticons aren't working when you try to send them,
please read the Emoticons Not Working help section.

Yahoo Messenger Version 6.0 - New (Hidden) Emoticons

:) happy
:( sad
;) winking
:D big grin
;;) batting eyelashes
>:D< big hug
:-/ confused
:x love struck
:"> blushing
:P tongue
:-* kiss
=(( broken heart
:-O surprise
X( angry
:> smug
B-) cool
:-S worried
#:-S whew!
>:) devil
:(( crying
:)) laughing
:| straight face
/:) raised eyebrow
=)) rolling on the floor
O:) angel
:-B nerd
=; talk to the hand
I-| sleepy
8-| rolling eyes
L-) loser
8-| sick
:-$ don't tell anyone
[-( not talking
:O) clown
8-} silly
<:-P party
(:| yawn
=P~ drooling
:-? thinking
#-o d'oh
=D> applause
:-SS nailbiting
@-) hypnotized
:^o liar
:-w waiting
:-< sigh
>:P phbbbbt
<):) cowboy

Yahoo! Messenger has a few emoticons that are not on the toolbar.
You must have the 6.0 Yahoo! Messenger

Here's how to make the hidden emoticons:

:@) pig
3:-O cow
:(|) monkey
~:> chicken
@};- rose
%%- good luck
**== flag
(~~) pumpkin
~O) coffee
*-:) idea
8-X skull
=:) bug
>-) alien
:-L frustrated
[-O< praying
$-) money eyes
:-" whistling
b-( feeling beat up
:)>- peace sign
[-X shame on you
\:D/ dancing
>:/ bring it on
;)) hee hee
:-@ chatterbox
^:)^ not worthy
:-j oh go on
(*) star