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~*Whitney's Web Page*~

Hey, my name is Whitney Philippi. I am a 17 year old soon to be senior at Moscow High School. I have one brother that is a junior in college and will be going to Washburn in Topeka next semester. My dad is the superintendent at my school and my mom works as a counselor in Satanta. I have lived in Moscow for 12 years now. Moscow is a pretty small town, but it is fun and has a lot of cool people. It has a post office, a hair cut place, a general store, a car dealership, a bar and grill, and a pool.

I like to play sports. I play volleyball and basketball and, unfortunately, I run track. I am involved in KAYS, Spirit Club, All School Play, Band, StuCo, and I lead the FCA at my school.

I am a devoted Christian. I love Lord of the Rings and other fantasy fiction, The Simpsons, Family Guy, cats, icee pops, mexican food, and law camp (haha that one is for you Luke and Hannah!). I hate Wendy's (the fast food place)and people who suck. My music taste varies. I'll listen to anything but Celine Dion. That's right I said it Chris! In my spare time I obviously like to mess around on my website, watch cartoons or movies, hang out with my many many friends,hang out with the mafia, read, go to law camp, and play sports. I also like to bore people by typing more than anyone would ever want to know about me on my website, so if you made it all the way through this then Congratulations!

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Last updated 6/10/04