Photoshopped Images....
It's amazing what you can do with a scanned picture and Photoshop

Most of the people in the images are my friends or acquaintances.

Center Chapel Edition
 You know the story well: A Print Shop Owner adopts 2 inner city youths.
 Kentucky Fried ChikLauren
 Yes, the cat is named "Smokey"
 "Are you sure about the chili?"
Just a small modification to the "104 The Core" Logo to show how we really feel about their lineup.
 I made this one right after the Monica scandal.
Tickle Me Larry
More Tickle Me Dolls from the Newschannel5 Lineup
 "Lipscomb in Vienna"
Some people never update their wardrobe.
"My name is Charlotte and I like staring off into space."


More will be added later on when I find the time to make more....