

Tangkubanparahu Vulcano

This 2,076 m high vulcano is so called Tangkubanparahu (overturned boat). Since its peak resembles an overturned boat. The mount is pegged to the legend of Sangkuriang who fell in love with his own mother, Dayang Sumbi. The god, however, did not allow a marriage between a mother and her own son.

Located 29 km North of bandung or 13 km North of Lembang.

The road to the peak of Tangkubanparahu was first established in 1906 on the initiative of "Bandung Vooruit". Bandung Vooruit was an organisation built by dutch men to help the government develop Bandung especially tourism dept.

Tangkubanparahu area has many kinds of plants and trees. In the lower area you can see trees with large stems, and in the upper area there are trees with slim stems. Whereas in the surroundings of the craters, you can find trees, such as : Puspa (Sehima Noronbae), jambu Alas (Euginia Desifiora) Cantigi (Vaccinium Varingifolum), Kipare (Glohidion Sp), Harendong (Melastoma Malabarium), Saninten (Castanea Argentea), etc.

From Kawah Ratu , you can climb up to the Geology Station (Vylcano Observatory Station), which is located on the shoulder of the mount. You can also climb down to Kawah Domas where the sulphuric smoke keeps coming out of the active crater.

There are also some springs, among others are : Cikahuripan spring, which has clean and high quality water, and Sasak Saat spring, which is below Kawah Domas. The latter contains high iodine and sulphuric water that cannot be used for drinking water.


Ratu Crater
Tangkubanparahu Vulcano
Tangkubanparahu Vulcano
Domas Crater