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Diane recommends the following books:


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Cold Mountain  by Charles Frazier Cold Mountain
by Charles Frazier

Some visitor comments about Cold Mountain
On Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 01:48:24
cheryl Who has a website at cheryljanni@yahoo.com
i hated this book this guy is a jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 01:44:47
hormang fullinherd said:
this was a pointless book very stupid it was a disgrace to reading!!!!!!!!!!! charles frazier should become a trashman cause that is what all his books are.......TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 01:39:44
hormang fullinherd said:
this was a pointless book very stupid it was a disgrace to reading!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 7, 2000 at 14:21
Visitor: Lonnie


URL: www.malecheerlader.com
rating: Very pathetic. A complete waste of time.
comments: This book sucks.

Thursday, February 24, 2000 at 09:51
Visitor: Someone from
rating: Very pathetic. A complete waste of time.

Tuesday, August 22, 2000 at 14:43
Visitor: Someone from
rating: Very pathetic. A complete waste of time.

Monday, September 11, 2000 at 20:20
Visitor: carla


rating: Excellent! Best I've ever read.
comments: I finished the book yesterday and can't get it off my mind. Inman's character will live in me forever. I am an avid reader and cannot recall being so absorbed in a story. Cold Mountain is written with intelligence and emotion.

Wednesday, November 8, 2000 at 10:14
Visitor: Adam


rating: Pretty pathetic.
comments: boring, too much description. An extremely slow read

Sunday, November 19, 2000 at 13:19
Visitor: Jep Johnson


rating: Very pathetic. A complete waste of time.

Sunday, November 19, 2000 at 13:27
Visitor: Jep Johnson


rating: Very pathetic. A complete waste of time.
comments: The book was interesting and exciting in the first five pages of the story. Beyond that it got mired down into its own quagmire of poor writing ability and an unoriginal topic. Despite the fact that this is the "true" story of the author's great-great uncle, this fact does not make the story and interesting one. Perhaps author Charles Frazier should keep in mind, if he chooses to write again that there is a difference between a story worth remembering and a story worth telling again. I reccommend this book to NO ONE. Read it at your own risk. The mind numbing description, of things that even the master of unecessary details Thomas Wolf himself, would run from like a scared dog. Tip to Mr. Frazier a novel must contain a plot not just words. Thank you for your consideration. I hope to read more of your work once it has matured into literature.

Friday, February 23, 2001 at 02:17
Visitor: Someone from
rating: OK.

Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 11:07
Visitor: Drew
rating: Pretty Good. One of the best.
comments: This is a book that you either hate or love. I loved it, and think Mr. Frazier did an outstanding job of re-telling the "Odyssey" in a Civil War setting.

Tuesday, February 27, 2001 at 00:27
Visitor: Jenna


rating: Pretty Bad.
comments: Not the best I've read

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