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(Footnotes in original report related only to Howard Base not included below)

59 Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, 301-302.
60 Robert Frank Futrell, Ideas, Concept. Doctrine: Basic Thinking in the United States Air Force, 1907-1960, Vol. I, (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1989), 31-39, 51-53; Maurer Maurer, Aviation in the U.S. Army. 1919-1939, (Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, USAF, 1987), 191-221; Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cate, The Air Forces in World War II Vol. 1. Plans and Early Operations January 1939 to August 1942 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948), 29.
61 Jerold E. Brown, Where Eagles Land: Planning and Development of U.S. Army Airfields, 1910-1941, (New York: Greenwood Press, 1990), 74, 80, 165; "Hearings, War Department Appropriation Bill, 1929, Part I, "before the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, 70th Congress, 1st Session, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1928), 325, 459; "Hearings, War Department Appropriation Bill, 1930, Part I, before the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, 70th Congress, 2nd Session, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1928), 327-328; "Hearings, Army Construction, " before Subcommittee No. 2 of the House Committee on Appropriations, 70th Congress, 2nd Session, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1929), 4; "Hearings, Construction at Army Air Corps Posts, " before Subcommittee No. 2 of the House Committee on Appropriations, 70th Congress, 2nd Session, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1929), 4, 27-28; Albert A. Mittag, "Albrook Flying Field in the Canal Zone," Civil Engineering, Vol. 4, no. 7, July 1934:340-344; Murray, Panama Chronology pp. 7-8; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of Albrook Field: Introduction, 1931-1938, Enclosures #4, #19.
62 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department. Vol. 1, Introduction and Historical Background 1903-1939, 75-77, 95-96, Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of Albrook Field: Introduction, 1931-1938. Enclosure #8; Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, 303; Sullivan, written continents, 1.
63 Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, 301-303; Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 1, Introduction and Historical Background 1903-1939, 78-86 and Vol. 2, Preparations for War: 1939-1941, 150; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Sixth Air Force, 1939, 11-15.
64 Brown, Where Eagles Land, 95-98; Futrell, Ideas, Concepts. Doctrine, 67-68; Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 1, Introduction and Historical Background 1903-1939, 17; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Sixth Air Force, 1939, 19-21; Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, 309; The Panama Canal, Annual report of the Governor of the Panama Canal for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1940), 69.
65 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 2, Preparations for War: 1939-1941, 34, 46, 50; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Sixth Air Force, 1939, 19-21; Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, 312-313, 316.
66 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the 19th Wing, A.C., 1 January 1940 - 20 November 1940, (Canal Zone, Panama: Sixth Air Force), 35.
67 "Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Seventy-Fifth Congress on the Military Establishment Appropriation Bill for 1939," (Washington: D.C.: GPO, 1938), 476. Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Sixth Air Force, 1939, 19-20.
68 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Sixth Air Force, 1939, 1, 3, 23; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Panama canal Department Air Force- 20 November 1940 - 8 May 1941, (Canal Zone, Panama: Sixth Air Force, 1944), Enclosures #56, #57.
69 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Panama Canal Department Air Force, 20 November 1940 - 8 May 1941, 45, 47.
70 Johnson, American Legacy in Panama, 42; Dolores De Mena, The Era of U.S. Army Panama, (Fort Clayton, Panama: History Office, Headquarters, U.S. Army South, 1996), 181.
71 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Panama canal Department Air Force- 20 November 1940- 8 May 1941, 117-118.
72 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 4, The Reconversion Period 1045-1947, 88.
73 Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, 303-304, 312, 334, 349; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Caribbean Air Force, 8 May 1941 - 6 March 1942, Vol. 1, (Canal Zone, Panama: Sixth Air Force, 1945), 1, 261; Murray, Panama Chronology, 14-15.
74 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Caribbean Air Force- 8 May 1941 - 6 March 1942, Vol. 1, 282-286, 321, 332.
75 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department. Vol. 2, Preparations for War: 1939-1941, 46, 50; Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, 412.
76 De Mena, Era of U.S. Army Installations, 181.
77 A. Glenn Morton, "The Inter-American Air Forces Academy," Air University Review, n.d., 16.
78 Charles Morris, Security and Defense of Panama Canal. 1903-2000 (Balboa Heights, Republic of Panama: Panama Canal Commission Printing Office, 1995), 90-96; Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, 436.
79 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 4., The Reconversion Period 1045-1947, 90-91.
80 De Mena, Era of U.S. Army Installations, 170; Office of History, 24th Wing, "History: 24th Wing Howard Air Force Base and Albrook Air Force Station," (Howard AFB, Republic of Panama: Office of History, 24th Wing, 1994), 9; Johnson, American Legacy in Panama, 42.
81 Morton, "Inter-American Air Forces Academy," 13.
82 Office of History, 24th Wing, "History," 9-1 0; Murray, Panama Chronology, 35-41.
83 Office of History, 24th Wing, "History," 10, 13, 54.
84 Ibid., 55-56; Murray, Panama Chronology 59.
85 Ibid., 11
86 Ibid., 5, 23, 25, 37-40.
87 " Impact of the Panama Canal Treaty on the United States Military in the Panama Canal Area," 193rd Infantry Brigade, Public Affairs Office, Public Information Paper, n.d.; Office of History, 24th Wing, "History," 5, 22, 35, 36; De Mena, Era of U.S. Army Installations, 170-171 William R. Evinger, Directory of U.S. Military Bases Worldwide, (Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1995), 268-269; Sullivan, written comments, 2.88 Murray, Panama Chronology, 2-3, 7-8; Mittag, "Albrook Flying Field in the Canal Zone," 340.
89 "Hearings, War Department Appropriation Bill, 1929," 325, 459; "Hearings, War Department Appropriation Bill, 1930, Part 1," 327-328; "Hearings, Army Construction," 4; "Hearings, Construction at Army Air Corps Posts," 4, 27-28.
90 Brown, Where Eagles Dare, 165; Murray, Panama Chronology 8-9; Mittag, "Albrook Flying Field in the Canal Zone," 342-344; "Hearings, War Department Appropriation Bill, 1930, 427-428; "The Panama Canal, Annual Report. FY30,36; "Army Rejects All Bids on Albrook Field," The Panama American, 23 October 1930; "Reject All Bids or Albrook Field Job," The Star and Herald, 23 October 1930; "Albrook Bids To Be Opened November 29," 'The Panama American, 20 November 1930; "Jones Co. Gets Contract for Albrook Field," The Panama American, 30 November 1930.
91 Mittag, "Albrook Flying Field in the Canal Zone," 340-341; Murray, Panama Chronology. 9; Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department. Vol. 1, Introduction and Historical Background 1903-1939, 95-96; The Panama Canal, Annual Report. 1930, 36; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of Albrook Field: Introduction, 1931-1938, Enclosures #4, #19.
92 Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Record Drawings on file at the Engineering Flight, Drafting Section, Howard AFB; Mittag, "Albrook Flying Field in the Canal Zone," 342-344.
93 Ibid
94 Ibid.
95 Ibid.
96 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of Albrook Field: Introduction. 1931-1938, 3, 5-6; Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Record Drawings on file at the Engineering Flight, Drafting Section, Howard AFB.
97 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of Albrook Field: Introduction, 1931-1938, 3; Sullivan, written comments, 2.
98 Ibid., Enclosure #8.
99 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of Albrook Field: Introduction, 1931-1938, 4-9; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Sixth Air Force, 1939 Appendix C; Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department. Vol. 1, introduction and Historical Background 1903-1939, 95-96.
100 Brown, Where Eagles Land, 94; "Hearings, War Department Appropriation Bill, 1933, " before the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, 72nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1932, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1932), 256; "Hearings, War Department Appropriation Bill, 1934, 'before the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriation 73rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1933, Washington, D.C.: GPO , 1933), 818.
101 Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Record Drawings on file at the Engineering Flight, Drafting Section, Howard AFB.
102 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of Albrook Fields Introduction, 1931-1938, Enclosure #45; Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Record Drawings on file at the Engineering Flight, Drafting Section, Howard AFB.
103 Hearings, War Department Appropriation Bill, 1937, "before the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, 74th Congress, 2nd Session, 1936, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1936), 645-650.
104 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, vol. 1, Introduction and Historical Background 1903-1939, 17, vol. 2, Preparation for War 1939-1941, 34, 46, 50-5 1, and vol. 4, The Reconversion Period 1945-1947, 85-93; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the 6th Air Force, 1939, 19-21; Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, 309, 312-313, 316.
105 "Hearings, War Department Appropriation Bill, 1940, " before the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, 76th Congress, 1st Session, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1939), 246-247; "Hearings, War Department Supplemental Appropriation Bill, 1940, "before the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, 76th Congress, 1st Session, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1939), 116-117; "Hearings, War Department Appropriation Bill, 1941," before the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, 76th Congress, 3rd Session, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1940), 325-327; "Albrook Field, Canal Zone, Facilities," on file in the Office of the Historian, 24th Wing, Howard AFB, Republic of Panama, 1-3; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the 19th Wing- Air Corps, 1 January 1940-20 November 1940 26-34; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Caribbean Air Force, 8 May 1941 - 6 March 1942 96,101-102.
106 Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Record Drawings on file at the Engineering Flight, Drafting Section, Howard AFB; "Albrook Field, Canal Zone, Facilities," on file in the Office of the Historian, 24th Wing, Howard AFB, Republic of Panama, 1-3; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Panama Canal Department Air Force, November 1940 - May 1941, 28, 31.
107 For an architectural description of these standard plans, see the sub-section on "Standard Plans" in the "Architectural Overview" section of this report.
108 Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Record Drawings on file at the Engineering Flight, Drafting Section, Howard AFB.
109 "Albrook Field, Canal Zone, Facilities," on file in the Office of the Historian, 24th Wing, Howard AFB, Republic of Panama, 1-3; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Panama Canal Department Air Force. 20 November 1940 - 8 May 1941, 2741; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Caribbean Air Force, 8 May 1941 - 6 March 1942 95-116.
110 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the 19th Wing, Air Corps. 1 January 1940 - 20 November 1940, 31-32; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Panama Canal Department Air Force, November 1940 - 8 May 1941, 28, 35-39; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Caribbean Air Force, 8 May 1941 - 6 March 1942, 97,107-108
111 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the 19th Wing, Air Corps. 1 January 1940 - 20 November 1940, 327-28; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Panama Canal Department Air Force, 20 November 1940 - 8 May 1941, 29, 32-34; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Caribbean Air Force, 8 May 1941 - 6 March 1942, 96-101.
112 Albrook Field, Canal Zone, Facilities," on file in the Office of the Historian, 24th Wing, Howard AFB, Republic of Panama, 4; Morris, Security and Defense of the Panama Canal 62; The Panama Canal, Annual Report of the Governor of The Panama Canal for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30 1942, 117; Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Record Drawings on file at the Engineering Flight, Drafting Section, Howard AFB; Sullivan, written continents, 1.
113 Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Record Drawings on file at the Engineering Flight, Drafting Section, Howard AFB; Office of History, 24th Wing, "History," 53-54; Historical Section, Caribbean Air Command, "History of the Sixth Air Force, Caribbean Air Command, October 1946," (Canal Zone, Panama: Caribbean Air Command, 1959), 12; Sullivan, written comments, 1.
114 Before becoming Howard Air Force Base, the installation was known as Howard Field, Fort Kobbe. Kobbe and Howard were constructed simultaneously.
115 The Reservation took its name from its location along the coast.
116 The Panama Canal, Annual Report. 1929, 103; De Mena, Era of U.S. Amy Installations, 175-176; U.S. War Department, "Military Reservations: Canal Zone, September 26, 1942," (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1942), 28; Johnson, American Legacy in Panama, 41-42.
117 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 1, Introduction and Historical Background 1903-1939, 17; De Mena, U.S. Army Installations in Panama, 176-177; "Major Charles H. Howard: Biographical Sketch," (Canal Zone, Panama: U.S. Air Force, 1981), n.d; U.S. War Department, "Military Reservations: Canal Zone," 28; Johnson, American Legacy in Panama, 41-42.
118 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Sixth Air Force, 1939, 19-20; De Mena, U.S. Army Installations in Panama, 178.
119 Letter from William W. Dick, Adjutant General, War Department to Commanding General, Panama Canal Department, 23 August, 1939, 5, in Appendix, History of the Sixth Air Force- 1939.
120 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 2, Preparation for War 1939-1941, 49, 68-70.
121 U.S. War Department, "Military Reservations," 28; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the 19th Wing. A.C., 1 January 1940 - 20 November 1940, 40.
122 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 3, The War Period 1941-1945, 193; Hannaman, interview; Letter from Major General Daniel Van Voorhis, Headquarters Panama Canal Department to the Adjutant General, Washington, D.C. on May 15, 1940, 1, in Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the 19th Wing, A.C. 1 January 1940 -20 November 1940, 16.
123 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force History of the Panama Canal Department Air Force. 20 November 1940 - 8 May 1941, 46
124 Ibid., 44-47; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the 19th Wing. A.C., 1 January 1940 - 20 November 1940, 39-40; Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 2, Preparation for War 1939-1941, 53-a.
125 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 2, Preparation for War 1939-1941, 66; Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Historical Section, Sixth Air Force, History of the Panama Canal Department Air Force, 20 November 1940 - 8 May 1941, Enclosure #53.
126 Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Record Drawings on file at the Environmental Flight, Drafting Section, Howard AFB.
127 Ibid.
128 Ibid.
129 Ibid.
130 Historical Section, Sixth Air Force History of the Panama Canal Department Air Force- 20 November 1940 - 8 May 1941, 48.
131 Morris, Security and Defense of the Panama Canal, 62.
132 Ibid., 46; Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB; Record Drawings on file at the Environmental Flight, Drafting Section, Howard AFB.
133 Real Property Records on file at the Real Estate Office, Howard AFB.

134 Virginia & Lee McAlester, A Field Guide to American Houses, (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991), 408-411.
135 Ibid., 128-133.
136 Ibid., 416-421.
137 Ibid., 464-466
138 Ibid., 468-471.
139 Panama Canal Department Historical Section, History of the Panama Canal Department, Vol. 3, The War Period 1941 - 1945, 210-212.
140 Ibid., 212,215.
141 In other research, the authors have seen plans developed by the War Department Quartermaster Corps in the Canal Zone used at other overseas bases.
142 Later notations appear on the original plan to accommodate an optional ground floor addition. This design modification was implemented at Albrook Building 2 in order to create a General Officers' Quarters. The undated notations make reference to Drawing No. 25-03-01, but the drawing was not found in the 24th Wing drawing vault.
143 Drawings for this housing type are labeled "Ft. Clayton (Curundu MR.)," indicating their use at other installations in the Canal Zone.
144 Drawings for this housing type are labeled "Fort Sherman," again indicating their use at other installations in the Canal Zone.
145 Main hangar doors and hardware appear to be from Standard Plan No. 695-276 for Air Corps 1930-A Design of the same date.
146 John S. Garner, World War II Temporary Military Buildings, (USACERL Technical Report CRC-93/01, March 1993), 45.



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U.S. Senate. A Chronology of Events Relating to the Panama Canal: Prepared for the Committee-on Foreign Relation. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1977.

U.S. Senate. "Defense, Maintenance and Operation of the Panama Canal, Including Administration and Government of the Canal Zone -- Hearings before the Committee on Armed Services." Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1978.

U.S. War Department. "Military Reservations: Canal Zone, September 26, 1942." Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1942.

Voss, T. S. "The Army Air Service." Infantry Journal 26, (April 1925): 417-420.

Wells, George M. Resident Engineer, The Panama Canal to Governor, The Panama Canal. January 27, 1916. File 13-U-2/25, Part 2, January 1, 1916-April 30, 1934. General Records 1914-34. Records of The Panama Canal, 1914-1950, Record Group 185. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Wright, Almon R. "Defense Sites Negotiations between the United States and Panama, 1936-1948." Department of State Bulletin, vol. 27, August 11, 1952.



Extracted from Historical and Architectural Documentation Reports for Albrook Air Force Station and Howard Air Force Base, Former Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, by Dr. Susan I. Enscore, Suzanne P. Johnson, Michael A. Pedrotty, and Julie L. Webster, RA, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, September 1997. (Full citation in Links/Literature) (Not all photos in the original publication are included here.)

Complete report at https://www.denix.osd.mil/denix/Public/ES-Programs/Conservation/Legacy/DocReps/hadr1.html#toc


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