The following stuff in this page are various short comics I drew, and thus
many of them are stand-alone stories (although "omakes" are based on characters
from another comic). No Impromanga segments(mid segments that affects the story
of a bigger comic) are contained in this particular page. --D_Art

  • "On Fishing"
    1 2

  • "The Masked Jester"
    1 2 3

  • "A Conversation Between..."

  • "Untitled (so far)"
    1 2

  • "A Conversation Between..." (part 2)
    1 2

  • "At the Pond"
    1 2 3 4 5 6

  • "On Fiona"
    (Note: Fiona is a Fan Art Headquarter's mascot)
  • "An Intro, More or Less"
  • "A Tutorial on Drawing"
  • "Fiona Weekly Part #26"
    (A Fiona Fanart guest part I did for AAHQ)

  • "Star Worse"
    (a Star Wars parody starring the AAHQ Impromanga characters)
    Cover 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

  • "Leaper 2"
    (An Impromanga submission based on the tv show "Quantum Leap."
    The story would have been basically about Dr. Sam Beckett's son, Sam Jr.
    (a not very bright sort of individual) who stumbles upon the QL Project
    and finds himself leaping from Impromanga to Impromangas where he must
    complete them. However, since this submission didn't make the cut, it
    has been abandoned.)

    Cover 1 2 3