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We have drawings and paintings on this page,
not a lot but we hope to add more in the near future.
We have also added our own drawings for you to view.
For more information on the pictures and drawings, see the 'Notes' below.


Title: Blue Sky Creator: unknown

Title: None Creator: John Fast


Gold's Art/Pics

Title: Gold Creator: Gold
Title: Gold Pose Creator: Gold

Blue's Art/Pics

Title: Dragon-comp Creator: Urytevaera

Title: Tear Creator: Urytevaera

Title: My hand Creator: Urytevaera

Title: Dragon (Black and White) Creator: Urytevaera


Dragon Art
Title: Glory Gold Creator: Andrew Bill


Other Art



Name of picture: Blue Sky

Sorry but we do not know who made this picture :(

Name of picture: None

The picture that isn't named yet is made by John Fast.
"The image is of a Leonid meteorite captured near the constellation of Orion during the November 18th Leonid shower." -John Fast

Thank you very much John for letting us put your picture up at our site.

Name of picture: Gold

It is the closest he can get so far to showing what he looks like. I am sure he will have more like that one above.

Name of drawing: Dragon-Comp
*blue* I think I made it last September(2001). I drew a rough sketch
on paper, scanned it and re-drew it pixel by pixel.
It's not perfectly done, but it gets the point across :P
Name of picture: Tear

I made this in 2000 one night when I was feeling down.
The mage is depressed and her dragon friend is sitting on her walking staff
looking at her to see if she's okay.

Name of picture: My Hand

The hand that I drew is the most accurate drawing of my draconic hand so far.
The extra thumb actually bends back like a birds(ie,I walk with that thumb facing
backwards) and the tendon and muscles at the base of the wrist help it so it is
I can't explain it fully but it acts like a double thumb so I can grasp
objects better.

Some of the padding is thick (in the most stressed areas) and some pads are thin.
I decided to keep this pic black and white for now.

Just to note:
The padding and nails should be black, the back of the hand a Cobalt blue (or Ultramarine),and the in-between a light? Ultramarine/Cobalt.

Name of picture: Dragon

The one black and white, simply called 'Dragon' was made by Blue about 5 or more
years ago(back around '98 or older)and was a 'rough' sketch of what she looked like
(Though now she says the 'beak' was wrong but still thinks it looks cute for the
picture). Yes, we are aware that it isn't a full picture but she wanted it that
way...ask her why if you want.

Name of picture: Glory Gold

From the cover of The Glory of the Golden Dragon, by Andrew Bill.
It's available through Enchantica:
Enchantica Collectors Club
Munro Collectibles
PO Box 200
Waterville, OH 43566

IMPORTANT!!! We don't mind if you would like to put our pictures
up on your page/site but we do ask that you ASK US FIRST before taking the pictures.

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This site © wingedwatchers, 2001
Made: July 9, 2001