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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page.
The 'answers' below are from our opinion and sometimes the opinions
of most/some? other Draconic Kin.
We do not have all the answers...that would take the mystery(fun) out of life :P
These questions and answers here are a collection of questions that people
have asked us, even questions that we have asked as well.

If you have any questions...please email us at or fill in the form below.

Draconic FAQ - General

"What is a dragon?"
"Are you dragons?"
"Don’t you mean you roleplay as dragons?"
"Are you just pretending to be dragons to be cool?"
"Are you in a cult?"
"Aren’t dragons supposed to be dumb and mean?"
"It sounds like being a dragon would be a fun and simple lifestyle, is it easy being a dragon?"
"How did you become a dragon and can I be one?"
"When did you find out you were dragons? Did you always know?"
"I have heard people say they have dragon friends that are invisible and come to cast spells and just be friends. Who are the real dragons?"

Draconic FAQ’s –Awakening and such-

"What does ‘Awakening’ mean?"
"I think I am a dragon but I am not sure. Can you tell me if I am one?"
"How can you tell if someone is a dragon?"
"I met this person and I think they are a dragon, should I tell them what they are?"
"How many dragons are on the net?"
"Someone told me if you don’t have a memory of being a dragon, that you aren’t one. Is that true?"

Draconic FAQ’s –Shifting and ‘cycles’ of the universe-

"Can you really turn into a dragon?"
"Does the moon affect dragons?"

Draconic FAQ’s –Magick and powers-

"I heard dragons practice magick. I can’t cast spells, does that mean I am not really a dragon?"
"Do all dragons breathe fire?"
"What other powers do dragons have?"

Draconic FAQ’s –Mundanes / Normals-

"What is a mundane/normal?"
"Are you saying humans are ‘useless’ or not special cause they are not dragons?"
"I have a friend who is 100% human, and I am a dragon. I don’t know if I should tell him/her what I am…what should I do?"
"Should I tell everyone what I am?"

Draconic FAQ’s -Complicated stuff-

"My family knows that I am a dragon but they disapprove, they think I am just pretending and anytime I mention draconic stuff they roll their eyes and/or laugh or sigh and say “Cut out that childish/satanic/ etc..stuff”. I am not hurting anyone, I am not forcing anyone to believe in what I am…I just want to be accepted… what can I do? How can I show them I am serious"
"I have been having really weird lucid dreams lately. Most don’t make sense and some are quite frightening. I have lost sleep from this. What’s going on?"
"I have been feeling ‘weird’ the last couple of days. I just don’t feel right; I feel off balance and over-loaded! Is this normal for dragons?"


Draconic FAQ’s –general-

1) “What is a dragon?”

Typical definition: drag·on
Pronunciation: 'dra-g&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin dracon-, draco serpent, dragon, from Greek drakOn
Date: 13th century
1 archaic : a huge serpent
2 : a mythical animal usually represented as a monstrous winged and scaly serpent or saurian with a crested head and enormous claws
3 : a violent, combative, or very strict person
4 capitalized : DRACO
5 : something or someone formidable or baneful
- drag·on·ish /-g&-nish/ adjective

Otherkin definition:
Dragon. This type of magical creature is not ‘physically’ common to this world (at least, during this time it isn't).
Typical western dragon includes a head, tail, one pair of bat-like wings, two fore arms, two hind legs.
Eastern dragon includes a head, tail, no wings, two arms, two legs, and scales.
Definitions vary with individual. More will be added.

2) “
Are you dragons?“

Yes, we are dragons.

3) “
Don’t you mean you roleplay as dragons?”

We believe that we are real dragons, not in the scales (at least not in this lifetime) but we have draconic souls. We do play role-playing games but we keep our draconic lives and our game lives separate!

4) “
Are you just pretending to be dragons to be cool?”

No we do not pretend to be dragons, we are what we are and have accepted it. We do not tell others cause we feel it is cool either. If people don’t like what we are, then that’s their opinion. If people think it is cool, that’s their opinion also.

5) “
Are you in a cult?”

Absolutely not! Infact, being a dragon isn’t a religion, it’s a belief. They come to understand themselves and believe in themselves. Some dragons may choose to follow a certain religion (or none) and that is their right. Some dragons follow human religions and or beliefs also but some tend to ‘forge’ their own path, As long as they aren’t hurting anyone (or themselves) and believe that it’s the best path for them.

6) “
Aren’t dragons supposed to be dumb and mean?”

In some fairy tales dragons appear as big, dumb, mean creatures that capture defenseless princesses and wait around patiently *sighs* for the handsome knight in shining armor to kill the dragon and rescue the princess. Most dragons we have met are very intelligent, patient, and kind. There may be ‘slow’ dragons around, but does that make them mean? They may have a heart of gold(metaphorically speaking, although you can never be sure what all dragons are made of)

7) “
It sounds like being a dragon would be a fun and simple lifestyle, is it easy being a dragon?”

Sometimes being a dragon can be more trouble than it’s worth. We have come to accept what we are and we trust in ourselves. Being a dragon doesn’t give us the easy road; we do run into problems from time to time. We worry about ‘fitting in’ into normal ‘human’ lives (a very hard task indeed), we worry about our hoards, our love life, sometimes we can get really down cause we miss our true homeland.
Sometimes we feel that we are always running out of time, as if only a year should have passed instead of ten! It isn’t always that bad, sometimes it is fun to be a dragon; remembering the feeling of flying, finding out there are others like you and they have the same memories, just knowing that you found out what you are can be a big relief on you mind! “Wow, it all makes sense now!”. As for simple lifestyle, that’s not really true. Sure dragons can take pleasure in simple things; a philosophical debate, bathing in the sun, reading a good book….but some dragons like intense things like sky diving, being in the military, playing rough sports,etc… its all up to the individual dragons likes/ dislikes.

8) "
How did you become a dragon and can I be one?”

Gold and I never ‘became’ dragons; we always were. We became ‘awakened’, which pretty much means we found out (remembered) what we were/are. As for becoming a dragon…. We have heard of people using spells to bind souls with a dragon (NEVER BY FORCE!), but for actually mixing up a ‘potion’ or something to becoming one…. that’s pretty much just in fairy tales.

9) “
When did you find out you were dragons? Did you always know?”

We always knew we were ‘different’ from other kids…

Blue grew up with a strong love of dinosaurs and always felt something was missing…She began having draconic dreams at about 13 years of age -before 13 they were dinosaurs with weird features or special abilities :) –
She started to seriously wonder if she was really a dragon at about 17, and at 18 she had enough memories and ‘feelings’ about draconity that she couldn’t possibly dismiss as just ‘nothing’. She still questions herself though (which is healthy) and finds that the questions become positive answers and bring her closer to complete understanding of herself.

Gold on the other hand had a relatively 'normal' life. He had a intrest in the story of Saint George and the Dragon as well as other fantasy stories esspecially if they had a Dragon. He also like Blue had a intrest in dinosaurs, but not as intense. He also has a love of combat and the military. But as to his knowledge of his Draconic nature, it was mainly limited to an occasional dream or vision hinting at his nature. He only resently began remebering through dreams and his feelings.

10) “
I have heard people say they have dragon friends that are invisible and come to cast spells and just be friends. Who are the real dragons?”

Dragons come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Not all dragons are in human bodies, dragons can be in other creatures, and they can live their lives out as a cat, Elf, a tree or live in/as a rock. When dragons without bodies travel in the astral (or whatever you call them) planes, they can become interested in the physical world.
A curious and bored dragon could sit down on your kitchen table, completely invisible and incorporeal but still there and watch you cook your dinner. When it’s curiosity has been sated, it will leave. If it finds a nice place with kind people it can stick around for a while. If the people are dragons, or even love dragons, the incorporeal dragon could stay for years or longer and might even make its presence known. Have you ever seen shadows in the corner of your eye and when you look, it’s gone? Or even hear a faint purring sound that you can’t track physically?….they are there, they know, and their very curious!

Draconic FAQ’s –Awakening and such-

1) "
What does ‘Awakening’ mean?”

Awakening means that the individual begins to remember their past lives as a dragon or otherkin or find out what their soul really is. Sometimes their senses heighten, sometimes they remember old powers and begin to use them. Awakening can be slow or it can come in a rush to the person…one minute they feel they are normal, the next, they remember who they truly are. Some accept it, some don’t. Some embrace their awakening and some suppress it. Awakenings can be calm and enjoyable, but sometimes they can be painful and scary! Either way, awakening can be a life changing experience and it is up to the awakened individual if they wish to accept who they are or put it in the darkest corners of their mind.

2) “
I think I am a dragon but I am not sure. Can you tell me if I am one?”

No one can really tell you what you are (or should for that matter). Only you can truly understand yourself and you shouldn’t listen to someone if they tell you that you are a “so and so” and you feel that they are wrong. Listen to your heart and soul. If you believe that you are a dragon, good! But don’t believe you aren’t just cause someone else tells you that you are wrong.

3) “
How can you tell if someone is a dragon?”

Not all dragons are the same and they don’t all have the same lifestyles. However, some of the general ones seem to be:
- Heightened senses (e.g. can hear a siren before anyone else can)
- Psychic ability
- Love of puzzles(not just chess)
- Very patient
- Philosophical
- Looks younger but acts older than they are.
(Sometimes this isn’t always the case, some old dragons can act quite young for their age, as if they are children, call it a connection to their inner hatchling.)

4) "
I met this person and I think they are a dragon, should I tell them what they are?”

Usually telling them is not a good idea. The person could listen to you and get ripped into a whole new way of thinking that is scary for them! The person may become very confused and angry with you for telling them something they may not be prepared for. Perhaps they then believed you casted a spell on them or some other nonsense and hate you forever.
Perhaps they take it in a positive way…and thank you. But are you prepared to give them all the answers?
Best thing to do is let them find out themselves, always try to think how they would feel.

5) “
How many dragons are on the net?”

Wow, now that is tricky, do you mean awakened or non-awakened? Awakened dragons could probably be over 800? And non-awakened….who knows? Your next door neighbor could be one and you might never really know!

6) “
Someone told me if you don’t have a memory of being a dragon, that you aren’t one. Is that true?”

Not necessarily, although most awakened dragons speak of their memories. Sometimes you can just ‘feel’ the dragon inside you and that is enough for some people.

Draconic FAQ’s –Shifting and ‘cycles’ of the universe-

1) "
Can you really turn into a dragon?"

Us? Not physically and not in this life…yet. Perhaps others have, but you probably won’t get any ‘real’ confessions. Could you imagine if you could suddenly sprout wings?
If you showed up in class one day like that you would probably end up in a lab before the sun set!
If at all you can change physically, you probably would be safer off not telling anyone. If you can tell a close friend with full trust they will keep your secret to the grave, then good for you!
Some dragons can Lucid Dream shift into their dragon forms and go flying nightly in their dream world.
There are other types of shifting and not all dragons can do them. It doesn’t mean those dragons are more special than others because of this, it just means that some enjoy shifting a certain way, some don’t, or some have and easier time, whereas some haven’t remembered how they did it centuries/lifetimes before.
It appears that dragons have a hard time entering the astral realms. *Blue comments: “ I can astral shift through lucid dreams but as of yet I don’t have the proper focus to do it while fully consious”*

2) "
Does the moon affect dragons?"

All dragons are different. The moon could affect one dragon, while the sun affects another (Gold loves being in the sun). Some might be affected by the seasons and others from the lining of the planets…
A dragon affected by 'something', could have heightened senses, intense feelings(good or bad), cravings and urges..etc..

Draconic FAQ’s –Magick and powers-

1) "
I heard dragons practice magick. I can’t cast spells, does that mean I am not really a dragon?”

It is assumed that all dragons can have great magickal abilities and are so magickally intune that they can cause pretty strange things to happen, but not all are like this. Not all dragons cast spells; some use psionics/energy work -they prefer to use just pure energy and direct it to their desires. Some dragons might not have any magickal/psionic/energy manipulating abilities alltogether, but most dragons we have encountered have a 'magickal' ability or two.

2) "
Do all dragons breathe fire?"

No. To our knowledge, the types of dragon breaths are pretty much infinite.
Dragons can breathe fire, ice, water, earth, sound, light, energy…etc… the list goes on and dragons have remembered their unique ‘out of this world’ energies that they can focus as 'breath weapons'. Mabey one dragon can breathe the weapon in different ways like Gold, or have two or more breath weapons while another can’t breathe anything at all (aside from air).

3) "
What other powers do dragons have?”

The list goes on… Aside from natural abilities (flying, clawing, and biting) and breath weapons, there is magick, psionics, and more…

Draconic FAQ’s –Mundanes / Normals-

1) "
What is a mundane/normal?"

A mundane or normal means a human who is not draconic or otherkin. They are 100% human, talk like humans, act like humans, etc… Otherkin tend to call ‘close minded’ people mundane cause they have not opened their eyes at the possibilities of what they could be or experience.

2) “
Are you saying humans are ‘useless’ or not special cause they are not dragons?”

No, we have had many friends that are ‘normals’ and they are great to be around. Some even know about what we are and accept it. Sometimes you run into bad situations/people though; We have met people and told people what we are and they have disagreed or even become hostile!
*Blue comments: “I believe what people don’t understand, they tend to fear, what they fear, they tend to hate, what they hate…they destroy! (Or try to)”
Not all humans are called mundanes however. Every now and then a human is born with great power, perhaps they had gained it from the life before or learned it in their current life. These people are usually empaths, psionics, sorcerers (or whatever you call it), intense artists, and definitely should not be called ‘mundane’.

3) “
I have a friend who is 100% human, and I am a dragon. I don’t know if I should tell him/her what I am…what should I do?”

If you feel the person will laugh at you, then telling them wouldn’t be the best idea. If you feel that they will understand and will continue being your friend that would be great! The decision is solely yours and you shouldn’t feel pressured into telling someone! If you want to tell them cause you think they will think you are cool, then you are doing it for the wrong reasons. Telling someone you care about what you are is good, having that person understand and continue to love you still is excellent.
The main questions you should ask is ‘Can I trust this person to keep this a secret?’ ‘Will they laugh in my face?’ ‘Will they never want to be my friend again?’ ‘Am I doing this to look cool? /powerful? So others can be amazed?’.
Of course you can never truly know what the person/people will say or how they will react… use your judgement and it helps to explain to them how you feel about what you are.

4) "
Should I tell everyone what I am?”

Same thing…do you really want everyone to know? Can you handle people laughing at you and saying that you’re wrong? You need to have confidence in yourself first before you would want to try this. Some people may be mean, call you names, or even try to beat you up cause you are different.
On the other hand, could you accept having other dragons know what you are?
It’s a lot easier to find a dragon in a city if a dragon tells others what they are “ Oh, you mean dragon boy, yeah he goes to my school….” It can be a lot easier finding others like you.
Could you imagine just standing up in class one day and announcing “I am a dragon” and through all of the confused ‘mundane’ faces in the class…another person stands up and says “you too? I thought I was the only one!” with joy and relief in their voice. Hey, stuff like that CAN happen, its rare though. It’s best to listen to your heart.

Draconic FAQ’s -Complicated stuff-

1) “
My family knows that I am a dragon but they disapprove, they think I am just pretending and anytime I mention draconic stuff they roll their eyes and/or laugh or sigh and say “Cut out that childish/satanic/ etc..stuff”. I am not hurting anyone, I am not forcing anyone to believe in what I am…I just want to be accepted… what can I do? How can I show them I am serious?”

Unfortunately, that is a problem. It can be hard for people to accept what you are, even family.
When older family members are involved, you have to remember, they are used to the ‘old way of doing things’ and see stuff like draconics as just daydreaming or even evil. Older siblings may feel you are 'pretending' to be something and continually call you a child who needs to grow up. Parents can be bad with accepting too. Assuming you have a caring yet skeptical mother/father or both parents, they will probably try to protect you from any harm you might be causing yourself.
Family can even get so bad that they will try to send you to a psychologist or worse!

Possibly the best thing you can do is be mature, if your siblings tease you, don’t fight them or call them names, that only encourages their behavior. If you act mature they might just take you a bit more seriously. If you want to explain to them all about draconics, be prepared, it might not go as planned.
The one big problem you might have to deal with is a religious conflict in the family. Some religions view dragons as immensely evil beings of darkness. Even if you tell them you are not like that, they can stick to their thoughts. Everyone has their own opinion however, and sometimes you just have to nod and realize that they aren’t ready to accept what you are. Know that they are unique beings also and they have their own opinions. Perhaps you might even have to just pretend you are human when around them, it’s not the only option, but it tends to be a less-stressful one.

2) “
I have been having really weird lucid dreams lately. Most don’t make sense and some are quite frightening. I have lost sleep from this. What’s going on?”

Dragons have magical dreams and some can be very intense. Weird dreams are good (informative) and you should always write them down for they are packed with symbolism!
Dreams can turn into nightmares but some are a great learning experience. Your draconic side may also be trying to communicate with you this way. These intense dreams/nightmares are erratic and can go for months, or even years. Trust in your draconic side and know that it is only trying to help you understand it (you) better.

3) “
I have been feeling ‘weird’ the last couple of days. I just don’t feel right; I feel off balance and over-loaded! Is this normal for dragons?”

What is normal for one dragon may not be normal for another. Sounds like you may need to ‘ground’ (connect your energy to the earth to replenish yourself). Dragons seem to get bombarded with lots of psychic/magickal energies and may need to ground more than others.

Don’t know how to ground? Sounds too complicated? Try sitting in a natural setting (forest, by a river, etc.) or if you’re a city dweller try a park. Sit on the grass/dirt and put your palms to the ground. Just relax, and close your eyes. Imagine you can feel mother natures heart beat drumming away under ground, imagine the beat vibrating through your body. Just a couple minutes of that can really calm a person down!

In a rush? People around? Sometimes leaning against a tree helps. Ever hear people say ‘hug a tree!’? Trees tend to be full of energy and always seem to want more. Even if you feel you have too much energy, trees wont mind if you give them some. Have you ever noticed when your angry and you go outside to get some fresh air and sit under a tree that after a couple of minutes you feel calmer? Just be sure to thank them for their help ;)

We hope some of this has helped. If you wish to ask us more questions, we will answer them to the best of our ability.

          "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and go well with ketchup!" -- Unknown

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Made: July 9, 2001