and the CHEROKEE

Bravery, Courage and Spirit -

The Cherokee People have many things in common with our brother the Eagle. Since the beginning of time, we have embraced the Eagle as a spirit bird with strong medicine. The Eagle is as one with the Great Spirit because he flies high and free. The Leaders of our people, spiritual, in times of war and peace are adorned with Eagle's feathers. Given for acts of bravery and courage, Eagle feathers are prized possessions.
These majestic birds have symbolized courage, strength and a balanced spirit. Through the Eagle, we learn that the joy and freedom we gain through reaching for the Sun is worth the fear of singed feathers. We learn that the journey to our Higher Self is a process where the greatest growth will occur when there is balance in all dimensions of our life.

Our People on the Trail Of Tears embodied all of the above qualities
of the Eagle. Bravery, Courage and Spirit.

Where Eagles Fly
by - Helen E. Payne Spencer, Cherokee

The coolness of the mountains
and the deepness of the sea
The blueness of the sky,
The Eagles fly - They do not flee.
The long amber grasses
floating in the breeze,
The smell of sweet flowers
are just thoughts inside of me.
Where men would never venture,
That's where the Eagles fly
On top of purple mountains
You can hear their shrieking cry.
In the mountains are their nests
Hidden from the prey

They won't be fools or be victims Or fall along the way.
They fight for life,
these large strong birds,
They won't let it pass them by.
Examples in our life should be.
To fly where Eagles fly.


Feather Bar by:

Background was designed by my
friend Cougar Heart. Please visit his site.

Midi "Still A Dream" is
used with permission 
and is copyright © 2000

Bruce DeBoer