Witch Grass Coven
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About The Witch Grass Coven

The Witch Grass Coven
The Witch Grass Coven was started in March of 2000. It started with four people wanting basically the same thing, a group of people that were all connected by religion. What also bought us together was the fact that we all had children.
Many people in the Pagan community have found that if you have children, you will need child care to attend events, and join a coven. We felt that this was unfair and was not a religion we would want to be in!
If you can not have your children with you when you worship, than it is a real religion.
Witch Grass Coven was our answer, where people who have children could get together, and their children could play together.
We do not require people to be parents to join this coven, but they must accept that this is what we are. We will not hide our children, nor hire child care to have a ritual, children's energy is the purest energy in the room!
The coven has had various members over the years, the great thing is that after people have left or were released from this coven most have stayed friends!
The coven is based in NROOGD tradition, but we are eclectic. We have taken from many other tradition, and even other religions to build a coven that is completely ours.
The current coven is big into creating and making things. We do a lot of arts and crafts that are relevant to what we are doing in the coven.
We are more a family than a coven, we are each interwoven into each others lives. We care about each other, and love having a good time together. Inside the circle, as well as out.
There are many things that we have in common, other than religion.
We all have children
We all love to read...everything and anything!
We love to create...thus the reason we all have kids! LOL
We each have a respect for each other
We love to have a good time, and laugh with one another!
The coven and its history show a long line of positive and loving bonds!