Launched in the year 1638 at "Roche-Bernard" the French vessel
"LA COURONNE" was constructed on basis of scientific instructions
of the priest Fournier's theoretical manual, "the Hydrography".
Richly decorated with sculptures made of painted wood on her stem
and on her quarter-deck "LA COURONNE" had also some galleries
with large rear windows in form of arcs. She was in fact,. a three mast
galleon with 80 fire-guns placed along a hulk of 50,7 m and a
maximum of 14,9 width. Her main deck was 6 m deep while the
surface of its sails measured about 2000 m2 and she was constructed
in such a way that allowed her to fire on the galleys in any direction.
Giving always the best of herself during her time in the French
navigation, "LA COURONNE" afterward served as a model for the
construction of many other vessels.