My name is Irma Lowthian-James and I live in the middle of Montana with my husband of 30 years. (January 24, 1969-99) We have three grown sons and a good number of grandchildren (the most recent twin boys). We have two dogs (a Rott & a Dobie) TAZ & CASH and a half siamease cat named BLUE.Until December of 1997 I worked for a well known manufacturer of back packs but unfortuneately they decided to move their production overseas. My husband and I purchased several of their sewing machines and are now in the process of building our own little company making bags, back-packs and several other items. I hope to have a web site up and running soon for our company.
This train is for Rob,my step father, who loves trains. He is a great person and this is in his honor.
I have always been interested in all types of needlework and crafts. I've done everything from knitting, crochet, crewel, ceramics, embroidery and many other crafts to numerous to mention. I can never remember being so enthralled as I am with bead weaving. I spend every free moment I can either beading, designing patterns to weave, or shopping for more beads. Unfortunately I live in an area where not to many of the little critters are. This is probably a good thing as I really would spend more time and money than I should persuing beads.
Other Interests
I have two other passions (other than my family) that I live for. I collect elephant figurines and plates with wolves.I have a small collection of elephants which include brass, ceramic and blown glass. My favorite are the Luckyphant figures. As you can see I have found myself a cyber elephant also.
My plate collection on the other hand is extensive. I think I have just about every plate that has had wolves as a theme. I also have calendars and T-shirts and just about everything else that a picture can be put on of wolves. I hope to have a gallery of some of my favorite pictures & plates here sometime in the future.