
Conference Information

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

As Salaamu Alaikum Sisters,


                     The Waitlist is now Closed.
              Note: Please read this entire message.

Insha'Allah, our 31st Annual Conference is just around the corner and we cannot wait to see all of our lovely sisters from around the world. In order to make this a pleasant and productive conference, we need to share some important announcements with all of our attendees:

• Please remember that there will be NO REGISTRATION AT THE DOOR!!! We have reached our maximum capacity at the hotel and cannot allow any other registrants at the conference.
•If you are selling your tickets to another sister, please be sure to email WCMAS so that we may update our records and not have to turn any sisters away at the door. The SELLER must be the individual who emails us the new information. We will need all registration questions answered for the new attendees before the change can be completed. Forms can be found on our website at womens_committee.tripod.com.
•If you have not chosen your meals for the conference, email WCMAS at womens_committee@hotmail.com ASAP. Please include each registrants name and meal choices.

****Very Important Hotel Announcements****
•In order to make the hotel registration process faster, we will need all attendees that have reservations, to call the hotel and attach names, not just card numbers, to each reserved room. Please call Hyatt Regency at 1-888-591-1234. Do not call the local Baltimore number.
•If you are cancelling your reservation, your room will no longer be available at the WCMAS block rate price. If you would like to transfer your room to another sister at our block rate price, you will need to have the original name and credit card information that the room was registered under. You will also need the new person's name and their valid credit card information at the time of transfer. Please call the hotel at 1-888-591-1234. Do not call the local Baltimore number.
•Please be mindful that any reserved rooms that are not paid for can result in a fiscal obligation for WCMAS. Cancel any rooms that are no longer needed so others, who want to attend, may make reservations.
•Parking at the hotel will be $12 at the Hyatt and $15 at the Sonesta Hotel per day. This price is only for registered guests at the hotels. If you are not a guest at the hotel, you will have to call the hotel for parking fees. Leaving your vehicle at any time will constitute as parking and a fee will be charged.

There will be more important announcements as we get closer to our event date. Please read them all carefully and completely.

Shukran everyone,
The Women's Committee of Masjid As Saffat
The room block for The Royal Sonesta Harbor Court is now closed. However, rooms may still be available at the $119 rate but you must call the names listed below to book a room per availability. These are the ONLY people who can book a room at the block rate:

Margaret Chua: 410-230-1917
Valarie Manas: 410-347-9712

Shukran Everyone


Alhamdulillah, WCMAS has truly been blessed with the opportunity to host our 31st annual sisters’ conference, and we’ve brought it back to Baltimore City to be held at the  elegant Hyatt Regency located in the heart of downtown Baltimore. We extend a gracious invitation for you to join us as we celebrate thirty-one years of sharing dawah about Allah (SWT), Prophet Muhammad (SAW ), and Islam  strictly in accordance with Qur’an and Sunnah.

The theme of the conference is, “Habeebullah: Allah Chose Him,” and, insha’Allah, we will share information on Muhammad ibn Abdullah - the man, the father, the husband, the statesman, the businessman, and the companion. We will look at his Prophethood and his Sunnah—a Mercy from Allah that allowed him to change the world.

Once again, Jumu’ah will be held at the hotel.  Our Friday evening session will be held from six to seven o’clock followed by our Meet and Greet presented this year as “An Evening of White And Black Elegance” (we ask everyone to dress in all white and black from head to toe). Insha’Allah, we will have a full day on Saturday and half day on Sunday.  WCMAS is making du’a for all of our guests that Allah grant you a safe trip to Baltimore and back home. Ameen.