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Animated Gifs
First of all you need a relatively good graphics program such as Paint Shop Pro to produce your Gif files. Make each frame of your animated Gif and it is a good idea to save them as 1.gif, 2.gif, 3.gif.... in the order they will be displayed. You can have as many frames as you want but remember the size of the animated file will be all the frames added up. And that's the hard bit done!

Now you need an animation program which, of course, puts the frames together. With extensive research I've found some great ones.

Win 95, Win 3.1 and Mac (I think): The Gif Constuction Set
I am using Win 3.1 and had trouble downloading The Gif Construction Set but it is said to be very good.

DOS: Gif Make
I use Gif Make. It downloads in seconds and has animation done just as fast! A must if you're using Win 3.1.

Transparent Gifs
A transparent Gif is an image, either animated or static, in which the background of an internet page can be seen around the main focus. For example, below are two images I made transparent in Gif Make and used on my Xena page.

The original pictures would have had something in the background behind Xena and Gabrielle.

So here's what to do: use Paint Shop Pro to zoom into the image (9:1 is good) and trace around the main focus of your image (Xena and Gabrielle) with one colour. I use eighter black (colour 0) or white (colour 255). Remember to always use the 256 colour palette as this is Gif format. If you save and open one of my transparent Gifs in a picture veiwer (not a browser) you'll see the background colour.

Now use one of the above animation programs to turn your background colour transparent. Easy as that!

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