My Snazzy Web pages:

Kat's Craft Corner
Great info and links to craft related sites
Antique & Old
For those who like refurbishing antique & old furniture
Antique & Old
Swedish Antiques & old furniture

Kat's    Arts    and    Crafts    Corner

Welcome to my web site!

This site will provide free info about antique & craft related things and
projects and will be under constant development.  Please take a 
look at my main web pages on the side.

Craft Tip #1

Use old childrens clothes to create a quilt full of memories to give
to them as adults.  Save your childrens clothes now!!!

Craft Tip #2

Don't throw away old furniture!  Refurbish it with paint, stain, or


Project #1

Get a straight piece of board or wood with pegs on it to hang things 
on.  Cut fresh preferably flat flowers and flatten them inside a book
of some kind.  Place the flat dried flowers on the board of wood and
place a clear coat of varnish over it.  In the end you should have a 
coat hanger with fresh looking spring flowers on it.

       Example:   [ o  o  o  o ]  

(imagine this coat hanger with flowers around the pegs)

Project #2

Collect branches of wood (2 big pieces to be placed horizontilly and
parellel to each other) and (2-4 Y shaped branches for the pegs)
Nail the Y shaped branches to the parallel horizontal big pieces spacing 
them equally. (collect smaller straight brances for the "X" areas
inbetween the pegs)  Nail or glue the X shaped branches to the bigger
pieces of parellel wood.  It should look something similiar to this:

              XYXYXY   (example)
Imagine the "X" being to crossed small pieces of wood and the "Y" being
the Y shaped branch that makes a peg.  This is a great idea if you 
want the rustic look in a coat or key hanger.

Project #3

Save scraps of paper and napkins for doing a decoupage effect. Its
a good idea to paint the item your going to decoupage on a similiar
color to the paper and/or napkins you are using or just paint it white
before decoupaging it.  Buy Decoupage sealer and
place it on the item your going to decoupage lightly with a brush
then stroke the brush up to the sides to even the paper out if 
neccesary.  Add a coat of sealer over the project then let it dry!

Things you can decoupage with:
1. Cut out pieces of paper or victorian paper dolls
2. Paper Napkins
3. Dried Flowers
4. Anything you can think of that is possible to decoupage with

Things to decoupage on:
1. Plant Pots
2. Boxes or chests of any kind
3. Cans
4. Glass Bottles

More tips and projects will come in the future!  Please check out my
main web site with more craft related info ie: "Kat's Craft Corner"
and my "Antique & Old" site.

Thank you for visiting my web site!

Craft Related Links:

Craft Net Projects
Free Craft Projects
Aunt Annie's Crafts
Great instructions & Free Craft Ideas!
Mary's Craft Corner
Free advice & Projects!
101 Sewing Links
Sewing related links
World Wide Quilting Page
Quilting related Instructions

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